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So let me get this straight. There was an impromptu poetry slam tryout to become Worcester’s official “poet laureate,” and Robert Blackwell-Gibbs dished out some hot poetry takes, and I wasn’t there??!!! How did this happen??!! How did I not know about this??!!
Worcester Magazine: Buoyed by City Manager Ed Augustus Jr.’s announcement that he will ask councilors later this month to create a poet laureate position, a number of area poets did their thing inside City Hall Wednesday night, April 8. Some spoke softly, others rose their voices to the rooftops, and still others broke into song as they performed original poems or read from poets of Worcester past.
While some kept it light, others, such as Robert “Bobby” Blackwell Gibbs and Ashley Wonder, dug deep into their frustration over recent incidents centered around racial protests in Worcester – and over race relations in general. Wonder drew applause and shouts of encouragement with a fiercely passionate expression over the shooting of black men by police and the sting of racism. Gibbs, meanwhile, unleashed a poem in the form of an open letter to the city, singling out Police Chief Gary Gemme and Augustus, who he referred to as “Eddy.”
Gibbs has been summoned to court, along with Kevin Ksen, Julius Jones and Sonya Conner, for his part in a protest earlier this year that blocked traffic Kelly Square near Interstate 290. He promised to keep speaking, no matter the attempts to silence him.
Seriously, how the hell did I miss this? This is the same guy who has been whining that his kids have to read about him on the Internet. Hey genius, here’s an idea. If you don’t want to be the subject of public commentary, stop voluntarily making yourself a public figure.
Oh yea, and no one’s trying to “silence” you either. The only person who should be trying to silence RBG is RBG himself. Because every time you speak you just give Turtleboy more material. You’re going to court on April 15 because you broke the law. YOU jumped on top of a truck and scared the shit out of a driver who’s lone transgression was honking his horn at the hippies who were purposely standing in his way. Ed Augustus didn’t do that – you did.
The bottom line is it will be an absolute travesty if RBG is not Worcester’s official poet laureate. The duties of a poet laureate are many, so I’m not sure if he’ll have enough time to fit it in during his busy schedule or protesting and messaging any person who has ever left a comment on our Facebook page. But either way, I think his only real competitors are these guys:
And the only way to find out who will be Worcester’s next poet laureate is a poetry slam-off at the Mosaic Cultural Complex with Old Balls as the official referee/MC. Do it.
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4 Comment(s)
I’d rather slam my dick in a door than listen to RBG’S slam
Ed Augustus is getting paid how much to present a proposal for a poet laureate to the city council? Its such a collosal waste of valuable time that he should be charged with larceny for taking our tax dollars for doing nothing.
Great idea: A “Public Poetry Slam-Off”! Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there. (Hey, that comment is poem in free verse!)
In Soviet Russia, poetry slams you.