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We’ve gotten a few emails asking us if we’re gonna be writing a “wussification” blog about school districts like Framingham having early releases from school because of the insane heat we’ve had the last couple of days. While I get the overall sentiment of it, it’s a gigantic waste of time having school in that type of weather without AC. Kids smell like shit, no one learns anything, and the fans that teachers have to pay for out of pocket just blow hot air around the room. It’s a gigantic waste of time. So no, Turtleboy doesn’t think it’s “wussification” to have an early release from school for 98 degree days, especially when the classrooms with 30+ smelly kids are way over 100 degrees.
But Worcester isn’t one of the districts that adjusted their schedule. We can’t because we know the roads are gonna be so fucked up around here in the winter that we can’t afford to miss any more days – even though it’s only September. And most schools in Worcester don’t have AC. They probably could all have it if we took money that we wasted on Jen Roy, Mosaic, Phyllis Goldstein, and the hundreds of other useless six figure suits employed by the city, and put that money toward central AC in every building. But that’s just not how Joe Petty’s Worcester works.
One of the buildings that doesn’t have it is Sullivan Middle School, even though it is a relatively new building. However, in most of these schools like Sullivan, the office has AC. So while the teachers and students are sweating it out like a fat guy in a 5k, the principals sit in their office all day and enjoy the good life.
This is the time of year when it pays to be a woman. Because it’s socially acceptable for women to wear shorts or a skirt to school. Caitlyn Jenner would be thriving right now. Bruce Jenner, not so much. So the male teachers at Sullivan Middle School have apparently taken it upon themselves to start wearing khaki shorts to school to get through these days. Keep in mind that Sullivan Middle is entirely made out of brick, and the windows don’t fully open because the kids would all throw their books out of them and they’d disappear forever into the Res.
As a result students and teachers are basically a Bertucci’s Pizza by the end of the day. One would think that the principal would be accomodating in this extreme weather, but then again that would require common sense. Here’s an email that Sullivan Middle principal Josephine Robertson sent her staff:
Hi Teachers:
I hope you had a good day despite the heat. I have 2 items to share the first is the CPT/PLC Schedule for this year. Please check the groupings and get in touch with your AP or Coach if there are any concerns.
My second concern is with regards to professional dress. I know it is hot – we have all felt it – but it is important to maintain a professional decorum while in school. I am requesting that we resist the urge to wear shorts, flip-flops, or anything that is less than that considered professional attire. Our students need to see us as the professionals that we are. I look forward to having 100% cooperation.
Thank you, Dr. Josephine Robertson, Ed. D.
First of all, anyone who signs their name “Ed. D.” can go ahead and get over themselves right now. Yea, we all know you’re wicked smart. Congratulations. I swear to God these people get doctorates for the sole purpose of signing Ed. D. at the end of every memo and text they write.
Secondly, “our students need to see us as the professionals that we are.” Can’t say how sick I am of hearing this buzzword bullshit. Newsflash – professionals work in air conditioned offices when it’s 100 degrees outside. Professionals aren’t jammed into classrooms with 34 kids and expected to magically get them all to pass a standardized test. Professionals aren’t evaluted based on test scores they have no control over. Professionals aren’t told to pass kids who are failing. Professionals don’t work at a school for 20 years only to be told that they have to pay $55 in order to prove they are not an interstate child molester.
Once you start treating your teachers like professionals, then you can tell them they can’t wear khaki shorts to work.
Talk about not getting it. It’s 5 million degrees and this woman is writing an email about a bunch of crap that no one cares about from the comforts of an air conditioned leather swivel chair. Teachers all over the school are being laughed at by their students because they have humongous pit stains, and nary a teacher in the building isn’t suffering the effects of swamp ass.
The bottom line is men and women are supposed to be equal. It’s a big reason why Turtleboy Sports is a family feminist blog. We believe in equality in the work place. So it is 110% bullshit that male teachers can’t wear khaki shorts to school, and are being told so by a female principal who never had to wear a shirt and tie to school and is sitting in an air conditioned office.
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11 Comment(s)
Just remember: they administration is trying to prepare for the far more deplored conditions of South High. Trash bags hanging from the ceilings to funnel rainwater into trash cans that are scattered throughout the hallways. Trees growing out of the roof in the back of the building. HOW DID THAT TREE SURVIVE??
One concern I would have with wearing a skirt, as an average guy, is the heat factor. Batwings, gents. It’s bad enough with boxers and shorts on. In a skirt the lads would be dragging the floor in such heat as we’ve had this week.
when one has an advanced or terminal degree, one signs one’s name either Dr. Mary Smith, or Mary Smith, Ed.D. Not both. WE get it, already.
“And most schools in Worcester don’t have AC. They probably could all have it if we took money that we wasted on Jen Roy, Mosaic, Phyllis Goldstein, and the hundreds of other useless six figure suits employed by the city, and put that money toward central AC in every building. But that’s just not how Joe Petty’s Worcester works.”
Unless you plan on blasting Jordan Levy, Ray Mariano, Tim Murray, Konnie Lukes, and Joe O’Brien as well, you can’t use this as an argument against Petty. All of them have been Mayors since the building was built and none of them bothered to free up funds to have them installed.
Most years, you would only turn the AC on for a few weeks in September and a few more in May. So, how is spending millions in installing these units in schools and the thousands to millions more to maintain them a good financial decision?
Spot on. Of course, these same morons would be the ones complaining most loudly about the cost if there were air conditioning. The Turtles are desperately grabbing at straws now that they’ve seen Mikey Gaff has little chance of being mayor. Baldino’s got a good read about ol’ Ay Kay over at his T&G blog. Just a matter of time.
middle school pit stains and puberty. bad combo
I could have sworn Sullivan had AC when I went there. And I was part of the first class in the current building back in 1992.
Of course, that was twenty-three years ago.
No AC Wabbit, only in the offices and computer lab.
You’re asking the wrong question TB. You should be asking “Who is the moron who had a school built without AC?” I can understand this about a school that is quite old, but the newer ones????
I can understand flip flops, but shorts? Cmon man!
If skirts are professional and shorts are not, they should just wear skirts.