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In general we don’t really believe in censorship at Turtleboy Sports. But the problem is that we don’t like to be associated with white trash either. And as you know, our enemies are constantly trying to label as some sort of hate blog, even though we love everyone who isn’t a dooshnozzle. We only criticize people acting foolishly, regardless of race, because our color-blindness allows us to focus on the stupidity of the things you are saying, rather than the color of your skin. Oh yea, and we also did a scientific study of hundreds of our blogs and found out that 70% of the people we criticize are white:
Scientific Study Proves That Turtleboy Is Racist…..Towards White People
Stupid facts!!!
Anyway, when we see people post shit like this we are going to publicly humiliate them from now on:
Because you’re fucking with our brand. Sometimes Old Balls and other SJW’s make up fake names and write racist shit on our page in a failed attempt to make us look bad. But this broad is real and meant what she wrote. If you wanna be a vile piece of human garbage, then have it. Just keep that shit on your own timeline. Not sure if Kimberlee Benjamin is her real name, but she seems like a real winner:
A genuine prize to be won. The real miracle here is that someone actually chose to be a in a relationship with her, AND she claims to work as a veterinary technician at Four Town Veterinary Hospital in Somers, CT:
Look, we can’t help it if morons like this follow our page. Maybe she agreed with one of our blogs before, since we’ve written thousands. But we apologize for nothing. When millions of people read your blog that means some of the worst of the worst will be included. We just wanted to make it clear that we think some turtle riders are just as bad as the people who destroy in our blogs.
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Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Bennie’s Cafe, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno, Rotti Power Equipment in West Boylston
Want to have your business advert viewed over 2 million times per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
16 Comment(s)
Her boyfriend must work on a farm where he is used to fucking farm animals . . . cuz she looks like one fat fucking cow, he must be desperate
I know him. He’s fucked a dog….
Has a beautiful smile too.
I know this girl. She’s big into cat adoption and has a huge penis.
She’s got over 8 pets now…. living off the state and disability. The father doesn’t pay child support either!
Liberal Turtleboy LOVES censoring free speech. Thank a liberal!
Zukrbergs a kike be yourself TB no one likes kikes.
Ummm, want to be associated with this clown?
Poor Tim must be blind.
Not blind.. . Just dumb
Is calling her a broad any better? I have no problem with it just making sure you don’t get into a corner of hypocrisy.
Yeah if you’re going to be honest post your comments here where your name isn’t attached. There’s a reason Turtleboy doesn’t use his real name either.
Good for her. I hope it’s a lesson learned, but I doubt it. At least she won’t be doing it on TB facebook anymore… that’s for sure.
Hey Fiesty, do you know a good family law attorney?
Better call Saul
I do Woo, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable posting his information here. I’m sorry.