The experts are saying Rubio and Cruz beat up on Trump in last night’s debate. They are insane, and when Trump wins the nomination he is going to steal Hillary’s lunch money and humiliate her on national television. #PrayForHillary
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I love how debates have become must watch television. And it’s all because of Donald Trump. We don’t care you hate or love this guy, but you will watch him debate and you will listen to every word he says. That’s just a scientific fact. By all accounts from the media establishment Marco Rubio won that debate last night:
Cruz & Rubio won the debate hands down. Trump's worst night by far. And Cruz scored against Rubio at the very beginning on amnesty.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) February 26, 2016
Which is exactly what Trump wanted them to say. Don’t you people get it yet? This is what he feeds off of!! He wants dinosaurs like Mike Huckabee, who are obsessed with boring, lame conservatism, to endorse the other guy. He wants you to say that they “won” the debate so he can point to the poll numbers and laugh. Then you have conservative blogger Matt Walsh, who HATES Trump, and actually thinks that Rubio and Cruz destroyed Trump last night:
Cruz just took off his gloves and knocked Trump's teeth out. #GOPDebate
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 26, 2016
Debate grades.
Rubio: A
Cruz: B
Trump: Drooling imbecile
Kasich: Annoying
Carson: Whiny, irrelevant
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 26, 2016
Eventually Trump is going to have a make a case for his candidacy that goes beyond talking about his poll numbers. #GOPDebate
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 26, 2016
Rubio has finally learned that the only way to beat a clown is to laugh at him.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 26, 2016
@MattWalshBlog #Rubio is ON FIRE!!!
— ChiefMuteSpecialist (@Judy_Taya) February 26, 2016
Newsflash – only a loser thinks Rubio at all affected Trump last night. They spent the whole debate whining about Trump’s tax return, like anyone gives a shit. They don’t get it. All Americans wanna hear is how big your wall is gonna be. It’s sad that we’ve reached this point, but it’s all that matters. Politics has been a joke for years and all Trump is doing is throwing gasoline all over it. It’s fantastic theater, and anyone who thinks that Rubio even touched Trump last night is delusional. Does this look like a guy who was hurt by Marco Rubio?
Lying Ted Cruz and lightweight choker Marco Rubio teamed up last night in a last ditch effort to stop our great movement. They failed!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016
Why would the people of Florida vote for Marco Rubio when he defrauded them by agreeing to represent them as their Senator and then quit!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016
I'm going to do what @MittRomney was totally unable to do- WIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2016
Have a good chance to win Texas on Tuesday. Cruz is a nasty guy, not one Senate endorsement and, despite talk, gets nothing done. Loser!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 26, 2016
Today at a campaign rally Trump made fun of Rubio drinking so much water
Andrew Dice Trump
"Unbelievable"#BestElectionEver— Obnoxious Boston Fan (@realOBF) February 26, 2016
We have never seen anything like this before. I love it. I love politics now.
There was one question in particular last night that made me realize what’s going on here. It was about Israeli-Palestinian relations. And whenever you mention Israel, especially around Republicans, it turns into a contest about who loves Israel the most. But the point of foreign policy is that you’re not supposed to fall in love with countries. You handle each situation in the way that will benefit America the most. And Trump got up there and said something to the extent of, “Of course I support Israel, but I would prefer peace over there. I’m not saying I would accomplish this, but I’ll give it a shot.”
It was refreshing, because for YEARS now all we’ve heard is, “I’m 100% pro Israel and the Palestinians are the terrorists and the bad guys.” And ultimately this has accomplished nothing. It’s dragged us into two unwinnable wars that have directly led to the rise of ISIS. And Americans are sick and tired of going to war and having our boys killed by a bunch of assholes in the desert. Everyone’s been saying Trump is the dangerous one. Fuck that. Cruz and Rubio are the dangerous ones because they just represent more of the same bullshit – war, obsession with social issues like gay marriage, and bickering about meaningless shit.
Look, the primary race is over. Trump won. He’s going to be the Republican nominee. Hillary will win the democratic nominee, so the question is, who has the best shot at beating her? According to Trump, it ain’t Ted Cruz:
.@realDonaldTrump to @tedcruz: If I can't beat @HillaryClinton, you're really going to get killed #GOPDebate
— CNN (@CNN) February 26, 2016
For a long time I’ve denied that it was Trump. But after a while Turtleboy has to be man enough to admit he was wrong. Trump will eat Hillary for lunch. Bernie has been treating her with kid gloves. He doesn’t talk about the “damn emails,” or Benghazi, or the fact that she trashed a bunch of “sexually liberated” women but stayed loyal to her cheating husband for political gain. Instead Bernie talks about how she’s owned by Wall Street, and blah, blah, blah.
Well guess what? The emails, Benghazi, and Bill’s infidelity are the only things Trump is going to talk about. Relentlessly. The debates aren’t going to be fair. The teams are already slaughter. There’s a very, very good chance she will lose her cool and possibly cry on air. She is not her husband. She is not relatable, cool under pressure, or likeable. It will be must watch television and it will go down in the history books as the most influential debates in American political history.
Want more proof that Turtleboy is right? Here’s what Spanky McFarlane had to say about the Republican establishment trying to stop Trump today in the Turtlegram and Gazette:
“They could oppose him after he is nominated, but more realistically they would perhaps be forced to embrace him. It doesn’t matter; either action would help bolster a landslide victory for the Democratic nominee.”
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! There you have it folks. Clive thinks Hillary would win in a landslide. He also thinks Mosaic is a good organization, Mike Gaffney is a slave master, and Turtleboy is the antichrist. In case you haven’t noticed, everything Clive thinks is wrong. Always.
Anyway, this might have seemed like an endorsement for Trump, but it’s not. Super Tuesday is coming up and Turtleboy is a registered independent. We are going to choose to vote in the democratic primary and we will be voting for Bernie Sanders. Because Trump is gonna win anyway, and we just wanna send a big fuck you to Hillary. Bernie might have some wacky, zany plans, but at least he means every word he says and he’s a decent human being. Hillary will win the nomination, but I want her to sweat. Because it is humiliating that she even has to put up a fight against an elderly socialist from Vermont whose campaign is paid for with a GoFundMe.
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14 Comment(s)
Vote Trump!
So what if they lose the Senate. They haven’t done anything since “taking over” anyway. Down with both parties. New parties needed.
And I doubt Hillary will even get in the ring with Trump. “I’m sorry, that is beneath me, I will not debate him”. She’ll squawk and complain that he’s going to be mean to her and she won’t do it.
The worse part if the GOP could even lose the Senate. What wasn’t supposed to be in play is now in play.
49% of all voters dislike Trump and view him negatively. That means it is virtually impossible for Trump to win in November. Clinton has her own well deserved negatives. In the high 30’s. It does not take a mathematical genius to figure out what that means. And it could get worse if voters realize between now and November that Trump espouses few if any conservative beliefs. To those who think Trump is really in it to get Hilary elected. That may very well be the case.
It doesn’t matter that I think Trump is not Presidential, and that he is arrogant, narcissistic, and not as smart as people think he is. I truly don’t believe he can beat Hillary in the general election. And that’s a shame as all the other side has is a criminal damaged candidate in Clinton. Huge miss.
Have you even seen the trump vs hillary polls? Bernie would have a better chance of beating trump.
Trump is a dangerous LOSER. The question is how many Rs will vote Hillary or none of the above. Clinton 60-40 and a generation of “progressive” SCOTUS picks.
Sick of Clive. Cut your dam hair, you look like a woman!
Albeit an ugly one.
Dear Trumpies,
Who do you think cleans the rooms and turns down the beds in Trump properties?
Who do you think washes dishes, unclogs toilets, etc?
Ask your candidate if he means to deport all the illegals that work their butts off for him.
FTR I’m Libertarian.
Thank you TB. Feel the Bern!
I watched and listened last night, then watched the Megan Kelly after-action review. (Trump should LOVE Megan Kelly. She’s quick, sarcastic and easy on the eyes…whatever)
The Vicente Fox thing was hilarious!
He should have responded to the Polish illegal immigrant nonsense by saying…”they were the only labor available, they were happy to be employed, I paid them, and they are now tax paying AMERICAN citizens.”
“Oh yeah, and Shut Your Filthy Hole, You Scum!”
Clive has been wrong about everything, since forever. I wonder what it’s like going through life as a completed jaded failure?
Trump is going to elbow drop Hilary off the top rope. Seriously. People are completed tired of the foolish BS that is the elitist ruling class of politicians. Nope, no longer will we let them tell us it’s raining whilst they piss in our ears.