Breaking News: According to James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, we are now blacklisted by Google:
According to leaked docs obtained by @JamesOKeefeIII of @Project_Veritas, we are being actively excluded from @Google search results. Anyone surprised?
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) August 14, 2019
One of the documents includes “news black list site for google now.”
Targeted sites include . . .@Ricochet @newsbusters @mmfa@rushlimbaugh @LifeNewsHQ @Queerty@mrctv @TheRightScoop @gatewaypundit @glennbeck
And many more:
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) August 14, 2019
I really don’t know that much about Project Veritas. I know social justice warriors call them right wing conspiracy theory racists, and that usually means they’re doing a good job, and consequently SJWs want to silence them. But I do know that Google and the other tech Gods believe it’s their job to make sure that people don’t read (gasp) fake news before the upcoming election. And of course a handful of Silicon Valley pinheads will be the ones who get to decide what’s fake news and what’s not.
Personally, I don’t really care because Google doesn’t mean shit to me. Google AdSense and YouTube do, but not Google itself. We will never rely on people coming to us after searching for a specific topic. If we write about something of national concern that everyone else is writing about we’re never gonna come up before NBC, Breitbart, Fox News, CNN, etc. And since no one goes passed page one, we have nothing to gain by coming up for keywords on Google.
People are going to come to us through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and going directly to the website. We do come up first for keywords like these:
But if “fupasloth” is a regular part of your vocabulary, then you already know about and follow Turtleboy anyway. The whole point of Google is that people come to you because they’re looking to read about a specific topic. No one searches for our keywords except people we’ve already got riding the turtle.
I’m just honored and flattered that we’re high enough on Google’s radar that they’d go out of their way to blacklist us with the likes of Steven Crowder and the Daily Caller. Notice they threw a couple left leaning sites like Media Matters and the Palmer Report on there too. This is what they do so they can point and say, “see, we’re not biased!!” It’s the Google equivalent of “I have a black friend.”
Please consider supporting local journalism by donating to the Turtle fund:
Follow us on Youtube, SoundCloud, Twitter, and Facebook.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
19 Comment(s)
fuck that. crowder is a “conservative” soy boy who cries when he loses debates. he got checked by joe “dmt and elk” rogan, who’s an idiot himself. crowder got beat by some kid at a change my mind event and got pissy cause he was called autistic. then he went full SJW. he’s a shitty conservative who only argues with people he knows he can beat. he’s the floyd mayweather of cherry picking arguments for conservatives.
i’d blast tb but tigerdroppings was on the list. not a political site but they have interesting conservative views that are somewhat nuanced. they also have good coverage of sec football. so you are in good company.
fuck mark dice too. listen to milt friendman if you want to be a respectable republican.
You also made today’s Mark Dice YT Vid. 2:09 mark, bottom right. Congrats.
Project Veritas is right up there with Judicial Watch. Mucho FOIA requests to ferret out the truth aka FACKS.
You don’t actually believe anyone is “searching” for you do you?
Interesting. If you search google for Clive McFarlane, turdboy shows up on the first page of results.
The turdboy is crying wolf.
What Google, Facebook and Twitter have done is exponentially worse than what the Democrats claim the Russians did. This is a true, provable case of interfering in our elections.
When did the CIA become Leftist stooges?
Relax israel will elect trump again America just needs to fight their war of terror for them.
If you need something productive to do shit-for-brains your Momma needs somebody to clean the septic system, something about her lazy son’s hamster and gerbil carcasses clogging up the pipes again. You really need a better hobby.
I have to agree with wwy look what I got out of it.
I don’t care if your news site is left or right, it is not up to google to decide whether or not I get to see you. It should be my choice. That is what America was all about, up until now.
I’m with Loonie Liz — time to break them up.
Using lefts logic shouldn’t Elizabeth warren be responsible for the cops being shot in philly? She did knowingly lie about Michael browns death just to try to incite her hateful masses
Vaginal flatulence
Expulsion of air or gas from the vagina.
Common causes of this symptom
Vaginal flatulence can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include sexual activity.
At least four klan sites that I can spot, too. Google is blatantly trying to silence Trump supporters. There’s worse company to be in for sure.
My buddy met Crowded once, said he talked about mass exterminating blacks and spics to clean up this nation!
Newsbusters, twitchy, the daily caller (tucker’s Site), americanthinker, redstate, lwc, naturalness, tbs, infowars, theralphretort, I read or have read these sites and nothing is racist or “hateful”. Google is full of hair that’s why I don’t use them other than YouTube. It’s so fucking obvious what they are up to. I’m surprised drudge, zerohedge, and whatfinger weren’t mentioned. Oh wait drudge gets more views than google news.
They screw with Youtube channels all the time. Some channels says that subscribers don’t always get notifications and in some cases subscribers are dropped from the channel. So, if you aren’t a regular viewer of a channel or have many subscriptions you don’t see that the channel has new content or is no longer on your list.
Also, a lot of people are making a living (as opposed to a fortune) making content. If your video mentions “KODI” in the title that video will be demonitized. Some believe that mentioning “KODI” in spoken form will do the same. People use KODI (which is free) to store videos on a personal server. There are addons not made or endorsed by KODI that can circumvent copy protection. Youtube is now in the TV channel game with Youtube TV.
Youtube also takes random people and subscribes them to channels the people never heard of, because Youtube is trying to churn interest in someone. About a month or 2 ago you may vaguely remember about “Recommend for you” some black chick living in a van. 1.6 million subscribers. More than a handful say they never subscribed and don’t know who the fuck she is.
13,287,387 views since 7/11/19 No fucking way.
This here may be your biggest accolade to date! Conratulations, you are in wonderful comapany! Love Crowder.