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Incompetent, Connected, Hyphenated Principal Axed At Goddard Elementary School Is Given New High Salary Administration Job Because Administrators Can’t Be Fired

If you’re an incompetent, connected administrator in Worcester, you might lose your job, but they’ll always have a well-paying, do-nothing job waiting for you.

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If you are a newer teacher in the public schools and you have a class full of crazy kids, you can be fired without any sort of due process. But if you’re an administrator in the Worcester Public Schools you basically have a job for life. Because in Worcester (and basically every other bloated school system) teachers are held to a higher standard than administrators. Case in point, here is what happened at Goddard Elementary School, the megaschool in the heart of Main South:

“There has been a midyear change of principals at the Goddard School of Science & Technology, which Superintendent Maureen Binienda described as partly an effort to prevent the level 3 school from slipping to level 4. The school’s former principal, Yuisa Perez-Chionchio, about a month ago accepted a new position within the district helping to direct a parent education program that debuted at Worcester East Middle School this year, according to Ms. Binienda. Taking her place at Goddard is Norrback Avenue School Principal Karrie Allen.”

Alright, stop right there. Perez-Chionchio? We already know everything we need to know. Look, if you’re gonna go with the hyphenated last name route, then you at least have to have two names that mesh together. Hillary Rodham-Clinton works. It flows off the tongue.Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, even though her name itself couldn’t possibly sound more uptight SJW, at least it’s consistent. But Yuisa Perez-Chionchio? You can’t throw a last name that sounds like you’re about to fix my muffler after Yuisa Perez and think it’s gonna sound good. Just pick one or the other. Keep your maiden name or take his. Otherwise it just sounds ridiculous.


More importantly, why would someone leave their job as a principal to direct a “parent education program” at Worcester East Middle School? Not that there aren’t plenty of parents at WEMS who could use that class, but that’s a step down on the educational totem pole. You don’t do something like that unless you’re about to be axed. Turns out that Yuisa Perez-Chionchio wasn’t very good at her job:

Ms. Perez-Chionchio’s departure from school came around the same time as a vote of no confidence in her taken by the local teachers union, according to the Educational Association of Worcester’s president, Roger Nugent. But Ms. Binienda said the union’s action did not have anything to do with her decision to offer a new job to Goddard’s former principal.

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First of all, do you realize how bad you have to be at your job for teacher’s to get together and vote no confidence in you? That almost never happens. More than anything it indicates a major disconnect between teachers and administration. Teachers don’t vote “no confidence” unless they’ve exhausted all other options and the principal has made it clear that her door is closed and she’s not interested in working with them. If you’re a teacher at Goddard and would like to anonymously let us know what went down there, we are all ears and would love to hear your stories. Feel free to email us at


Anyway, the real joke here is that she was just shipped off to another job in the system. And not even a real job. It’s a position that never existed before. Because that’s how administrators take care of each other. It’s simply unfathomable that an incompetent administrator should have to fend for themselves in the real world.

Meanwhile, if a teacher at Goddard was removed halfway through their second year on the job, there wouldn’t be a teaching job at another WPS waiting for them. Because in Worcester we hold people making $40,000 a year to a higher standard than we do people making $115,000 a year.


And that makes TONS of sense.

Does anyone honestly believe that someone in their mid 30’s named Yuisa Perez-Chionchio got a principal job in a heavily Latino neighborhood because they’re the most qualified for the job? Anyone? Nah, the fact of the matter is that she made the school district look good on paper for Melinda Boone. She was one of her last hires, and they got to check off a few diversity boxes on the way out, which in turn made her world famous charts look better.


And not surprisingly Yuisa Perez-Chionchio is a big fan of charts. In this video at the 2:20 mark she brags about that being her strength. Then around the 8:00 she starts bragging about what a great “visionary” Melinda Boone was.

It also didn’t hurt that her Dad is Worcester’s first Latino judge, his honor Luis Perez. Or as they call him down at the house of corrections – easy Louie. King of seventeenth chances.

Anyway, we’ve always been big supporters of Maureen Binienda, but not on this one. We know what she’s doing here. She’s trying not to rock the boat. She wanted to be superintendent because Melinda Boone was such a disaster, and all Maureen wanted to do was right the ship. And she’s done that. But she’s not trying to take the ship apart and build a new one. If you wanted to do that you’d never be hired in the first place.

But at the same time Binienda is kind of draining the swamp here. This was a Boone hire who is no longer principal. And the most important positions are the principals in these schools. She got rid of a bad one, and put one in place that’s gotten rave reviews from parents at Norback Elementary.  Because principals are the ones who actually have a direct effect on kids. Sure, I’d like it if my tax dollars weren’t funding a made up position for a talentless hack. But at least the kids and the teachers get to be in a place where they’re respected.


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27 Comment(s)
  • Millbury Teacher
    January 3, 2017 at 9:08 am

    Yuisa Catalina Perez used to work in the Millbury Jr High School as a teacher. Students liked her pretty much but she was one of the worst ever to work with as an adult. Admin here also loved her ethnicity and parentage but she was pretty much shunned by the little people who worked with her. Nicest description of her I ever heard was b*tch.

    I hope no one EVER loves me simply for my ethnicity!

  • disgusted
    December 30, 2016 at 11:25 am

    Maureen is now a politician. She visited several schools and blamed their staffs for being “underperforming”. Her love of “data” is no different than Boone’s.

    • Bianca
      March 13, 2021 at 10:10 pm

      Shut the fuck up

  • guilty Goddard
    December 30, 2016 at 10:52 am

    The fact that the Instructional Coach who “coached” the students on the MCAS is now the Assistant Principal has lost my faith and hope for those students at Goddard. But then again, those students ran the school and many of the teachers especially the former Clark MATs think they help run the school…

  • Reddog
    December 30, 2016 at 3:23 am

    Hyphenated named people as adults are glory hounds. Look at me ………..

  • True Reality Speaks
    Married to a WPS Teacher
    December 29, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    Would. JS

  • Wps teacher
    December 29, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    1. The new principle needs escorts when doing her rounds. Yuisa didn’t.
    2. The new principle is afraid of the damn kids! She has experience and her school she was at is great but she can’t handle these kids. She’s very nice but can’t hack this school.
    3. I challenge any one of you lazy PoS to last one day in that school, you won’t.
    4. Besides two teachers and an assistant, that whole school is filled to the brim with union lifesavers who would be out of a job if it weren’t for the union. They have the most outdated teaching methods and only show up (when they show up) to collect $$. No one cares about the kids. I’m all for a union I’m in one myself but they shouldn’t be teachers if they don’t care to educate.
    5. They voted no confidence because yuisa wanted them to actually do something and they bitched. The super has had it out for yuisa since day one. And she got the principle job because no one else wanted to take on that school cause it’s pretty much a level 4 and is unsalvagable.

    All im saying is, no one was expecting yuisa to turn the school around in a year. That would be impossible. It’s normal for schools to have high turn around for principles especially first year ones. But she’s still under contact so that’s why she still has a job at the same salary. That’s how contracts work everyone.

    • SpellingBee
      December 29, 2016 at 6:42 pm

      ^ Not true. Believe she served in the army years ago, she is known to run a tight ship. If they were going to choose anyone, they made a great choice with her. Good person too. Oh btw…its Principal.

      • Wps teacher
        December 30, 2016 at 10:47 am

        Have you met her? Talked to her? Seen her in action and worked along side her?

        If yes then I’m sorry we disagree. If no, then that’s what I thought.

        And yes I’m just a wps teacher so sometimes my spelling and grammar isn’t always perfect. Reflects the districts student body id say
        Sue me. Of wait you can’t cause I’m in a union that protects their teachers to the death even when they are 1000% in the wrong/at fault.

    • duhuuh
      December 29, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      Hey WPS Teacher – Remember the “Principal is your PAL” hint for principle vs. principal?

      Not helping your cause here…

    • duhuuh
      December 29, 2016 at 10:04 pm

      Also, please capitalize proper nouns and the pronoun “I.”

      Don’t forget that “I’m” is a contraction and needs an apostrophe.

      Thank you.

    • Bob Mosbacher
      December 29, 2016 at 11:50 pm

      You have the spelling skills of Mike Chonchio!

      • Wps teacher
        December 30, 2016 at 10:43 am

        Ok “bob” let’s talk spelling.

        It’s Chionchio. You missed an i.

  • Bob Mosbacher
    December 29, 2016 at 6:01 pm

    Thank God Mike Chonchio’s lucky sperm of a wife is unable to continue this ABORTION she started at this school. Sometimes you just need to abort things halfway through before they get too messy.

  • Sloppy
    December 29, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    Keep up the good fight, sir!
    This is good, old fashioned ‘the truth hurts’ journalism. This is how Matt Drudge gets a billion hits a month. By saying what needs to be said (though he does it by proxy) when no one else wants to say it.

  • Cliven Bundy
    December 29, 2016 at 1:54 pm

    Chonchio is a real scumbag. He probably needed let-’em-out Luis to bail out some family members or his future children who will be products of the juvenile justice system soon enough. Having that cocksucker as a father will guarantee you spending Christmas in juvenile hall. Oh, and my friend dated him and said he had a really tiny cock. Sorry, Yuisa.

    • Jay Garzon
      December 29, 2016 at 7:42 pm

      Dear Clit Bundy,
      How is this relevant? If you feel the need to trash someone like and call out their penis size on a trashy local computer geek blog… you must have deep rooted issues. Or no life. Either way, I feel bad for you. Anything? Ms Perez gave 18+ months of her life to make the school as safe and productive as possible. What have you done with your life besides comment on trashy blogs about men’s penis sizes. (Issues much?)

      • Jay Garzon's Micro Dick
        December 30, 2016 at 9:28 am

        I only bring this subject up because I have a tiny penis myself.

    • Biancaaaaaa
      March 13, 2021 at 10:15 pm

      Shut the fuck up cliven. My dad will fuck you the fuvk up. And if your a female I’ll beat you the fuck up <3

    • Biancaaaaaa
      March 13, 2021 at 10:16 pm

      Shut the fuck up cliven. My dad will fuck you the fuvk up. And if your a female I’ll beat you the fuck up <3 know a chionchio when you see one !!!!!!

  • Jim Bob
    December 29, 2016 at 1:43 pm

    Seems like that type always hop aboard the city or state gravy train. Many in Worcester with cushy high paying jobs are related. They’re basically hacks in my eyes.

  • CharlieKelly
    Eddie Harsch
    December 29, 2016 at 11:06 am

    last name that sounds like someone about to fix my muffler! hahahaha

  • BobnPaul's Chat Shack
    December 29, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Warning: I’m going off topic here. But I don’t want this to get lost in an old post.

    In the “Zorba’s” post of 26 December, I called out BobnMic for previously claiming to be spending Christmas in Hawaii while still posting all over TBS. He then posted that he was not in Hawaii and I asked him if he was confirming he was lying. I also took a shot at his credibility.

    His reply (29 December): “Show me where I said that. The Hawaiian Christmas vacation that is. You are confusing yourself and probably not for the first time.”

    OK, asshole! On 16 December, under the “Big Fat Auburn High School Student…” blog post, you wrote: “I have since then retired and I can do anything I please. Guess where I’m spending Christmas?? Hawaii and I don’t have to prove anything to anyone here.”

    About half way down in the comments section if you want to look it up yourself, Bobby!

    Keep your lies straight. I know it’s hard because you’ve told so many.

    Anything else you want me to show you, numbnuts?

    • GFY
      December 29, 2016 at 12:10 pm

      Bob lives in such a tangled web of lies, there’s no way to keep it straight

    • Hugh Mungus
      December 29, 2016 at 5:50 pm

      Why does anyone care where he is spending Christmas? So they can call him a liar? Big deal.

    • BobnPaul's Chat Shack
      December 29, 2016 at 8:42 pm

      Update: In the “Zorba’s” post, Bob replied with: “So you never made plans then changed them up? Ever? I did see that I posted that I just forgot that I did. Hawaii is in the cards sometime in the near future. Why wanna come? And why do you fucking care anyway what I post? So know you are going to stalk my every comment? Get a fucking life you loser!”

      Yes, Bob, I always cancel my trip to Hawaii less than 10 days before I’m supposed to leave and then completely forget about it. Happens to all of us.

      To answer your questions: I care because you are a hypocritical, self-righteous asshole. And yes, I am going to stalk every comment you post and call out all of your bullshit.

  • Mel Linda
    December 29, 2016 at 10:34 am

    You got that one 100 % right, TB. Beginning with Mark Berthiaume being “promoted” to professional email sender to this. It goes on ALL the time in top heavy Worcester. However, with Binienda at the reigns, something many teachers all feel was a positive move, one needs to assume it is because Yuisa has a contract to ride out. We think that if they fire her, they need to pay her the remaining contractual salary. Like Lisa Dyer. That wouldn’t happen with a teacher of course. Once they deem you incompetent, you are out because you are not given 1, 2, or 3 year contracts at a time. Keep your eyes on Karrie Allen though. We hear she is a BITCH! And keep an ear out for the SJWs now that Yuisa Perez has been replaced with Ms. Lily White. SOMEONE will have something to say about it. Maybe some of the people of color who despise the fact that Binienda beat out Rodriguez and replaced Boone when race had NOTHING to do with it. Believe me. They exist too. I’ve heard that they “have no use for” Mrs. Binienda and couldn’t care less to “ever see her face.” Look out Worcester!

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