
Is USA Soccer “I Believe That We Will Win” Chant The Worst In Sports History?

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Turtleboy has gone mainstream. Check out our blogs for WEEI.COM’s Dennis & Callahan’s Producer’s Blog.


I just wanna take a moment to point out that although I’m by far the biggest USA soccer fan in the history of the world, our chant really, really blows. The “I believe that we will win” chant has to be the most bootleg, generic, moronic, idiotic, sacrilegious, general, basic, and standardized chant these ears have ever heard. I literally had no idea this was America’s token chant until recently. That’s because up until now the only time I’ve heard this terrible, terrible chant is at high school basketball games. Doesn’t matter what high school game you go to, you have a 100% chance of hearing BOTH team’s fans chanting the SAME EXACT CHANT.

Doesn’t matter if you’re at Marlborough High School:


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You will hear the same chant that thousands of grown adults will do for USA Soccer. Just saying it needs to end. Look, if high school kids do it, then by definition it’s probably really unoriginal and dumb. When I look back at what I was doing in high school I can safely say that 99% of the things I thought were cool were in fact not cool at all. So just know that if you are participating in this stupid chant, then you have the originality of the 16 year inside of you that you hate.

Oh yea, and we’re supposed to be making soccer look legit on an international level. All these other countries have cool chants and traditions and shit. Chilean fans literally stampeded and destroyed the entire press room at one of the stadiums today. And here we are saying literally the most basic and generic statement possible – “I believe that we will win.” I mean, was “I’m 99% sure we got this one” and “I have confidence that we will at least get a draw in this match” already taken?

Go USA!!!


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Turtleboy has gone mainstream. Check out our blogs for WEEI.COM’s Dennis & Callahan’s Producer’s Blog.







11 Comment(s)
  • Duke of earl
    July 2, 2014 at 4:22 am

    You did really well but the chant has to go and the name of the team needs changing. USMNT just takes the buzz away from it. Don’t call yourselves the United States men’s national team I mean really?? Just call yourselves U.S.A because If you going to start contending seriously on the world stage in the worlds greatest sport there should only be one U.S.A that matters.

  • Dirty Mike and the Boys
    July 1, 2014 at 3:57 pm

    I am glad I was graduated high school before that stupid chant was invented. If we are going to steal ideas from high school, why not something like everyone making as much noise as possible when the other team’s “star player” touches the ball and becoming quiet once he passes it off?

  • David
    July 1, 2014 at 2:55 pm

    I couldn’t agree more. We are the best country in the history of the world, we landed on the moon, we created the internet, we created air travel and the train and discovered electricity and we can’t come up with something other than “I weally weally beweive we gonna win dis game” It sounds like a 4 year old made it up.

  • Oliver L
    June 27, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    As an Englishman, I can say that it is so bad that it should not be considered a football chant. Whereas in Europe chants are funny, passionate and often incredibly offensive with no relation to the game itself, this is utterly bland and typical of the fake corporate version of passion that Americans have been sold so much that they now believe it. Here are some examples of good chants though there are many others.

    • Thomas
      June 28, 2014 at 9:28 am

      As an American… You’re welcome for US saving your ass in WWI and WWII. Feel free to keep sitting on your high horse, we’ll continue playing in this World Cup! #1Point

      • Joey G
        June 28, 2014 at 12:26 pm

        Ummmm… I’m not certain that statement is wrought with historical facts.

  • J-Mo
    June 25, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    I hated it at first, but it’s grown on me. There actually is some history behind it though.

  • JDizzle
    June 20, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    Guess you are a soccer hipster…or maybe a troll

  • wife of Joey G
    June 19, 2014 at 2:27 am

    Joey get off the can and go to bed

  • June 19, 2014 at 12:08 am

    Simple “we will rock you” would do just fine. You are correct. This chant screams high school

  • Joey G
    June 18, 2014 at 11:21 pm

    It beats the shit out of “Boston Strong,” “Sweet Caroline,” and that godawful Bon Jovi song they play after touchdowns at Patriots games. Remember when we were in high school and there were no chants, just people saying “Mike Bradley is a faggot” and “Jason Grochawalski, Rick Pitino didn’t really recruit you, you faggot” and “Hey Coach Capstick… let’s stick it to these faggots!” and “HEY ALGONQUIN!!! YOU ARE THE FAGGIEST BUNCH OF FAGGOTS I’VE EVER SEEN!!”

    I’m not saying the 90s were a decade of originality…

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