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For the first time in years I can honestly say that the NBA Finals are a better product that the Stanley Cup Finals. And the NBA really, really sucks. But so far these games have been fantastic. That game on Sunday night had it all. A huge double digit comeback by the Warriors. LeBron James passing with the game on the line in regulation. LeBron James missing a potential game winning layup at the buzzer. It was all great theater.
If Bron-Bron somehow finds a way to win this series without Kyrie Irving and without Kevin Love, we’ll all have no choice but to finally give him his props. This would be the first championship that he earned on his own. But honestly, we’ll never, ever see Steph Curry that bad again. I still think the Warriors win this thing on the road in six games. They’ll split in Cleveland, win in Oakland, and then take care of business in Game 6.
However, despite the fact that Bron-Bron put up a crazy number line last night, he’s still impossible to root for because he’s just that much a bitch. It’s really too bad because we’ve never seen anything like him before. Michael Jordan was great not only because he was a winner, but because he was such a bad mother fucker. Jordan would rape your whole village and force them to cook him french toast if it brought him closer to another championship.
There were a lot of shitty calls last night, and towards the end of the game Bron-Bron was actually on the wrong side of the bad calls. But this play right here late in the 4th quarter led to two shots, and is such classic Bron-Bron:
He literally elbows Igoudala in the gut and then puts on his sad face and waits for the whistle, which of course he got. Two points. Regulation ended in a tie. Should’ve been a Warriors win in regulation.
So yea, as much as I’d like to root for LeBron, I just can’t. He makes it impossible. He embodies everything that is Montreal and he will never, ever be MJ.
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1 Comment(s)
It must not be easy for Lebronze being the only female in the NBA……