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This will definitely help the democrats take back the White House:
Even though Congressman McGovern tagged Worcester England Pride at first before changing it:
Look, I wanna take down Trump as much as the next guy. But we can’t find an issue that really resonates with the population. We tried immigration, we tried social issues, we tried convincing everyone tax cuts are bad. None of it worked because our primary focus was on identity politics, and it turned out most Americans don’t think they’re oppressed no matter how many times they are told that they are in fact oppressed.
So logically now the best move is to get out there and double down on identity politics. And what’s a Trump voting base that we could swing over to our side? Drag queens obviously. No one is more oppressed than drag queens. Everyone knows that Trump has the drag queen lobby in his back pocket. This is what we need to swing 75,000 voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Those guys working at the plant in Sheboygan aren’t really worried about their jobs so much as they are about drag queen equality. Because there are TONS of rights that drag queens and the LGBT community don’t currently have. Like….the ability to become catholic priests. When will this oppression end?
And look at some of these candidates we’ve got lined up for 2020:
Pick your poison Trump. Those are some winners right there. Who doesn’t like Elizabeth Warren? I know blue collar moderates in Toledo are saying to themselves, “I liked Obama, but I switched to Trump because Hillary turned me off. I’ll tell you, what could bring me back to the party though – an old white woman who claims to be an Indian lecturing me about my white privilege.”
And I know a lot of people are looking for an 80 year old President, so obviously Biden ad Bernie are ideal. Cory Booker is totally sane, and I know people in middle America love activist freshman senators like Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris because they love to take marching orders from New York and California.
Game over Trumptards!!
17 Comment(s)
Wait all of them are ‘queens’?
If so, im in deep shit
The one in the pink is without a doubt Brett Killoran. God damn Big buy, you look pretty sweet in that dress, I know a few butt punchers that wouldn’t mind doing the mutual circle jerk and anal fuselage with the cool Brettster. What a looker B!
Which one of those trannies is Ed Augustus?
D’s sucking D, nothing to see
Fupasloths for Mcgovern
The Democrat Party could pick a homeless crackhead zombie off Green Street in Kelley Square and he would have a better chance of defeating Trump in 2020. If they nominate Liz Warren (which is a very real possibility) we just might see the first candidate ever to faint or run off the stage during a televised debate in history.
I could stand there and pick my nose all day and the brain dead voters will still reelect me because of the D after my name
I know that there’s something here that I should be offended by I’m just not sure of what it is.
Gooba liberal! One of us!
Gooba liberal! One of us!
Gooba gabba gooba gabba
I’ll never be one of you freaks! LOL
We at Harvard encourage ambitious extraterrestrial flying amphibians who lean left such as yourself.
bro you need to run for congress and help us stop the fascists
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The 20 minutes scrolling down isn’t enough
That only happens to you because you’re a fucking toolbox.
“Tagged the wrong Worcester…” Anyone who actually believes that he did that by accident is probably dumb enough to vote for him.
They only like him because he looks like a penis with glasses. Drag queens pride themselves on their sense of humor particularly when the subject isn’t aware of the joke.
Looks like they could use some Jenny Craig.