Four North High Principals were attacked in one day by students, because Joe Petty was too busy campaigning to be bothered to come up with a safety plan that works.
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Last year four vice principals at North High were assaulted by students at some point during the year. Apparently on Wednesday, September 9, they decided to do it all over again in just one day. That’s right, GoLocalWorcester is reporting that not one, not two, not three, but ALL FOUR vice principals were assaulted in separate incidents on September 9th. Again. At the risk of making Josh Fenton’s butt hurt more than it already does, here is part of what Pat Sargent reported about the incidents in his column in GoLocalWorcester:
Four students were arrested for the pair of altercations that took place on Wednesday, September 9. Two were arrested at the school, while the other two students were summoned to court for disruption of school assembly.
According to an administrative communication from Superintendent Dr. Melinda Boone, two female students were involved in a fight outside of North before the school day began. In an attempt to break the fight up, two assistant principals were assaulted. However, neither assistant principal was injured during the fight.
The two girls were arrested and taken into custody after failing to comply with the School Liaison officer who attempted to stop the situation from escalating even further.
Later on in the day, two male students got into a fight in the cafeteria. During this altercation, two assistant principals and five staff members were assaulted while trying to break it up. Again, according to the email from Dr. Boone, none of the staff were injured.
All four students will face disciplinary measures for the assault on staff members.
I’m sorry, but since when did teachers sign up to become body guards for the Jerry Springer show? Why is it part of the job to stop these savages from destroying each other? Ya got that Spanky? Savages. That’s what you are if you think it’s OK to hit a teacher and a principal. You are a savage.
You would think that after the year that North High had last year some changes would be made to improve the environment. But the changes that have come have included watching 32 qualified, experienced, quality teachers flee North High School because of their vindictive principal. It is noted that Sarai Rivera’s niece was hired to replace one of them. As was Phyllis Goldstein, a six figure hack from downtown who needed a job because her useless position was eliminated.
Instead, Lisa Dyer has added more administrative positions within her own school. We are being told by teachers that Department Heads no longer teach classes, as the contract requires that they do. They have all been given offices, which basically makes them administrators. As a result they remain loyal to Dyer. But it means more work for all the other teachers and larger class sizes. One of these new “department heads” is Phyllis Goldstein, who claims she was brought to North High to “clean things up.”
She’s obviously off to a GREAT start.
How DUMB do the people look who didn’t want cops in North High School? They’re so anti-police that they would go so far as to create a dangerous environment for students and teachers, rather than put necessary safety precautions in the school. As was pointed out in the GoLocal article, the cop on duty intervened in the first fight to make sure that it did not escalate any further.
The big argument against cops in schools has been the “school to prison pipeline.” They argue that if we start arresting and criminalizing students for misbehavior then they will get stuck in the system and end up in prison. Good. If that’s the case we should all be for that. Because school isn’t a magical place where laws don’t exist. If you started assaulting someone on Chandler Street you’d get arrested. That doesn’t change because you walked into North High School.
Look, this whole thing is a joke, and it’s all Joe Petty’s fault. I’m seeing these people all over Facebook blaming Lisa Dyer and Melinda Boone, which is great, but don’t forget who their boss is – Joe Petty. This one minute audio recording from a School Committee meeting back in April is all you need to hear. Union President, and Petty financial supporter Lenny Zelauskus got up in front of Petty and the SC and demanded that Lisa Dyer be fired as principal at North High for calling Janice Harvey a racist in a schoolwide email. At the 50 second mark Joe Petty says verbatim, “I’m not gonna go there. We have a good principal up there.” Listen for yourself:
Classic Joe Petty. This is his MO – pretend the city and the public schools are safe in order to win reeleciton. Can’t you see you’re being LIED to? He knows the streets aren’t safe. He knows North High isn’t safe. He knows it’s as a direct result of his lack of leadership. But he doesn’t wanna stop being mayor because it comes with a really cool gavel, and he gets to go out for steak dinners with Tim Murray and Jimmy McGovern at the 111 Chophouse.
Lisa Dyer is HIS responsibility. He went to bat for her despite the fact that he had evidence on his desk that she was acting unprofessionally and had set the school district up for a major lawsuit with Janice Harvey. He went to bat for her despite the fact that North High was the ONLY public high school that repeatedly had incidents involving violence. He went to bat for her despite the fact that FOUR VP’s at North High School were attacked by students. He went to bat for her despite the fact that she missed the entire last month of school because she’s probably clinically insane.
So if you see people on social media who are getting mad at Melinda Boone for this, I want you to ask them how they can support Joe Petty but dislike Melinda Boone? Because Petty just voted to re-up Boone’s contract. He is the captain of this sinking ship. And 5,084 MORONS voted for him in the preliminary election because he’s a nice guy, and an old guy with a Petty sign smiled at them as they walked into the polling place.
The most damning piece of evidence against Petty though was the late August SC meeting in which Joe Petty yelled in an aggressive and sexist manner over Diana Biancheria, as she inquired as to why the safety plan for the upcoming school year hadn’t been implemented yet:
“I’ve been working my rear end off to make sure we have safety in the schools.”
Ya got that? He’s been working his read end off to make sure we have safety in the schools. Obviously he has failed miserably in that regard as the schools are clearly not even remotely close to being safe. The five teachers and four vice principals who were assaulted would probably concur. Apparently to him “working his rear end off” means campaigning 24/7 and cutting the ribbons at chain restaurants with Sarai Rivera:
Holding non-stop fundraisers at the homes of wealthy donors:
Posing for photo ops with pleasant looking old ladies and his ultimate boss, Congressman Jim McGovern:
And who has time to worry about school safety when you could be shaking hands with celebrity Worcester County drag queens?
Melinda Boone and Lisa Dyer have obviously fucked up our schools. But they work for Joe Petty and the School Committee. They alone have the power to fix this and protect our students and teachers from violence. But instead of doing that he’s yelling at women, holding signs, running DOJ meetings, investigating blogs, and eating Popeye’s chicken.
You deserve better than this. Our children deserve better than this. Grafton Hill was the only part of town that Mike Gaffney beat Joe Petty in during the primary, because Grafton Hill kids go to North High School. They have no choice. The rest of the city has a responsibility to get rid of Petty and bring in the only guy who has been a champion for safety at North High School since day one – Michael Gaffney. Let’s make him the Mayor on November 3.
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8 Comment(s)
WPS Middle Schools have eliminated the in-house suspension position. Vice principals have no where to put the kids that misbehave, and out of school suspensions numbers are being ordered by downtown to stay low. These kids will be running our schools by Christmas!
Petty has governed over the utter destruction of Worcester and McGovern has helped enable it.
Those are Murray’s nuts!!!
Yes, but whose nuts?
Petty looks like chipmunk with cheeks full of nuts.
Classic welfare woostah
If the public had the tiniest clue about the assaults and out of control behaviors in the ELEMENTARY schools they would die.
Hi!… Ummmm… I’m here for Boone’s free pizza?