This is Jennifer Pelletier and her grown crotch fruit Talia from Johnston, RI.
If you refer to your daughter as “my best friend,” the odds of appearing on Turtleboy significantly increase. Just ask Jennifer Poor.
The two of them ordered out some Chinese food yesterday that they’re claiming came with a side of maggots.
The Facebook post has hundreds of comments and over 1,700 shares, so let’s take a look at the evidence.
Is this a maggot?
Hard to tell. But you’ll notice that the beef is surrounded by and covered in rice, and the alleged maggot happens to be the same size and shape as the rice. It’s also a maggot with a strong will to survive since it survived the deep frier.
Either way, you can’t tell just by looking at those pictures if it’s a maggot, nor do we have any way of knowing if it came like that. A normal person sees that and asks questions. Let’s see how the mob reacted to it.
It obviously must be a sneak attack by the Red Chinese. Don’t tell AOC.
Hardo!!! This is NOT the guy you wanna fuck with by accidentally putting a rice looking maggot in his food.
He will choke a bitch if necessary.
Then a witness showed up, and it didn’t work out the way the maggot whisperer planned.
Did she speak to management about it?
No, but she did post about it on Facebook and will be filing a complaint with the board of health. That counts, right?
I dunno, she seems pretty trustworthy. It’s not like she’s ever been brought to small claims court by a hospital and forced to pay a judgment of over $1,600.
Or been brought to small claims by Capital One Bank.
Or been brought to court by the Department of Environmental Management.
Or been forced to pay $718.30 to a credit card debt collecting agency.
Or been brought to eviction court for not paying rent.
Or been charged with violation of a protection order and cyberstalking, not shown up on court dates, and then had bench warrants issued against her.
No, no, no. She would never lie about anything like this. Plus, she hid in her home from a virus, as can be seen by her Facebook filter.
She’s a God damn American hero, and the Red Chinese won’t stop trying to kill her!
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57 Comment(s)
I’m Cason Scum so yes, WOULD and WOULD, both of em and at the same time if possible. I have no integrity or standards that why my last name is Scum.
Mom? Would. Full trifucta.
Are those larvae? Yes.
Are they cooked to a crisp from being either in the rice or in the heated drawer the beef is kept in if it’s batch cooked? No.
If they were well done, Mum n offspring would probably never have noticed.
I do hereby declare a state of shenanigans does exist.
rice spiced with Mom’s lice?
I swear to God I’m going to pistol whip the next guy who says, ” Shenanigans.”
who knew that eating maggots could pack on the pounds, but i bet that young woman and her friend (formerly called parent) saved the leftovers so they could have mini-moths later.
Fluffing with a fork: Great for making rice, terrible for making porn.
Looks like a maggot to me. I know of a gigantic pile of gender confusion in Worcester who would eat it.
Looks like a maggot to me…
I bet this is the last time mom will let daughter pick up food.
Sorry but those are definitely maggots. No reason to call in the troops or attain a lawyer though, just don’t eat there
Those do look like maggots. I thought no one was eating in Chinese restaurants nowadays due to the China Corona hysteria.
The mom is/was decent looking and is probably good on the springs. She’s from Johnston, RI though so a condom is a necessity.
She’s not jewish I trust her.
This is what my colleague Nancy Pelosi was talking about. The evil Donald Trump is mass murdering innocent Chinese and Asian people Just Because of him. We MUST STOP HIM and NOW!!!
What’s that?? Believe all Women? Well it MUST have happened then.
Oh fuck, just let me know when it’s all over…
If they wear ricer hats isn’t that cultural appropriation?
Give them something they’re used to… White phosphorus and napalm and agent orange.
Oh wait that’s the Vietnamese. The Chinese took care of them selves with Mao killing 65 million conservatively but the USA gets called out for killing 3 million NVA/VC?
I’m gonna go hunting and shoot my friend in the face.
Wait a minute – you’re willing to eat this shit food but you’re worried about larvae.
By the looks of it you both suck most likely unwashed dicks and swallow the cum of dudes you barely know and you’re worried about larvae.
I don’t get it.
Look a lot like indian meal moth larvae. Rice isn’t usually ribbed like that. On the plus side, they are edible!
Ribbed…for her pleasure.
Like Garth….ah huah!
This is the new variant of the common maggot. It is the cooked meat maggot.
Personally, I’d rather find a maggot on my meat instead of a faggot on my meat!!
I’m with you Dr. Wu!
Top notch content.
The daughter has a door knocker in her nose. That means there is a 100% chance that she is:
A) A lesbian
B) Promiscuous.
The maggot lo mein is not bad
Gives it a little crunch. And maggot protein is top notch!
must be a slow news day. Those definitely look like maggots, like 100% #thefuckouttahere
Plenty people have been sued (and lost) for posting shit like this. Worse thing the restaurant can do is nothing….
Something tells me she stuck her fingers in her dumpster pussy and put those maggots on her food.
if she dropped 80lbs she would be a great casting to a new snuff film! The daughter has a door knocker in her nose too. Only whores have door knockers in their nose. Ask me how I know.
Because your mother is a whore. Give your balls a tug, tit fucker.
Dont confuse your slut slam pig cunt mother with my mother.
My mother loved me and well your mother didnt love you. If she did she would have taught you all about wahhman and their nature.
Just because you were raised to believe all wahhman by your single mommy does not mean that others are as fucking dumb as you. Get off my dick your faggot is showing, bitch!
Your mom ugly cried last night because she left the lens cap on the camera while we were making a homemade gang bang video. It was disgraceful.
Hey man, wanna hang out and compare notes?
I told you to quit hiding my teeth in the freezah!!! One more time and I’m tellin Ma and I’m not takin you to Walmaaat tomorrow either!!! And stay outta my room too. Bastid.
Those are definitely maggots and chinks are fucking disgusting. That rice was probably cooked 3 weeks ago and stored in a cabinet in the bathroom.
And you prob still eat it on New Year’s Eve.
Jennifers clear and present danger is her waistline not maggots.
too bad, mom is not bad looking, I mean compared to most of the scum buckets I see on here
You’re a fucking simp. Moms good looking blah blah blah dude shes wearing tons of make up and she definitely waddles. Take a 720 psi pressure washer to her face and get all the cake off then tell us how good looking you think she is. Do you have no dignity or self respect or are you just that fucking blind? Get it together simpy its pussy appeasing beta males like you who are the reason why every wahhman in society is a harlet! She has absolutely no sexual market place value has hit the wall quite a few times and would use you over and over then spit you out for the next beta male simp. You would either be stupid enough to beg for more torture or you would sit there and cry after asking your self what happened blind as blind could be.
The daughter has some nice breasts.
And that ain’t simpin!
MGTOW, my mom has full c-cups and pink nips. How ‘bout yours?
I made your mum so wet, Trudeau deployed a 24-hour infantry unit to stack sand bags around my bed.
you missed this part, douchebag: ” I mean compared to most of the scum buckets I see on here”
Mother and daughter look like pigs in the wet market.
Mom and daughter need to let me lick their clits now. Gonna turn into maggots when they die anyway.
Maggot gooks invented corona virus in a Wuhan lab.
401ks dropping as US dollar is eroded to to government printing press.
stay on topic, go rant somewhere else
Lick my balls bitch.
Dow is currently up 500 points there, Wolf of Wuhan
Government spending on credit just like a filthy spic.
Big bitches for life until the heart stops. Keep devouring food bitches.
I love the zipperheads telling her to get a lawyer (esp the one with a dog face filter). Boy what a court case that would be!
They should have ordered the Suc Sum Tit instead, it’s maggot free. BTW, would do them both at once
…the Mississippi of New England.
You pay 2 dollar for extra protein
Yeah… Those 2 seem totally legit. It resembles the rice, yet I can’t help but wonder if they took the maggots out of their own house and placed it on the food themselves?
But what is up with the Bro brothers in the comments, bro? LOL