The teenagers who attacked and robbed a marine hero at McDonald’s for not saying “black lives matter,” will not be charged with a hate crime. Imagine if it were the other way around. This is why Donald Trump will be the next President.
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In late January there was an incident at the University of Albany in which three black students were allegedly jumped and beaten for no reason by a group of 10-12 white students, while they yelled racial slurs at them. We immediately called shenanigans on their story:
This is how any rational person should have looked at this situation, and similar stories that happened at the University of Missouri and Yale. In 2016, groups of white men don’t arbitrarily attack three innocent black girls and yell racial slurs at the them for no reason. You should ALWAYS view stories like this with skepticism. The media won’t, because they’re desperate for the page views. But just understand that it sounds unbelievable, it’s probably because you shouldn’t believe it. This is not Mississippi circa 1955, as much as people like Asha Burwell are pretending like it is. People like Asha are professional victims, attention whores, and liars. It’s insulting to civil rights activists who actually were beaten that these coddled, privileged, millennial dooshnozzles continue to pretend to be victims.
We heard the usual outcry from the butthurts. “Why are you blaming the victims?” “That’s racist!!” The usual things people say when they have no legitimate point to make. But wouldn’t ya know it – Turtleboy was right again. Asha Burwell and her two lying friends are going to face criminal charges for making the whole thing up:
“No arrests have been made,” said Frank Wiley, chief of UAlbany’s police department. “If that happens, we will inform the public.”
The women had initially said they were the victims of a Jan. 30 attack that was preceded by racial insults and allegedly involved at least 10 to 12 white men and women passengers.
One woman told university police that several men kicked her after she fell to the floor.
But doubts about the story came quickly, and Albany County District Attorney David Soares, in an attempt to defuse rising tension amid national attention about the students’ story, invited select and influential members of the city’s black community, along with university officials, to view video evidence from the bus.
Green and others were also shown statements made by other minority passengers on the bus. Those statements also contradicted what the three students had claimed, sources have said. Authorities have not released the videos to the public.
This represents EVERYTHING that is wrong with racial relations today. If someone tells a lie about a racial incident, then it must have happened. Everyone automatically believes it and you’re racist if you don’t. It’s such bullshit. And Asha Burwell was LOVING the her 15 minutes of fame when she was making this whole story up:
And of course DeRay McKesson, the self-appointed leader of the black lives matter group, jumped on the bandwagon because he is a publicity whore who builds his brand by perpetuating false stories about racial incidents that never happened:
And look who else jumped in on it:
There's no excuse for racism and violence on a college campus. https://t.co/ADVghl4iEv -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 4, 2016
Hillary. Freaking. Clinton. It’s insane that anyone could ever consider voting for this idiot. How full of shit is she? People of her ilk are always shitting on Trump, and sometimes rightfully so, for engaging in rhetoric that spreads hate and intolerance. Well how the fuck is Hillary Clinton any different? She knew NOTHING about this story, but yet she still tweeted it out to her 5 million followers like it actually happened. And she wants to be the leader of the free world? LOL. It’s going to be a pleasure to watch Donald Trump eat for lunch in every single debate. I can’t wait to watch it happen.
After this incident was reported by an attention seeking asshole, the college President Robert Jones sent this email out to all students and faculty:
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
Early this morning, three of our students were harassed and assaulted while riding on a CDTA bus on Western Ave. in Albany. The students, who are Black women, stated that racial slurs were used by the perpetrators, whom they described as a group of 10 to 12 white males and females. I am deeply concerned, saddened and angry about this incident. There is no place in the UAlbany community for violence, no place for racial intolerance and no place for gender violence.
I am out of town today. I have decided to cut my trip short and will be returning to Albany as soon as I can to address this situation. In the meantime, I have been in direct contact with the Provost and executive leadership team and have directed that the University respond rapidly and forcefully. Our police, our student affairs personnel and our Office of Diversity and Inclusion staff are working together to support our young women. We are working closely with the Albany Police Department to identify the persons responsible. If those individuals are UAlbany students, we will hold them fully accountable for their behavior. I call upon all members of the University at Albany to unite. We must show the world that we stand for inclusiveness and stand against bias, violence and hatred.
He wasn’t even in Albany when it happened, yet he reported the incident as a statement of fact. Three students were assaulted – no allegedly assaulted. Assaulted. The 10-12 students who were investigated were treated like dogshit and fed to the pigs. One of those students issued this letter yesterday demanding an apology from President Jones, and rightfully so:
On January 31, 2016, you wrote an email to the Student Body, stating that 3 girls, the previous night, were harassed and assaulted by 10-12 males and females on the 11 CDTA bus. You continued the email, stating that you would return back to the UAlbany Campus, and work with the Albany Police Department to catch the persons responsible for this incident. Though all the facts of the case were not in front of you at the time this email was both written and sent, you took the girl’s word that this event happened.
Shortly after the email was administered, public outcry came, from a local and national standpoint; there were protests on campus and social media; the girls who were allegedly assaulted called for the 10-12 males and females to be indicted, as well as the bus driver on the 11. To avoid rambling on, I will once again put these events in its simplest terms: things got out of control.
Upon finding out that these 3 students could possibly be lying about the alleged assault, maybe even being the ones who started the fight (gasp!), you went to the UAlbany Community once again, this time asking us to reserve judgment, be patient, and respectful of the ongoing investigation.
But, how are we to follow this precedent when you, President Jones, did not reserve judgment, have patience, or show respect?How are we, as students, supposed to feel safe in this school, when our own President lines us up for execution before giving us a fair trial? How are we supposed to turn a blind eye, when a student in YOUR care left YOUR University mid-semester, because he felt his life was threatened?
To me, this is not a racial problem. This is not a gender problem. This is not a Black vs. White, or Male vs. Female, or Student vs. Student problem. This is about what is right. This is about due process.
Regardless of what the outcome may be in the forthcoming weeks, guilty or innocent, you did not provide the UAlbany Community with due process. You heard a story, immediately took it to be true, and sent out an email to the Student and Faculty Body, indicting 10-12 students for their crimes. You did not remain impartial, you did not provide adequate notice to the alleged perpetrators, and you did not give an opportunity to hear the 10-12 student’s side of the story (a direct violation of the Student’s Bill of Rights).
This is not fair to the 10-12 students being put on trial for a crime they might not have even committed. This is not fair to the student who left because he felt threatened. This is not fair to the Student Body.
I believe that you should send a personal apology to the University at Albany Family. We cannot, and will not, be the victims of something that has plagued our Nation. We must reserve judgment until all of the evidence is brought before us. You must lead the way; you must prove to us that due process does not have a skin color.
Good for this kid. Enough is enough with this bullshit. It should be a rule of thumb that if you lie about an incident then your punishment should be exactly the same as what would have been given to the perpetrator if the incident did in fact happen. If you accuse someone of rape and it’s a lie, you should go to jail. If you accuse someone of assaulting you and it didn’t happen then you should get whatever punishment they should’ve gotten. Enough is enough. We need to start getting serious with stuff like this. These girls should all be expelled at the very least. But of course they won’t because we treat college students like they are five year olds. There is personal accountability for your actions in 2016.
Anyway, this is yet another example of why Donald Trump is going to probably be the next President of the United States. Americans are sick of this like this. We are sick of politicians like Hillary Clinton fabricating hate and racism in order to divide us and we ain’t taking it anymore.
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7 Comment(s)
This is the new trend. Hopefully completely fabricated stories like these are found to be untrue more quickly in the future. It would certainly prevent the subsequent nonsense that follows! Too bad these three douchebags can’t be charged with a “hate crime” for making up a fake hate crime!!! And I will repeat one of my earlier comments; a flip flopping, knee-jerk reaction presidential candidate, who is desperate for votes will only make this country worse than it already is! We already have enough racial tension and animosity, because of bullshit like this. We don’t need more!!!
It’s so funny how Hillary initially looks at people of color as ‘superpredators’ and ‘we have to bring them to a heel’ in ’96, but now that Votes matter, she jumps at the first racially motivated headline. We don’t need this for our Country. Not now, not ever. It’s time to rebuild and fix, no longer divide our Country.
they now deserve to be slapped around a little bit
This is EXACTLY why I’m voting Trump. Because he calls out this bullshit rather than tries to ride it for votes like Hillary and the other professional “public servants”.
It’s sickening that people are prepared to pretend something exists so they can complain. If it was really a widespread issue they wouldn’t need to fabricate examples. F them all.
This is an alarming trend. Too many false cases. Albany, Missouri, Princeton and numerous other places. High profile when the false charge is made, barely reported when the truth comes out. Scary.
While in Missouri Professor Missy Click was terminated for her part in two incidents during the protests for a student “safe space” on campus. The other event was her failure to follow directions from a police officer as she attempted to block a parade during home coming. There is justice and hope that these “leaders of tomorrow” learn that you don’t always have everything handed to you.