This is Christine Osborn, a Woodstock CT resident, legal immigrant from Australia, and nurse at Harrington Hospital in Southbridge.
She’s quite woke and is voting for Joe Biden in a few weeks because she is rather obsessed with the current President.
This crusty gringo dingo has a tendency to take it too far though, and often posts shit on Facebook that a nurse really shouldn’t be posting. For instance, she recently wished death upon Trump, called his supporters arse lickers, and said, “die you prick” when she found out he got commie cold.
Someone gave her a chance to think it over and perhaps take it back, since her job is literally to preserve life. But she was like, nah.
Better double down instead. Actually, make that a triple down.
She really wants you to pat her on the back though for going to work every day and doing her job while you do things like protest for liberty and bodily autonomy.
Funny how none of those signs say “black lives matter.” Of course we know by now that 50,000 people holding “defund the police signs” is necessary for public health, whereas a wedding with 100 people is a super spreader. This is all very logical.
Karen Kangaroo also thinks that people who refuse to live in fear are “dickheads” as are people who vote for Trump.
Don’t worry though – I’m sure she’ll provide you with quality healthcare if she finds out you’re a Trump supporter. She seems so stable.
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69 Comment(s)
She was fired I just talked to the hospital.
She should be fired from here jon for stating something like that and especially for the Pres. of the U.S. – Deport her anywhere!
Usually Aussie broads are hot.
The streak ends right here. Not this fat vile cunt.
May her PPE fail spectacularly.
Nurses wishing pain and Covid19 death on people what else is new?
Is she fired yet?
She’s a FRONT LINE HERO!!! Nurses and Teachers are FRONT LINE HEROES!!!!
She will never be fired, look for her latest Tik Tok drunk nurse dance and subscribe to her channel.
If you vote for Trump you’re a NAZI KKK fascist homophobe and hate nurses and teachers.
Hey Christine, did anyone ever teach you to put a fucking period at the end of your sentences?
She seems nice…
If this bitch catches it… Covid will be classified as an STD after infecting the world’s biggest cunt.
Orca Osborn isn’t the only self righteous fat slob working in a hospital setting that feels this way and isn’t afraid to tell the world.
Manchester’s Catholic Medical Center ICU has a few RNs with TDS that boldly claimed they would not care for Trump in an emergency situation when CMC was selected as the emergency hospital for POTUS when he was in Manchester a month ago.
Make no mistake, you can bet they would love to see us all die too.
Should name names. This shit has to end. Political and religious affiliations should take a backseat when caring for an American citizen in the United States of America. Nurses are paid extremely well in our part of the country. Time to start putting them on notice starting with all those tik tok nurses earlier in the year and this fucking illegal immigrant cunt
Can you imagine getting a whiff of this pigs cunt on a hot summers day?
She probably douches with off road deisel fuel
Blahahaha!! Vacuum cleaner nose!
Love it.
I’m surprised she’s not married to a spade
That’s the negroes greatest wish in life
To fuck a white woman even if she’s a fat disgusting beached whale like this cunt
Who’s the fat shit with her?
She probably lets him live rent free so he
Tongues her asshole out after watching big brother episodes
You’re downvoted for that visual!
I wouldn’t let my children eat the tainted second hand candy given out by this shrew.
Christine Osborn is a fat shitcunt.
Liberalism Uber Alles!
Libs shoot right past common decency and into stone cold evil and they don’t even notice. Scary people.
Sorry about that…thought that horse was headed to Japan for rendering….not a 4H project at the Woodstock Fair
what is it with these fuckin’ nurses Why do they all feel they should be looked up to as heroes? THEY ARE JUST DOING A JOB LIKE THE REST OF US. Of course they all would like you to believe they are “working with Covid patients” which puts them in mortal danger, umm no you’re not. When working with Covid patients you aren’t coming out of that room all fucking day . . because if you did, the whole hospital would be infected, STOP WITH THE DRAMA
Yikes I know those aussies like to rock a hairy beaver. No dine dash for me.
Fucking this nasty fat bitch would be like throwing a hot dog down the Callahan tunnel
WHY WHY WHY are all the obese, unattractive women rabid nut cases? We didn’t have enough biden losers, so now we’re taking them in from other countries? FYI chubs- there’s a better chance of you dying from Covid than trump. He’s the president; you’re just another fat loser representing the Democratic Party
All the fat chicks and the cheap wine Australia imports to the United States.
They keep the good stuff for themselves.
Crikey! She’s a big gal!
She is a kocko buryer.
Holy fuck–Olivia Newton John you sure fucking ain’t, hon.
And as ugly on the inside as out to boot.
I think Nurse Ratched is somewhat of a CUNT.
She is also a nurse at UMASS Care Connect.
Go the fuck back to Australia, you fat bitch.
Christine terrible Booze. rash ..to many glasses of wine after work ….you look like in your mid to late 50’s
I live in southbridge and Harrington hospital is a shit hole
I wouldn’t take a sick cat there
And this big fat ugly cunt should be worried about COVID
It could kill the morbidly obese like this tub o shit Nazi cunt
Cancel The Cunt. And remember 2020 ÷ 666 is Bo Hidin Jidens 30330 text number! he also said he was able to stay in his basement because the black lady at the grocery store was stocking the shelves. O and you’re not black if you dont vote for him.
She’s so ugly when she throws a boomerang, it doesn’t come back.
That big guy’s got to be her nephew, right? No way any straight man would stay with this nightmare for anytjing more than a quick drunk fattie fuck.
LOL. Oh noes someone said something bad!
Aiden do you read the comment sections here?
I called the hospital’s compliance hotline on this fucking turd. This behavior is UNACCEPTABLE for front line health care workers.
Christine, I seriously think that its about time that you consider salads.
Like we’re going to take political advice from an inbred drunkard from a penal colony. She has the bloated, ruddy, befuddled look of the offspring of dual alcoholic parentage. I feel sorry for her toilet.
You and your ilk are an embarrassment to the profession. Not just because he’s the President, but to wish that on ANY sick person is the against everything we are as nurses. However , they have the blessing of administration and higher ups to talk like that. Trust me on that. If I EVER said anything about BLM, my ass would be on the breadline before the day was out.
Its sad how a few bad apples ruin it for the rest huh? Not saying all healthcare professionals are like this, thank you for making your voice heard. I agree we wouldn’t be touched if we had that BLM posted all over our social media. If you find my previous comment you’ll see that concern I have. I’m about to start a new career in healthcare ( more on the business IT level) and was already warned to be careful posting anything that identifies myself as conservative on social media no matter how innocent it is. I don’t want to jeopardize my chances of getting hired because god for bid people can find you and get triggered about something so tiny…yes even as something as simple as supporting our president, sad huh? I guess loving your country and having patriotic pride is frowned opon now. But if I wrote “fuck the police” , or Biden 2020, BLM or wished Trump dead would I be Ok? Probably! Lol. I have now gotten off social media till stuff quietes down.
Yes, shut the fuck up. No one cares if you work in a hospital, Trumpster.
I remember how outraged you got when people wished death on Obama and Hillary.
I wish death on your mother for the lousy blow job she gave me last night
People need to call the hospital and complain!!
Here is another lesson brought too you by JJ. If you divide 2020 by 666 it is 30330! We all know that 666 and 30330 are intandem and synonymous with pure fucking evil. This is no coincidence Fellow Patriots!
America is evil, wrong, racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I know this is true because I read it on facebook, from a bunch of people who have a false sense of their own significance.
I’m about to start a career in healthcare ( not directly working with patients, more on the technical/ administration side) and was warned to be careful posting things on social media that identify me as a right wing Trump supporter, no matter how innocent or “clean” it is. I guess I’d be safe though posting BLM garbage, fuck the police jargon and anti Trump lines right??? I deleted my social media for this and a few other reasons anyway.
Ok, you fucking Grimace, listen up! I had the day off to spend with my kid and guess what? We have limited options because of fucks like you! Can’t go to DQ to eat, can’t go to our favorite arcade (closed) and the one place that finally opened, well get this. I was told that we strongly encourage that groups that did not arrive together socialize. WTF!? So, the door handle, bathroom door, floor or any structure that the virus may live on (BULLSHIT) would not transmit this fucking Chinese flu but talking to another kid would? Wonderful, now my kid is even using social distancing as part of her language. Fuck you, fuck all of you to hell! I hope you lost your job, lose your visa, lose your fucking mind on Nov. 3rd around 10pm when YOUR President wins reelection! Now back to trying to unfuck my kids mind because of people like you!
I bet this fat twat has a “hate no home here ” sign on here lawn
Also Australia is one of the strictness countries when it comes to Covid with the lockdowns. Some of their citizens have compared it to Nazi Germany and are truly afraid of their government. And we thought the US was bad these last 7 months.
The left is beyond hateful and all around miserable.
Leftist Nurses have been going through a power trip with Covid. That part of their brain that separates truth from reality has dissolved.
“I’m a hero”!
So you aren’t taking a paycheck?
You volunteer your life saving skills?
You are literally responsible for saving lives of your own volition?
Or, are people are dropping all around you but you STILL show up each day to help? No, they aren’t.
You are Doing Your Job. Most health care workers are NOT put in life or death scenarios with their patients. They do paperwork, BP and change bed pans..
All are paid to do their job that they chose to do to make a living. Stop looking for worship and stop thinking you deserve to have an opinion that matters over others.
This Aussie reject who is clearly anti-American is paid to be a nurse. A nurse who wishes death on someone is a danger to be around patients. She should go back to the criminal continent of spiders and rejects. We want people who love our country here and OUR president.
She comes from a land down under
With a filthy mouth and thighs that thunder
Dan Bongino said this the other day and it is so true, it completely defines who we are up against politically.
Turtle riders, conservatives, patriots, etc think the left are people with a lot of bad ideas.
The left on the other hand considers us BAD PEOPLE with ideas.
It makes it very difficult to find any middle ground when your political opposition considers you sub human.
Im the only Trump supporter in my family, let me tell you the hell its been when you’re outnumbered…
Make sure you’re the one who drives everyone to vote. Instead of going to the polls just keep driving until you’re deep into another state so none of you can vote. It’s a good trade. Lose one Trump vote but lose two or more Biden votes. Do it for your country!!!
She’s bat-shit CRAZY!
I’ve met several Aussies in my life. Each one was an asshole…
Australia the decedents of Criminals, Completely anti immigration society. Australia let’s almost no immigrants into their country legal or illegal. Australians are a bunch of fake Liberal cunts. How did this disgusting fat slob become a United States citizen. Probably can’t vote because she is here on a VISA. Why would a Forign FAT Liberal try to push her Political agenda on anyone. FAT SMELLY PIG
That’s true but not entirely True. They only let in the chins and Kiwi’ but the Kiwi’ are cool. Their country along with africa is on their way too being ruled by the ccp and already is in a sense. You’re correct in your statement of how it was orginally settled as a penel colony. It was for the worst of the worst and housed many sexual predators. It was essentially britains Alcatraz!
Either way, she should go back there and spout all her liberal/feminist bullshit. I’m 100% positive she left there for here because of their shitty lib feminazi government. Basically shes doing what people from Comiifornia are doing. Voting in idiots that are ruining everything in the state then fleeing the state because of how much of a shithole it is. just too turn around and vote in the same type of idiots in their new state. It happened in maine and now new hampshire as well. Drove through Freedom nh then into Conway into farmington, bridgeton, naples, freeport a few weekends back. All have bo hidden jiden signs everywhere. What shocked me the most was Freedom nh of all places had them. A town named Freedom that have signs for people that want to take it all away. It was a pathetic/sad sight to see! These people have no intelligence at all! If reagan didnt shut down all the asylums. I often wonder if we would have these people in our society.
She probably gives a great blowjob because fat girls are always looking for something to eat
Go back to fucking Australia. I thought it was paradise there, right?
Fat useless swine
I agree she should lose her job or at least get disciplined. Police get in trouble for voicing their concerns and opinions over BLM on their social media, but this nurse thinks she’s untouchable? Ha!
I wouldn’t want her as my nurse. Especially if I was in critical condition. She’s clearly mentally deranged with TDS and should not be in a position where she could do harm to others.
Unless of course they asked her to harm them.
These ppl are the biggest hypocrites too and TB has exposed them in the last few months as they should be!
By extension she will wish Trump supporters die also.I’m not much for the cancel culture but this person should be fired immediately and her nurses license revoked permanently.
I thought fat people were supposed to be Jolly