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Karma is a bitch. Before karma:
After karma:
#Triggered #Oppressed #WrappingUpMatters #Trucked
While he was tending to his wounded nani in the locker room Carolina scored a touchdown and took the lead. He’s back though. Just needed a temporary safe space. No big deal. Not like there’s a big game going on or anything. Football is a team game. When you make it all about you this is what happens. If you’re getting ready for a big game against the reigning MVP and a team that went 15-1 last year, you better be thinking about nothing except for football. When your mind is polluted with bullshit and hashtags this is what happens. What a loser.
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17 Comment(s)
Turtleboy has hacked my phone. I reported this website as it is infected with spyware.
Kevin Lynch hacked my head… with a golf club… I was murdered in cold blood by Kevin Lynch. Report this to everybody… Kevin Lynch is a cold blooded killer. Karma is coming. Burn in hell Lynch.
Like Turtleboy wants your Ariana Grande playlist and the pictures of your boyfriend’s dick.
Oh my God….
The NFL is too PC to address any of this BS.
Kevin Lynch rented 50 shades of gray, after reading the book.
50 shades of boring!! A book with mediocre sex talk to rile up the typical housewife who lies down half dead. I think my granny had more excitement than that in her knitting class!
Everyone excited with their picks this year? Not me I was 2nd to last when choosing in fantasy. Not too thrilled.
P.S. This douchebag is a nobody. This whole “dont stand” thing is old news, why did he even bother? He will be forgotten in a heart beat.
I’ll show you 50 shades of your favorite color.
I’m a woman so I’m going to pick something like “buttercream yellow” or “enchanted forest green”
Good luck finding 50 shades of that!
Anything you want…
I bet turd could come up with those colors. He’s pretty resourceful.
50 shades of brown.
Blah blah blah.
Hey Fiesty,,where are you?
Peekaboo! Was on a last minute weekend vacation… Got back last night. Feeling relaxed!
Thought Greg or someone ran you off. Glad your still there.like your sense of humor
No one is going to run me off… ever! I’m way too witty to give up that easy. Lol