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So the other day we shared the whole DCF report about the home of Kim Malpass, the foster mother of Ava Conway, the 2 year old child who passed away in August. The whole story is tragic. Another child is now blind and both children obviously were products of neglect on the part of the foster mother. Kim Malpass does not currently have custody of her kids, largely because she lied to investigators about her live in ex-con boyfriend A.J. Mallett.
Now if I were Kim Malpass I would do everything in my power to keep a low profile. More than anything I’d be trying to clear my name so I could get my kids back, because the fact that this woman isn’t in jail is one of the most baffling aspects of this whole tragedy. But one thing I wouldn’t be doing is looking for a new lover with an online dating profile on PlentyOfFish.com:
Yup. This is a real thing. She’s a “nurse,” as long as you ignore the fact that her license expired in 2013. Couple other interesting notes in the bio:
Do you want children? How bout “no?” No would be a GREAT answer for that question. Seeing as your track record with parenting leaves a lot to be desired. And you only drink socially? Yea, except for that time you came home drunk the night before Ava Conway died and your 9 year old kid had to hold your hair while you were puking your brains out. And that 10 year relationship? Yea, you should probably point out that it was with a criminal who was accused of beating your children.
Honestly, we debated even blogging about this before someone sent this to us, but this dating profile is kind of in poor taste, don’t ya think? I mean, you just went through this unspeakable tragedy three months ago, which was largely your fault, and here you are on Plenty of Fish trying to get your swerve on. If we can keep one guy on PlentyOfFish.com from pursuing this ill advised relationship, then we’ve done a public service.
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6 Comment(s)
Whatever happened to the commenter that liked to punch fartboxes?
That there Bobby is what we men call a ‘Blister’, you don’t want a ‘Blister’.
She can gag on my baby batter.
Occupation : “Nurse” , Education: “Some university” – well, that is encouraging that one needs only “some” college to be a nurse.
Do you want children? “It depends on whether or not I need some more to use their names and obtain utilities for my taxpayer funded apartment.”
Do you have a car: “Yes, and I might have left two babies strapped in their car seats to die of heat stroke in it.”
I am going to stop now, because I am just getting more enraged. Isn’t she and her live-in boyfriend charged with a crime yet?
She needs a new sugar daddy now that her taxpayer funded gravy train has ended.
Can’t believe this POS is still walking around free, but then again if she or the boyfriend were in jail that would open the door to liability on the part of DCF and the Auburn Housing Authority – so I guess we can figure out why she hasn’t been charged. They all have blood on their hands!
LPN ‘s train for 10 months 8 hour days, training only on how to be a nurse. there’s no English history math etc. so yes many nurses do not have degrees. The LPN is just as competent as a RN with an associates degree. The LPN in training can not retake a course etc. if you drop below an 80 in any course you’re kicked out of the program and if you do the slightest mistake in clinical you get kicked out on the spot.