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One person in Worcester that Turtleboy is very protective of is South High Principal Maureen Binienda. Anyone who has EVER had any dealings with this woman understands how dedicated she is towards the students of Worcester. She has spent her career working with the most at-risk students in the city and reaching them on a level that few teachers and administrators are capable of. Here are some of her accomplishments:
- She has kept South High running smoothly and out of the headlines despite having virtually the same demographics and population as North High.
- She has a passion for education and would be more concerned with how policies affect learning, rather than how to improve meaningless charts.
- In 2010 she partnered with the Family Health Center of Worcester and opened a food pantry at the high school for students and their families.
- South High created a full service health center under her direction.
- South High is the headquarters for Andy’s Attic, a collaborative effort she helps run with Shrewsbury High School, where students donate clothing and kids volunteer to put together completed outfits into one package which are then given to identified students who are in need.
- Maureen is the Vice President of the Webster Square Business Association, a group that supports and encourages young people in the community by “employing teens, partnering with schools, and awarding annual scholarships. During the holiday season, we purchase gifts for needy children and host a tree lighting program for families in our neighborhood.”
- The Webster Square Business Association also does neighborhood cleanups as part of their goal to beautify the Webster Square area. To do so Mrs. Binienda assembles a small army of student volunteers who pick up trash and plant trees and shrubs on the weekends.
- She encouraged hundreds to participate in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, including both students and faculty.
So as you can see, she is experienced and has achieved success with the only thing that matters when it comes to being a leader in the Worcester Public Schools – Worcester kids. I can’t stress how important it is to have an internal candidate who understands the system, rather than a carpetbagger like Melinda Boone who moves here, never plants roots, and uses our children as a stepping stone to a higher paid position (she got a $30,000 raise by going back to Norfolk).
That’s why this pisses me off so much right now:
Oh right, can’t forget to toss the race card out there. Mrs. Binienda might seem like the perfect fit to take over as Superintendent, but she’s also white. That’s not a good thing. After all, how can she ever expect to reach children who have a different color of skin than she does? Sure she was featured in the Huffington Post as one of the best principals in the country. Doesn’t matter though. She’s white. Not good.
Let’s look at some of the bullshit in this Worcester Magazine article.
“Clearly the process seems to be arbitrary, exclusive and not inclusive,” Jose Encarnacion, the chair of the Worcester Latino Ministers Alliance, said to applause and murmurs of support. “Clearly the criteria … is a safeguard to make sure the candidate selected [already] is chosen.”
Oh yes, “Reverend” Jose Encarnacion.
Another fake pastor, married to the Godfather of fake pastors, Sarai Rivera. This is a guy with NO KIDS in the Worcester Public Schools. He has nothing at stake here. But yet here he is shitting on the two internal candidates for not being “inclusive” enough. Sure, acting Superintendent Marco Rodriguez is Latino and one of the two candidates, but we’ll just ignore that because it doesn’t fit the agenda.
Complicating matters is the fact that Tracy O’Connell Novick and Hilda Ramirez, the two committee members who voted with Mayor Joe Petty and committee member Jack Foley in favor of Rodrigues’ appointment, were voted out of office in the November election and replaced by Donna Colorio and Molly McCullough, who subsequently voted with the Binienda supporters to eschew a national search. The 5-2 split has led to widespread resignation that the School Committee has made up its mind to go with Binienda – something that didn’t sit well with the Latinos assembled at CENTRO.
Do you idiots not understand how a democracy works? All I heard from these losers after the election is that the Turtleboy Sports Revolution isn’t real because Gaffney didn’t get elected Mayor. But we took back the School Committee from Tracy Novick and Hilda Ramirez because they didn’t have the interests of the children at heart. They didn’t want to protect our kids with police officers in the schools. They wanted to blame white teachers like Janice Harvey for being racist by using the term “color-blind.” We had no choice but to vote them out and put in Donna Colorio and Molly McCullough. They made us do that. And now the votes are going the way the people want.
Naturally these dingbats have a problem with that. Democracy is the worst isn’t it?
The process “feels like a $200,000 job is going to be handed to someone’s best friend – it’s frustrating,” Joe Corazzini said.
This freaking guy.
He might be the biggest racist in Worcester, and unfortunately he has indoctrinated his kids as well. He has two kids at North High School who he forces to go to protests with him. He uses the girls as props and makes them hold “Shut it down” or “Justice for Mike Brown” signs. He also sent them to a Department of Justice “race discussion” with this list of made up, allegedly racist things their teachers said to them:
When he saw that an image of his daughter from one of the propaganda videos he put on Youtube ended up on Turtleboy Sports, he sent a letter threatening to sue Turtleboy Sports:
Why is anyone listening to an idiot like this? Hey dude, the people spoke in November. You lost because everyone thinks your opinion sucks. Don’t like it? Put Tracy Novick up again in two years and watch what happens.
Latinos make up over 40 percent of WPS students, but only around 10 percent of WPS educators, who under the current search process would be the only people eligible for the superintendent job. The city recently announced a series of initiatives around diversity and trying to make sure employment opportunities cast a wide enough net to ensure representative employment at City Hall, but speakers at CENTRO said making the superintendent search internal excluded qualified candidates – some of whom might be people of color – who would otherwise apply.
So let me get this straight. We need to waste money on a national superintendent search because, there’s probably some guy from New Mexico who can better serve the children of WORCESTER because of the color of their skin. This is what progress looks like to progressives in 2016.
Chris Robarge, the central Massachusetts field coordinator for the American Civil Liberties Union, even raised a question about whether an internal search in a district with an overwhelmingly white employment rate violated – at least “in spirit” – the standards for equal opportunity employment.“It looks like we’re looking at one or two candidates … it is not a good pool of candidates,” Robarge said.
Not a good pool of candidates? Who the hell is this guy to say anything about the qualifications of superintendent candidates?
How long has he taught? How long as he worked with Maureen Binienda? Oh yea, he hasn’t. He’s never worked in a school a day in his life and has no kids in the schools, and yet he thinks his opinion has any sort of validity whatsoever. Why does anyone care what this surly homeless man has to say about anything?
And attendees said there were issues facing the Latino community specifically that needed to be addressed, with one person asking how the next leader could be chosen out of the current leadership when the current leadership has so far failed Latino students.
See this is the shit that needs to end. Our schools have “failed Latino students.” Newsflash – our schools have provided every possible mechanism to help Latino students. On average Latino students get free lunch at a much higher rate. There is a much higher rate of Latino students in Special Ed classes, which are MUCH more expensive than regular ed. We have hired countless ELL teachers from Kindergarten through 12th grade. We have Spanish speaking faculty at every school. All in all, the district spends significantly higher on average for Latino students than it does any other ethnicity or race.
But none of that stuff matters. Latino kids don’t graduate at the same rate as white kids, so obviously we’re not “serving” them as we are “serving” white and Asian students. Hey how bout this theory – Latino kids who don’t do well in school are falling themselves. How bout that? Families that accept failure and don’t come to parent teacher conferences are the reason kids are failing, not the schools. This bullshit narrative needs to END.
Recommendations put forward by sponsors of the session, including the Latino Education Institute, the Worcester Youth Center, Christian Community Church, the HOPE Coalition, Latino Dollars for Scholars, Nativity School Worcester and others, focused on five qualities – equity around allocating resources to improve achievement in a large urban school system, leadership for managing a large organization with conflicting perspectives, access for student support programs and especially English Language Learner assistance, diversity for addressing community needs and community for balancing community and school administration interests.
Recommendations? Who the hell do these dingleberries think they are? Gotta love how they throw in the “diversity” recommendation. AKA, no white people. AKA, sorry Mrs. Binienda. Even though you clearly have the ability to communicate well with Latino students:
At the end of the day you are still a honky.
“We have a problem ensuring our students get the skills they need to compete,” Hilda Ramirez said, pointing out a 58 percent college acceptance rate despite higher graduation rates district-wide. “A lot of [Latino] students come from first generation families that don’t have experience of going to college.”
Oh look, a woman who just got DESTROYED in the School Committee election thinks anyone gives a shit about her opinion. Hey Hilda, maybe only 58 percent of students are getting accepted to college because schools are forced to pass kids through who don’t deserve to pass. Ya know, so Melinda Boone’s charts can improve. Then when they write their letter when applying for college, and the woman who works in admissions can’t understand it because it’s barely English, they somehow don’t get admitted. Gee, never saw that one coming.
We’ve been hard on SC member John Monfredo before, but he nailed this one:
“I want a superintendent who hits the ground running and not one who will take two years to get to know Worcester or the school system,” Monfredo said, arguing that Worcester was “selling itself short” if people didn’t think there were qualified candidates in the system. “I want a superintendent who will engage the community and reach out to all groups and have them as partners in the education of our schools.”
“What we do need is for our parents to be more involved in the educational process and we need a leader who makes that a priority,” Monfredo continued. “I want a leader that reaches out to our Hispanic leaders and has them assist with how they can help us in meeting the needs of the community.”
Bingo. Mrs. Binienda is the best advocate for the Latino community that we could ever hope for. Unlike people like Boone or whatever suit they’d bring in on a $35,000 national search, she actually has worked with and understands the needs of students of color because she doesn’t sit behind a desk and make charts all day.
And look what this LOSER Juan Gomez had to say:
Gomez, who narrowly lost a bid for a City Council seat last election, decried the idea of “to the winner go the spoils” politics and urged the School Committee to take Latino voices into consideration.
HAHAHHAHAHHAA. The people who won the election get to dictate policy? MADNESS!!! Seventh and eighth place losers like Juan Gomez, Tracy Novick, and Hilda Ramirez should be able to pick the Superintendent!! Truly hilarious that this dingbat actually has a problem with the winner getting the spoils. Add him to the Turtleboy graveyard:
Then again this is a guy who not only lost the election by 100 votes, he also wasted thousands in taxpayer dollars by demanding a recount, and then canceling on the day of the recount.
My favorite part was Joe Petty saying he didn’t wanna do the search anymore because people would read Turtleboy and not waste their time applying:
“Even if we did a national search, I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of people to apply … they can read the papers as well as anyone else,” Petty said.
Yes Joe, yes they can. This is what the TBS Revolution looks like. We have protected the city of Worcester from future carpetbaggers like Melinda Boone with our digital footprint.
Here’s some brilliant commentary:
Nancy Smith is not a real person. It’s a woman named Natalie O’Hayre who lives in an insulated, all white community on the West Side. She admitted to Turtleboy Sports that she’s never had anyone over for dinner who wasn’t white. But please, tell me more about how we should embrace diversity. Anywhere but your neighborhood right Natalie?
Hey Natalie, maybe the School Committee knows they already have the best candidate and doesn’t wanna waste $35,000 in taxpayer money to hire a consulting company to bring in some chart lover from South Carolina.
Yea Natalie, the job is being “handed” to her. It’s not like she earned it by working in the WPS for over 30 years by rising from SPED teacher, to Vice Principal, to Principal. It’s being handed to her because she’s white. That’s it.
The bottom line is that this pissed Turtleboy off because he knows what a great person and qualified leader Mrs. Binienda is. Ask any student or teacher who has ever had contact with her. The fact that people are throwing stones at this wonderful lady and amazing leader because she is white, is sickening. This is a new all time low for the hippie squad. You can talk shit and come after Turtleboy all you want. But if you go after Mrs. Binienda you will awaken the snapping turtle.
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15 Comment(s)
Latinos still think they have a country,Puerto Rico is a u.s territory,it would be a horrible idea for anyone from territories that don’t pay taxes to lead anything. They see a different FREE country. This is how cults start like Rivera and the guy who’s a pastor with unborn babies and single parents for a “church”. America getting sicker by the day.
The real question is, will Jenn still have a job or will Maureen be able to speak for herself?
“Recommendations put forward by sponsors of the session, including the Latino Education Institute, the Worcester Youth Center, Christian Community Church, the HOPE Coalition, Latino Dollars for Scholars, Nativity School Worcester and others,…”
The Nativity School is in on this Hispanic-only bandwagon? Their headmaster just resigned to go to St.John’s (Shrewsbury), so why don’t they busy themselves with finding hanging up the “Latinos Only” sign there?
Make a note to yourself TB and when their new headmaster is hired, let’s see if he (or she) passes the “Latino Only” test…will be interesting to see if hypocrisy prevails.
*The process “feels like a $200,000 job is going to be handed to someone’s best friend – it’s frustrating,” Joe Corazzini said.
Unless of course, it’s one of his friends.
How’d that last nationwide search work out for ya?
That’s the crux of their entire complaint – it’s not one of their friends. Someone who’ll be beholden to their agenda, instead of what’s right for the kids.
WE are talking education of the kids here. The excellence card should trump the “diversity: card all the time. In fact there is no inherent value in diversity solely for the sake of diversity. That leads to mediocrity. Then again that is what Sanders is preaching. Everyone is equal hard work and talent should not be rewarded.
The whole “you can’t hire someone to be a superintendent unless they’ve already been one” idea creates serious bootstrapping issues. How does one get the experience if you only hire people with the experience?
Also, it’s not like Worcester is a major city. Let’s be real for a minute. They just had someone leave to become the superintendent of freaking Norfolk Virginia and it was a PROMOTION. A national search won’t be targeting the cream of the crop anyway, so why waste money searching for some retread when you have a perfectly suitable internal candidate?
Give me a break. Joe Sawyer, Superintendent of Shrewsbury schools was promoted to his current position from the position of principal. He had no former experience as super and is doing a fantastic job. The claim that someone is unable do the job without prior experience is hogwash. Every super was new to the job at one point in their career. Maureen has 30 years experience which is an incredible wealth of knowledge, but that apparently isn’t enough for the outlandish hippies.
Shrewsbury schools weren’t a mess before he was hired, that’s the difference. He just took over an already thriving system. Worcester schools are a mess and need someone with experience cleaning up messes. That’s why it should have been open to a national search. I really have zero problems with Binienda. And if she ends up being the best candidate for the job then it should go to her. But, the school committee should be looking at all possible candidates before making that call. All the committee has done by limiting the search is limit the ability for the city to thrive.
You do realize that we are in this mess because we did a national search last time? The next superintendent has to clean up Boones trail of destruction . The national search will be expensive and will alternately just bring another Boone
“You do realize that we are in this mess because we did a national search last time?”
No, that’s incorrect. It wasn’t because of a national search that we are in this mess, it was because they picked the wrong person for the job. The national search is a good thing. And if it ends up that no better qualified people are found, they can always fall back on Binienda.
Something else missing from this post, what qualifies Binienda to clean up the system? You’ve included a list of accomplishments (and they are all great things), but no where do you show she is capable of not only taking on the roll of superintendent, but would be successful in the position. If she is truly as strong of a candidate as you all think, she should be able to outshine any applicants to the position. If you have to limit the search to make it easier for her to get the job, she is 100% the wrong person for the job.
“Shrewsbury schools weren’t a mess before he was hired” – there are different kinds of messes…for the record, SPS was/is full of rich kids/parents with too much free time and free money-type of problem.
I live in Shrewsbury and am curious about this free money problem I am supposed to have. Do they give out free money at town hall. What day is that, I guess I did not get the notice to go pick up my free money. I think my problem is that I don’t have enough (or any) of this free money.
“Free money” meaning….the kids have too much free money (from their parents)…not all of them, and not all S’bury folk are rich, but IF you live in S’bury, you might be aware the Shrewsbury teens are more known for certain types of issues than, say, Worcester teens.
Joe was the assistant superintendent before taking the job. He was a principal a few years before that. But none of this matters. Worcester is a lot different than Shrewsbury and the Worcester superintendent has much more help than Shrewsbury would have to run the schools.
Who cares what the Latino coalition says about this. They do not matter in this decision. The only people who matter here are the school committee and if they want Maureen then everyone who disagrees can go pound sand. Even the lame Telegram admits that local favorite Steve Mills was overlooked in the last search and that he could have made the great contributions to Worcester that he ended up making to another place. Who can blame the school committee for going local this time? The last national search yielded a true carpetbagger who padded her resume and walked out the door in the middle of a school year. Every person with a brain knows that you will get something richer, deeper, more caring, honest, and more wholesome with Maureen Binienda. Worcester needs a person with a big heart to gets its own heart beating again. Maureen will do that and more. Kudos to the school committee for sticking with their plan and finally promoting one of their own.