Legendary GoFundMe Trap Queen Cinnamon Nicole Is Raising Money For Powerball Reimbursement

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We’ve written extensively about GoFundMe scams around here, but this woman might be the greatest GoFundMe trap queen of all time:

A woman by the name of Cinnamon Nicole from Cordova, TN has raised a little more than $800 in seven hours via her Powerball Reimbursement Go Fund Me page.

Stop the fight!!! Her name is Cinnamon Nicole? How is she not a stripper? That is the greatest stripper name I’ve ever heard. I mean, she’s not bad looking. You’re telling me a weekend gig at Sweaty Betty’s couldn’t fix things up for her?


Oh wait, she can’t. Because she’s “classy” and a “child of God.”

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Nicole alleges to have spent all of her money on purchasing tickets with the assumption she would win the $1.6 billion jackpot, but soon realized the winning tickets were sold in Los Angeles, Florida and Tennessee suburbs.

HAHAHHAA. On the “assumption” that she would win the $1.6 billion jackpot. Because why wouldn’t she win the lottery? No one EVER loses the lottery, especially if they buy more than one ticket. Only suckers buy one ticket. The trick is to buy hundreds or thousands. How can you lose? 

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Despite the chances of anyone winning the jackpot being 1 in 292.2 million, Nicole still decided to go big, and unfortunately now can’t go home because she allegedly doesn’t have any money.

Please help me and my family as we have exausted all of our funds. We spent all of our money on lottery tickets (expecting to win the 1.5 billion) and are now in dire need of cash. With your small donation of at least $1.00, a like  and one share, I’m certain that we will be able to pick ourselves up from the trenches of this lost and spend another fortune trying to hit it big again! PLEASE, won’t you help a family in need. DONATE NOW.

For your charitable donations, Nicole promises to make you her #MCM or #WCW.

Wait….what??? She wants to raise money so she can buy MORE lottery tickets? Gee whiz, what could possibly go wrong? It’s not like she’s lost all her money and become destitute because she went all in on the Powerball before. Glad to see she’s earned her lesson here. I wanna meet the idiots who gave her $800 before she shut her page down so I can punch them in the face. 

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The funny part is, she’s dead serious about this. We figured this was a joke GoFundMe page, kind of like the junior smokeshow who started a hilarious GoFundMe so she could buy a sandwich at Subway. But evidently this is all too real. My question is, how many tickets did she buy? Are we talking like, 100? 1,000? 20,000? How much money could Cinnamon Nicole possibly have in her savings account if this is the type of decision making she is accustomed to?

Anyone who buys more than one Powerball ticket is a moron. I don’t blame anyone who bought one, just for the fun of it, just in case the unthinkable happened. But there’s a 1 in 292 million chance you would win. Are people really that stupid to think that a 5 in 292 million chance is any better? If you bought 292,000 tickets, you’d still have a 1 in 1,000 chance!!! Playing the lottery is just a donation to the state so that you can briefly live out a fantasy and post on Facebook about what you’d do if you won. But only an idiot actually plays the lottery with the intention of winning it. 

And she’s a mom? Well, that’s just great!! New rule – if you spend your entire family’s savings on lottery tickets because you think it’s impossible for you to lose, then you don’t get to have kids. It’s bad enough you’re too stupid to hang onto your own money, but why do you have to make your kids suffer too?


Guaranteed this woman already has the ultimate GoFundMe – welfare. Every week taxpayers go to work so that Cinnamon here can go out and buy scratch tickets and weed. Luckily she’ll keep doing it for the rest of her life because social justice warriors everywhere won’t let you call out welfare abuse when you see it.



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13 Comment(s)
  • Dgaf
    January 16, 2016 at 5:18 am

    Another one.

  • Wabbitt
    January 15, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    I’d hit it. I’m down with the swirl.

  • Doc Time
    January 15, 2016 at 6:34 pm

    You do know that’s a guy though right?

  • Frogshit
    January 15, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    Sorry… This Twatnozzle is fucking BRILLIANT!

  • Tierra Symone
    January 15, 2016 at 3:10 pm

    Congratulations, YOU PLAYED YOURSELF! It was made to be funny. FOH!

  • Don't Worry About It
    January 15, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Well NAW! She was joking, so unless you’ve personally talked to her and asked her if she was serious stop lying to get page clicks! She’s not a stripper and to be clear everyone is a child of God so to question that is stupid! Check yourself dawg! You wasted your time. I’m pretty sure she’s grateful for the publicity. But I refuse to allow anyone to down talk her! Find someone else to play with!

  • Tim Williams
    January 15, 2016 at 1:49 pm

    A real person (fighting Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer) that could use help – and some publicity:

  • BobnMic
    January 15, 2016 at 1:36 pm

    She is a hot babe alright but too bad her brain is all fucked up. Hot chicks really do think they rule the world. That scares me a little bit because that’s not exactly not true… :0

  • concernedandsickened
    January 15, 2016 at 11:46 am

    before the gofundme page was taken down by her or gofundme i saw it. she was asking for one hundred grand.
    i mean come on….Scam artist to say the least.

  • Jake from State Farm
    January 15, 2016 at 11:24 am

    yes there are many losers willing to part with their cash, probably bleeding heart liberals, as no conservative is that stupid …. so ….. I really don’t care . piss it away.

  • Sean
    January 15, 2016 at 9:46 am

    Doubt she blew much on the lottery at all. Probably just smart, knowing that people will send money to a pretty woman. And that is assuming that the money is going to the person in the picture. $800 – so far so good.

  • Clive's not a racist, just ask him
    January 15, 2016 at 9:35 am

    Can I electronically give a sperm donation on her face?

    January 15, 2016 at 9:34 am


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