Disgraced drug dealing state trooper turned failed bartender Leigha Genduso has a new boyfriend named Landon Steele. He’s been accused by a bunch of women of being emotionally and physically abusive, along with a bunch of other crazy shit. He moves from woman to woman mooching free shit off of them, and always has “the next girl” lined up. Leigha’s the current “next girl,” except she knows about it and doesn’t care. And she’s threatening women who tried to warn her. Read about it all here on TB Daily News.
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83 Comment(s)
Turtle boy is obsessed and fucked up . Leigha and Landon are also psychos and fucked up
God help them all
What a crazy story.
Something tells me this guy is going to be one of the 22 some day soon
Wake the fuck up ……
Surely you mean “Leeeighaaaaaaaaaaaa”
What I’m good at folks !
Training Dogs , Mixing Drinks , Creating Drama , Making poor decisions . Sucking cock .
Yes, she trained many dogs and went through cases of peanut butter.
It would be fun to put her in cuffs and do some smashing.
A trip to the ATM would be in order.
The last person that should even open their mouths about “ integrity and reputation “ is you Leigha .
You are nothing but a narcissistic attention driven human being who doesn’t have any respect for themselves .
Keep walking down this road , you are doing great .
You know, I used to sympathize with Genduso, but I don’t anymore. She is still living in the “I was a trooper” days, and obviously, making shithead decisions. News flash, Leigha. You’re not a fucking trooper anymore. Stop talking about it. Move the fuck on. And nobody wants your Malinois to use for tracking. You’re a disgraced FORMER officer who is now dating a total psycho – who appears to be a complete faggot too.
Down in flames. I don’t feel bad for her.
When is the investigation into Danielle going to start? She’s got ties to genduso, portnoy, the curtis/lucy thing…c’mon lets go
Can you elaborate on this?? Thanks
That is the biggest POG I have ever seen.
Look at the pic of him with the Glock. Hes got his finger on the trigger. NO ONE does that. You always keep a straight trigger finger until youre about to fire your weapon.
Leigha , help yourself and help the public by checking yourselves into another psychiatric unit . You might want to get another psych evaluation , because clearly you are fucked up in the head . You need attention to live . Medication might do you good at this point .
Landon a little tip
Everyone knows you’re a homosexual trying to hide behind a tough guy act
But before you get your picture taken please clean the spades cum off your beard
“Landon a little tip.”
Dont blame me Ive never met the goy.
I predict she’ll be dating Jeremy Winslow next.
People used to laugh at me and call me moron when I did the thinking mans pose back in get high school.
Now I talk bold I think bold and I find sneaky ways to boldly make the productive of our society pay more snd more taxes to support the unproductive. I am a bold thinker with bold ideas. Ha ha ha ha ha
No one ever accussed me of actually having a brain.
It will not end well for Leigh Denduso but every single member of the MSP that had a hand in elevating a drug dealer to the Massachusetts State Police paid no price and continue to receive pensions of $150k and up for the rest of their mother fucking corrupt piece of shit eating lives.
I actually feel sorry for this girl. She continues to fuck the wrong guys.
The MSP is a collection of grifters and gangsters with guns badges.
Feel sorry for her? She’s an adult. She is obviously unstable. The fact that her new love interest has a firearm’s license is scary.
She made her own bed. She continues to. Don’t feel bad for someone who doesn’t want to help themself.
You’re right…I shouldn’t feel sorry for her…Just wish the corrupt fuckers at the MSP paid a price…here’s the price Daniel Risteen paid:
Dan Risteen 2/23/2018 Lieutenant Colonel State Police $159,999
For the rest of his mutha fucking corrupt life…
I totally agree with you there. Those in the top were never punished, and they damn well knew her past. McKeon, or Bieber you spell his last name, walked away with full pension. Risteen and all the others too. And don’t think that Baker didn’t know the deal. He’s another one who’s full of shit.
It’s called a stable career , which I’m sure half of you on here don’t have . I’ll be surprised if half you on here even have a degree . You are all keyboard warriors . Why don’t you focus on the topic of discussion here “ Ms. I am better than everyone Leigha Ann Stupid Genduso “ .
Enough about this chick. She was fired. What more do you want?
Continually blogging about her at this point is akin to ripping the wings off of a fly.
And fwiw: ANYONE who tells you they work for the CIA, DOESN’T.
I’m going to get 100 thumbs down, but I honestly hope she keeps herself safe.
Limerick of the Day…….
A lunatic psycho called Steele
Tempted Leigha to give him a feel
But he’ll cut off her ears
And he’ll get twenty years
Reduced to 6 months on appeal
Dick Kenton-Walker (aged undetermined).
There once was a douche from Crewe
Who sucked
Old Tom Morris
Fuck you.
Stupid, unfunny and cunt is no way to through life, son.
Landon & Leigha are awesome people, two real American heroes who would never hurt a fly. They have more patriotism in their pinky fingers than anyone you would ever meet. Looks like Turtleboy has their facts wrong once again, why smear these patriotic heroes? Happy Thanksgiving!
Is there patriotism in stolen valor? Didn’t mention the reduction in rank did you doc? Still at the same shit I see.
All the good you’ve done means jack when you make up your own storyline. Losers attract losers still holds true. Fuckyouboth.
Bc they are both unstable cunts who think they’re something special. Idgaf if that Landon homo is a war “hero” bc a man who intimidates and physically harms women is nothing more than a derelict. Leigha, your best bet is to move somewhere far from here. Stop reminiscing about the “good old days” and move on. Find a decent guy, get some counseling. Start a new life. This Landon fag is only going to dive you deep into alcoholism. You just crawled out of the bottle. Dump his ass
Nah, don’t try and stop them. I want to know what drama unfolds when he starts slapping the shit out of her.
Although this guy is no angel and definitely has a few screws loose of course, being a decorated veteran and performing difficult assignments in Haiti clearly count for something. Combat medic (if it’s legit)most of us here couldn’t come close to performing those duties. I would probably rank this dude one of the LEAST shit-baggish people ever featured here. First time I’ve ever ranked a story below average here on TBS.. Happy Thanksgiving
Landon & Leigha are awesome people, two real American heroes who would never hurt a fly. They have more patriotism in their pinky fingers than anyone you would ever meet. Looks like Turtleboy has their facts wrong once again, why smear these patriotic heroes? Happy Thanksgiving!
If one person calls you a duck you punch them. if 100 people call you a duck. well Daffy its time to learn to swim.
Hi Landon!
I think I could probably give vaccines and blood pressure meds out to Haitians if I had to. I just wouldn’t want to.
I believe if I were stupid enough to enlist in the army, I too would have the skills of being a fucking combat medic douche.
Not a whole lot of combat in Haiti. We do have ongoing wars in other hot-spots, and they always need people to walk those streets. This guy was in Haiti? Come on dude.
I could perform those duties with ease. This Landon fag is not a hero. He’s a wannabe douche who smacks women and abuses drugs. Ana Haiti?! Come on. We aren’t talking Korengal Valley here. He’s shit himself over in Korengal.
The question is who will give who VD first? Or will their combined VD’s cancel one another out..?
It’ll be VD squared.
Well, she can arrest him…..
Someone needs to teach Billy the Skid here some Trigger control
Only in Trump’s America!
He looks like one of the village people
He’s probably getting fucked up the ass by a spade as we speak
Fuck him and his tough guy act
A ticking time bomb.
He about to go kaboom! like Chinese firework, right Lee?
Oh yeah! LOL
I’d hit it!
He looks like he would let ya’.
What a bunch of drama queens.
Does your life really suck so bad that you care about a complete strangers fucked up love life?
This site has become loser central.
Because they don’t crash trains together for entertainment anymore.
Got a problem with that?
Careful there closet case. Your latent Homosexuality is showing.
I might be movin’ to Montana soon
Just to raise me up a crop of Dental Floss Raisin’ it up
Waxen it down
In a little white box
I can sell uptown
By myself I wouldn’t
Have no boss,
But I’d be raisin’ my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin’ my lonely Dental Floss
Well I just might grow me some bees
But I’d leave the sweet stuff
For somebody else…
but then, on the other hand
I’d Keep the wax N’ melt it down
Pluck some Floss N’ swish it aroun’
I’d have me a crop
An’ it’d be on top
Movin’ to Montana soon
Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon
(yes I am)
Movin’ to Montana soon
Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune
I’m pluckin’ the ol’ Dennil Floss
That’s growin’ on the prairie
Pluckin’ the floss!
I plucked all day an’ all night an’ all Afternoon…
I’m ridin’ a small tiny hoss
Great judgement Leigha! You remain a shitstain on the dirty sheets that is the MSP. But why are you not doing rape porn yet? It is all you have left. Asking for a friend.
Hey Leigha – How’s the book sales doing?
Well, Leigha got NOTHING Substantive for her previous Legal transgressions – Ratting, Lying to save her ass, Lying to get into the State Police academy, then FUCKING AND SUCKING her way to a cushy position. With lots of perks and salary.
Well, I look at it this way. The State of Massachusetts didn’t see fit to prosecute. She has her own person version of Juicin’ Jeremy in the making. This guy is Ms. Genduso’s PERSONAL Judge Jury and Prison. And she’s too fucking stupid to see her coming.
I dunno man, she’s got the dogs. They can sniff out assholes. Dogs have that ability, they will eat him alive if he ever takes a swing at her. Meanwhile, once a douche, always a douche. She deserves this turd
they should report the lombardi account to facebook so she will lose her instagram and facebook accounts.
And Leigha,
You never applied for warrants as a trooper you dumb fuck. Investigators do that not K-9 cops.
You’re right. She didn’t apply for warrants. She wasn’t a detective. I’d like to see the actual written test she took for the MSP, bc I bet you anyhing that she didn’t pass. Not a chance.
Ah, were the contents of her findings, observations, conversations, etc. turned over to the defense for every criminal case this fake account was used in?
This is a mandatory discovery item. This is a MASSIVE Brady and Giglio issue and I hope MSP, AG, and Feds look into this some more.
Best story I’ve read on here in a while. Nice sleuthing.
Like me and TB. Lol Jewish diddlers are cool too.
Those two cunts deserve each other.
Good this guy was defineitely smart enough to get some nudes….
Should be seeing those in no time once she pisses
Him off
Good hope this dude spanks her ass offen ,she needs some discipline!
Good for her….I mean she was stuck with colonel or lieutenant or whatever costume he was wearing at the time Risteens steroid shriveled calls for quite a while to keep her career going about time she at least got a hard dick again
She sucked and swallowed my load. All of the military hardware and silencers can’t change that fact big boy. As you travel down her road, take heed of the signs that say “She swallowed my DNA”
Feel free to lock and load dude. There’s no escaping that she swallowed by sperm brother. Kiss her on the lips for me! Salty kisses….
Is there any cooler name than Landon Steele? If he’s lying about his past it’s probably because he’s really a secret agent.
I prefer Brock Landers or Chest ROckwell
Or Dante Thunderstone……….
I highly doubt the ATF ever approved this coke suck a class 3 license to have a suppressor let alone a high capacity Glock like his is posing with. I hope the boys in blue take him down hard.
In states that permit ownership, a suppressor ony requires a $200 tax stamp.
All NFA classified items require a $200 tax stamp and as of 1971 when the ATF was created they background check u and you have to pay them. Just shut the fuck up. You need a class 3 to buy NFA items- doesn’t matter what state ur in. Just shut the fuck up and go back down to your parents basement and play Warcraft.
Nothing like my shitbags like this giving us vets a bad name. Don’t know how he still has his firearms license still? I love watching a dumpster fire and that is the very definition of Former Trooper Genduso. They deserve each other both are fucking morons.
You’ve had a bad name since 1953 where the fuck you been. American troops are heroes for what the genocide they committed. These poor ptsd heads think they’re worth something only in Israel.
If your holstered response is constantly something to do with geopolitics then you might be a huge cunt. Just sayin’.
What a colossal douche.
If you have to tell people you have a fake page and why you have a fake page – you lose all credibility.
Get Fucked,
Damn dude, you really have a crush on this bitch
This is a marriage made in heaven.