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Lenny Zalauskas has been the head of the Educator’s Association of Worcester (teacher’s union) for the past six years. He hasn’t taught in forever because he was so awful in the classroom that this is the only thing he can do. However, he has consistently worked AGAINST the teachers, and is very chummy with Mayor Joe Petty. If you recall, he did some really shady stuff to make sure the EAW endorsed Petty for Mayor over Michael Gaffney.
But the worst thing he did was last year when North High teacher Janice Harvey was humiliated by principal Lisa Dyer, in an email in which Dyer called Harvey racist for using the term “color-blind” in a Worcester Magazine op-ed. Lenny talked a big game at the next City Council meeting and demanded that Lisa Dyer be fired for her grossly unprofessional behavior. We applauded him at the time because he appeared to be having his teacher’s backs.
But we found out at the next meeting that he was completely full of shit when he got up in front of the Council and pointed out that they had ignored his demand. That’s when Jumpin’ Joe Petty busted out the gavel and told Lenny to sit down and shut up:
“I’m not gonna go there. We have a good principal up there and I think we have some good teachers up there.”
Basically Petty was letting them know that he was anti-teacher union and could give a shit less about their unfair working conditions under a tyrant like Lisa Dyer. But instead of holding Petty’s feet to the fire, Lenny decided to throw money at his campaign instead:
That’s because him and Petty are boys. Sorry Janice, bros before ho’s. Preachers before teachers. Haters before educators. That’s Lenny’s motto.
Anyway, if you’re a teacher in Worcester and you still support this clown, then you deserve a lifetime of Melinda Boone seminars about restorative justice. Because Lenny doesn’t care about teachers. He only cares about himself. But yet he still has the minerals to run for reelection. He has to know he has no shot at winning a legitimate election right?
That’s why he’s pulling a wild card and doing what has never been done by the EAW before – online voting. He recently sent out this email to EAW members:
“This year’s voting for the 2016 Board of Directors will take place electronically over a 7-day window, April 25 to May 2 from 4:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. We have retained the services of Simply Voting, an electronic voting company. The Ballots and Credentials Committee will receive the results of the election and certify them on May 2nd.”
LOL. First of all…..huh? Voting is open from 4:30 PM to 4:30 PM? OK then. Sure, a competent individual would have at least read over an email he sent to thousands of members he was hoping to be reelected by, but Lenny’s not known for his competence.
Secondly, is this the shadiest thing you’ve ever seen or what? This is the same guy who manipulated the EAW’s endorsement process back in July. If you recall, the Board had 7 members, and Gaffney held a 4-3 advantage. But one of the board members wasn’t there, so Lenny brought in a ringer who he knew would endorse Petty. That brought the vote to 4-4, which meant that he got to be the tiebreaking vote.
We spoke with several teachers who contacted him about getting a spot on the board, but he made it quite clear that only Petty supporters could get on. So the thousands of teachers who pay Lenny’s salaries with their dues didn’t get a seat at the table. Their opinions don’t matter. And unlike Lenny, they actually teach children.
The best part is that he was leading the charge against Melinda Boone back when she was destroying our public schools.
But guess who voted for renew Boone’s contract and gave her a positive evaluation? That would be Jumpin Joe Petty. Oops!!! Well, I guess if you don’t support the machine then you don’t get to have any photo ops with Worcester City Councilors who resemble shady NFL franchise owners and Jabba the Hutt.
So if he’s able to do that with such a small amount of people, think about all the fun he could have with this “electronic” voting system. Especially when people read that email and have no idea what time they can vote at, or what website to go to. They could always check the EAW’s Twitter handle, but this is what they would find:
EAW Board vote will take place 4/25-5/2. If ballot, it will be counted 4/27. EMAIL US to confirm your email! EMAIL to
— EA Worcester (@Eaworcester) April 8, 2016
Wait….what? English please.
It’s called the “EA Worcester,” but it’s really just Lenny’s personal Twitter account where he types out nonsensical things, designed to disenfranchise his members. Here’s what the Twitter account looks like for a real teacher’s union:
They tweet out stuff about schools and union business. Sexist Lenny gets in pissing matches with young women:
@BrittanyLegasey no argument just facts Gaffney to immature to be mayor
— EA Worcester (@Eaworcester) October 18, 2015
@BrittanyLegasey as I was embarrassed for you
— EA Worcester (@Eaworcester) October 18, 2015
Oh yea, and he occasionally retweets some propaganda about how racist schools are:
And of course he retweets things that he thinks makes him look good. Like that time he spoke at the really to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour:
Lenny @Eaworcester "We need these @RaiseUpMA policies passed to make our communities stronger and better."
— MA Jobs with Justice (@MassJwJ) April 2, 2016
That outfit is the most Lenny Zalauskas outfit we’ve ever seen. Clearly if that man were in front of a classroom full of children, no one would take him seriously. That’s why his only career option is to be the head of the teacher’s union. He cannot afford to lose this job, and he’s willing to do anything to make sure he retains it. We’re not saying that he’s definitely rigging this election, but we are saying that he can’t possibly win without doing so. Obviously we would encourage teachers out there to vote for the other guy. We don’t even care who it is. Just vote for the other guy, because the man in the Walmart brand sweatshirt isn’t looking out for your best interests. Just sayin.
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15 Comment(s)
This has happened in the past, with Lenny running in previous years. Only union members with private emails on record with EAW get notification about the voting. It’s a shame. Lenny has been ineffective as EAW President, and should not continue to run our union.
Do these people ever retire ? Why not leave and give someone else a chance ? Preferably much younger, motivated and looking for change. Seen this all, so many times before.
They don’t retire. They get jobs at CAB! Really? Union president and when they are done with that position they get one in administration for WPS. So, who do they represent?
Here we go again, TB still fuming over the EAW endorsing Petty over Gaffney! It doesn’t matter who was the head of the union at the time, Petty was going to get it over Gaffney.
TB There is so much more to this than meets the eye. There was a meeting last week and the members waited until the end of the meeting (due to lenny’s scheduling and dragging out the meeting for hours) to vote on this issue but golly gee there weren’t enough members left for a quorum. When the list of candidates was sent out to the union members listing the candidates he wrote “Vote for Lenny” in bold print! Really? Don’t think that was appropriate. He wants online voting because he knows it is the only way he might win. Those members who do not have email will get a paper ballot that they have to mail in. I’m not sure the same response that one gets from school based voting will occur from this process. He is doing everything in his power to ensure that the least number of members vote and those that do vote will support him. The membership voted last Wednesday about the ballot yet this was ignored and he has put in place what he wants. Please dig deeper on this. WPS teachers need your help
You are incorrect on all accounts.
Too bad the election wasn’t a month later. You could have Kevin Hayes as a candidate.
TB, you have this all wrong… you or should I say “you guys” are starting to slip.
Can’t wait to see him get more votes than there are teachers.
There’s TWO others running – one who is there to SPLIT the vote so the incumbant gets reelected. Second oldest trick in the book. If the EAW wants a new, non-Boone President, they need to coalesce behind just ONE challenger.
Not true… one will split the vote so that the elementary candidate gets elected.
Nope, wrong again bird. Challenger split always hands election to incumbent.
Provide some evidence to support your claim… Then I will admit to being “wrong again.” Also, could you refresh my memory about when I was wrong before.
TB it opens at 4:30 and stays open until 4:30 seven days later. For someone who reads Facebook for a living you should’ve known.
So which TB is fucking Brittany Legasey? She’s on here all the time now.