Social Justice Warriors

Lincoln-Sudbury’s 269-68 Baseball Coach Fired By Gutless AD Because Naniburger Parents Complained He Was Mean To Their Loser Kids

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Want to see the latest story of suburban parents of naniburger gone crazy? Check out this gem from the Boston Herald

Kirk Fredericks issued a statement to the Herald following the stunning news of his termination as head baseball coach at Lincoln-Sudbury. Fredericks leaves the school after 14 years with an overall won-loss record of 269-68 and three state titles to his credit:

“Today I walked into LS prepared for an end of the season meeting with the Athletic Director. During the meeting I was told I wasn’t being rehired as baseball coach at LS.  I asked why and the AD stated that over the last two years there have been a number of complaints. As I walked out the LS baseball players and families had just received an email from the AD stating there will be a change in leadership.

Although I am sad and disappointed that this has come to an end, coaching at LS has been a dream come true. LS athletes are a special group with drive and determination to be the best they can be. The families have always been supportive to provide the means for players to get stronger and play baseball at an elite level. The number of kids that love playing baseball and parents that devote time to make youth baseball what it is in LS is second to none. 

Unfortunately over the years there are plenty of people that you don’t make happy and this is part of coaching. During my first 12 years any issues were solved with a face to face coach and parent meetings with or without the AD.  During the last 2 years under new administration I have not once sat and talked with a parent and AD regarding a complaint.  This change of allowing feedback to skip several steps is something I have struggled with for two years.

The cupboard won’t be bare as the LS Baseball staff worked very hard to reload the program for next year. We have players back at each and every position that received quality time this year and five or six of them will be college baseball players eventually. The pitching staff has a couple top notch arms coming back along with two freshmen Division 1 prospects who pitched for the junior varsity all season. The Super 8 will be where LS Baseball will be considered next season no doubt.

As far as the future and what lies ahead for me personally, I will turn my attention to my 20-plus 16-year-olds that I’m coaching in the NE Ruffnecks program and traveling the country with this summer. It will be a pleasure to work for the CEO Steve August who trusts me to keep safe, feed, teach life lessons, and coach baseball each summer while also working with kids that have the same qualities as the LS Baseball players.”


What an absolute fucking disgrace this is. This coach is 269-68. I repeat 269-68!!! That is INSANELY good. And he won not one, not two, but THREE State Championships in Division 1. Do you understand how hard that is? He’s basically one of the greatest high school coaches in Massachusetts history.


And he’s gone now because a couple poopmsmooch kids from Sudbury thought he was too mean. Meanwhile this guy has been winning state championships since before AD Peter Elenbaas was even employed by the district. This is what Elenbaas looks like:

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If I saw that guy, I would assume he’s the gutless, spineless dooshnozzle that he is. He is exactly as I pictured him. This is the kind of idiot who gets hired as an athletic director in a high school. Some nerdlinger with a pink tie who would rather cave to the wealthy landowners from Lincoln than do what’s best for the kids.

And that’s what this comes down to. What is best for the kids? All the time I hear the rhetoric from administrators like this about how “it’s about the kids.” Shut the fuck up with that jive. No one believes you actually mean that.


Check out his bio. Here’s a quote from it that basically tells you everything you need to know about him:

“I was on the practice squad for the Bowdoin hockey team for a year and a half. I never played in a game and finally decided the time commitment wasn’t worth it.”

Yea, fuck commitment!! That’s what this guy is all about. Benchwarmer. Scrub. On the team to help raise the GPA. That’s what Peter Elenbaas was his whole life. And when he finally gets a position of power he uses it to get back at a coach who reminds him of the coach who never let him play because he was just that God awful.

The time commitment wasn’t worth it.” Who says that? Rudy got to play in one Goddamn play for Notre Dame. Do you think he said that? What would a movie about Peter Elenbaas be like? Some local p-bag goes out for the team, makes it, rides the bench, cries to all his friends about how unfair the coach is being, quits, and then takes out his revenge on some high school baseball coach 15 years later. Awesome fucking movie bro.

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Here’s another quote from his bio:

You have to remember that kids are doing sports to have fun. Also remember that sports are a lever to teach kids things other than sports.

Jesus freaking Christ. This is why American kids are growing up to be such whiny losers. That quote explains everything. Newsflash – this isn’t tee-ball. It’s high school division 1 varsity athletics. You play to win the game, not to have fun. Wanna have fun? Go play a pick up game at the park. High school is for winning and losing.

He’s right that sports are a lever to teacher kids things other than sports though. But the problem is that he just fired a coach who taught his kids lots of things. High school sports teaches them about how to learn to handle setbacks and defeats. It teaches you how to overcome adversity. It teaches you how to get along with and work together with people that you might not necessarily like. It teaches you the rewarding feeling you get when a group of young men or women come together and accomplish a goal. I learned more from losing games in high school than I have doing ANYTHING else in my entire life. And the kids at LS learned all of those things from coach Fredericks, and then this nudnik fired him because of two naniburger parents that were to gutless to address their problem with the coach first.

Then there was this quote: I know what some athletes go through. I also love cooking. Yup. That explains so, so much.

This is just another example of the dangers of moving to the burbs. This would NEVER happen in Worcester. Kids in the Woo aren’t built to be naniburgers like the scrubs that Coach Fredericks had to deal with. And it was probably only two kids. Two LOSER kids with LOSER parents, who have an inflated sense of how good their LOSER kids are. So instead of looking at this guy’s body of work and saying, “Maybe this guy knows what he’s doing and my kid actually sucks,” they go to the AD, demand he be fired, and immediately are granted their wish. This shit would NEVER happen at Doherty or South.

Look, I’ll be the first to tell you that Turtleboy Jr. sucks at sports. I try to get him to kick the ball around and instead he starts picking blades of grass. Then some kid I was supposed to get at birth comes along and starts kicking it, and Turtleboy Jr. starts crying and screaming to high heaven because someone stole his ball that he wasn’t using. But that’s because he’s an about to be three year old who doesn’t understand how the world works. If he’s still doing this shit in high school, like the loser kids who complained at LS, then we’ve got a problem. But I can guarantee I will be backing the coach when we get to that point. I just don’t know what school that will be at. Suburban or Worcester?

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9 Comment(s)
  • Lauren
    April 8, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    If it makes anyone feel better, I had Elenbaas as my senior year chemistry teacher and I called him a d**hebag. I got kicked out of class and he failed me, but it was worth it.

  • Clay
    June 27, 2015 at 11:00 pm

    That link to a bio for Elenbaas goes no where. Read the original post from the Herald first, the details about Elenbaas are over dramatized and this guy is pulling from his ass to make his article sound better.

  • Dom
    June 17, 2015 at 9:14 pm

    While the LS kids do lose a fantastic coach, if it’s any consolation the “gutless, spineless dooshnozzle” (you’re so eloquent, lol) likely did this coach a favor regarding his career. His amazing W/L record and 3 D1 state titles should put him in line to pick up a nice college coaching position. Heck, he should toss his resume around MLB and see if there are any minor league teams looking for a coach.

  • Jkelly
    June 17, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    this seems to be the trend lately, Steve Freker at Malden Catholic,Bill Hanson out at Catholic Memorial, this Guy Fredericks at Lincoln-Sudbury, and quite a few others across the state. The “everybody get a trophy crowd” is moving up the food chain now getting the attention of the AD”s and Conference co-ordinators to get what they want. If the situation at L-S went down as it was reported,. It sounds like without discussing it with the coach, the coach’s work environment was changed beforehand when he wasn’t permitted to attend any parent meetings, as he was before. He should get a lawyer…..As we all see in the news, school administrators fight for the administration only. I hope the parents that precipitated this miscarriage of administrative BS can sleep at night, not for what they did to this coach, he is popular, successful and disciplined, he will be coaching somewhere else next season, but what they did to the school.

  • fattydaddy
    June 17, 2015 at 12:24 pm

    So, the coach is a hard-ass, if he’s had that much success then I would think all the parents know this or at least have been told how his coaching philosophy is. Are the parents gonna be by Jr’s side when he hits College and bitch to the AD there? then go on to “Helicopter” over Jr when he graduates, gets a job and has a hard ass boss? Let’s just give him a medal because it’s “Fair”. Fuck that! Let the kid learn to work harder for what he wants, he made the team didn’t he?

  • clarali
    June 17, 2015 at 7:26 am

    Turtleboy, I have a huge crush on your writing. You are so funny/to the point.

  • SnapperMan
    June 17, 2015 at 6:15 am

    Turtleboy, usually I think you’re a bit out of line sometimes but I have to agree with you here. High school sports are about learning what losing and winning is about. Not about being babied And having your hand held every usually I think you’re a bit out of line sometimes but I have to agree with you here. High school sports are about learning what losing and winning is about. Not about being babied and your handheld step of the way. I do believe everybody should get a chance to play in a game to show competitive skill under pressure . Sometimes kids look awful at practice but are great when it comes to game time . But if Little Johnny is better then Steve and it’s coming down to the last inning and we have a chance to win you’re damn right I’m going to put little Johnny in. But if Little Johnny is better then Steve and it’s coming down to the last inning and we have a chance to win you’re damn right I’m going to put little Johnny in. I think you called out the AD so badly that he is going to have flashbacks of when he used to cry himself to sleep because he was not good enough . Quitters will always be quitters and winners will always win .

  • Hand Burner
    June 16, 2015 at 6:37 pm

    Says “do sports” = throws a ball the way Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds throws a javelin. Guy is on the fast track to becoming an MIAA 6-figure, do nothing administrator. Rich kids have an incredible challenge in escaping the cul de sac not as a huge pussy. Sometimes a tough coach is the only chance they have to escape their coddled pussy destiny. Kind of like a black kid climbing out of the ghetto through sports, but not at all.

    • ts
      June 17, 2015 at 9:38 am

      this article and the comments outline perfectly everything that is wrong with youth sports in new england. ther is no WAY one or two parents made this happen. This is a product of systemic and chronic abuse, he’d been suspended for it before, twice. I’m sure you all want your kids playing for the tough guy coach, until they’re on his sh*t list.
      What is the purpose of high school sports? the emphasis placed on athletics by parents and coaches and towns is seriously f*cked up. Keep chasing that d-1 full ride, the product you get out on the other end is going to be fantastic.

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