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A lunch lady at Irving Middle School in Idaho, who gave a student a free meal, was fired this week. When a 2-year-old girl told veteran lunch lady Dalene Bowden that she didn’t have any lunch money and was hungry, Bowden gave her the food. However, her supervisor reported her, and she has since been fired. Parents have started a Facebook page to get her her job back. Ms. Bowden has hired a lawyer to look into the case.
Charles Dickens couldn’t create a better protagonist than Dalene Bowden. This can’t be real right? I mean, there has to be more to this story. If there isn’t (which wouldn’t surprise me) then this might be the most outrageous thing that any public school administrator has ever done. And that’s saying something, because generally public school administrators are the most incompetent and corrupt people on the planet. But I mean, “theft-stealing school district or another’s property and inaccurate transactions when ordering, receiving and serving food.” That’s what they wrote because they gave Idaho’s version of Oliver Twist more government food? And they fire her the week before Christmas for ONE freaking incident? It’s almost like they’re trying to win the award for biggest dickbag in history.
Like I said, if it’s true, then this hungry 12 year old girl should’ve just committed a crime and gone to prison. Because our government has no problem giving prisoners whatever they want, but apparently little kids have to eat their Michelle Obama rations.
#FreeDalene. Here’s the Facebook group supporting her once again.
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8 Comment(s)
This is not the first time I heard of an incident like this. I recall within the last couple of years the exact same thing from another school district where a food service worker was canned for helping out a hungry kid that did not have any money. What is wrong with people?
Good news – this Angel got her job back. Maybe God called and said knock the shit off who knows…
Regardless of of political ideology, this is what happens when incompetent asshole take over a school system.
I don’t care who you are, what you believe, your political views, or anything. Any decent human being would see this as an affront to human decency.
She’s a hungry little girl. It’s the holiday season, are these people insane?
Yeah, people are. This is what happens when liberals infiltrate the school system.
If this story at face value is accurate, and the school had ANY brains, they would have at most docked the woman’s pay for the meals, and then helped the little girls parents with the assistance needed.
What would you have wanted the lunch lady to do, tell the kid, “No, you can’t eat”…???
Yeah, people are. This is what happens when conservatives infiltrate the school system.
^ Fixed that for you. You’re welcome.
Dude, you’re just living proof that every conservative lives in a fantasy world where no facts matter, and everything, no matter what is wrong, is caused by liberals and democrats.
If anything, this would be labeled by a Republican as a “free handout” as they so often like to shame people with food stamps for having, despite many starving children needing the help. “Free” school lunch always has been, and always will be a Democratic liberal ideal proposed, written, and passed by liberals.