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Mambo Drinks Mafia Showed Up In Wife Beaters To Intimidate Canal District Meeting From Criticizing Them And It Worked Perfectly

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So tonight was the meeting of Canal District businessmen and women with City Manager Ed Augustus and Police Chief Steve Sargent. The topic of concern was Mambo Drinks – which seems to be a magnet for gangs, fights, and 100 person brawls in which cops get assaulted. Of course any attempt at criticism of Mambo Drinks was shot down because it was racist. That and the fact that Mambo rolled in 15 deep, including patrons and girlfriends.

Just check out the cover photo that Worcester Magazine used on Facebook:

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Suns out, guns out!! Wife beaters and chains were required for the Mambo crew tonight!! That should keep people from criticizing them. As soon as they walked in the mood in the room changed. We had a Turtleboy reporter there who has confirmed this. Now check out Worcester Magazine’s coverage of it:

“It’s really going to take all of us to change it,” CDA President Mullen Sawyer said. “Perception has the chance to taint reality.”

Huh? It’s gonna take all of us to change it? The Perfect Game, Union Tavern, Smokestack Barbecue, and the Banner aren’t attracting gangs and 100 person brawls. Mambo Drinks is. All this is is a politically correct way of deflecting the blame from where it really belongs. Mullen Sawyer was obviously intimidated by the Mambo muscle on full display. Their tactics worked.

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Delio Fernandez, a consultant for Mambo, showed up to the meeting flanked by a crowd of patrons and supporters of the nightclub. The group was overwhelmingly Latino, in contrast to the race of most of the business owners present, and said they felt targeted because of their race.

“They see Latinos walking by, and say they’re a gang member,” Fernandez said. “We’re here to be part of the community. We’re here to be safer.”

A “consultant?” What kind of normal bar has a consulting firm on retainer? Delio was there for one reason and one reason alone – to play the race card. The other business owners aren’t concerned that Mambo Drinks has turned Water Street into a war zone. Nah, that’s not it. They’re just racist. Duh.

CDA Vice President Ed Russo put his views simply. “It’s not just Mambo – sorry folks, let’s cut the shit,” Russo said.


What. A. Pussy. Who the hell is this chump? And how the hell does he have any position of authority in the Canal District? What a gutless loser. It’s not just Mambo?? Oh yea, who else is it? You see a lot of gang activity at the Blackstone Tap? Why didn’t this moron just bring up the fact that Mambo Drinks is illegally serving alcohol to their 20 year old promotions manager Jonathan Pena:




Boom. Problem solved. They’re breaking the law and serving minors and they’re not even attempting to hide it. That alone gets them shut down. End of story.

A few references were made to the 44 incidents recorded at Mambo in the two years it has been open – although City Manager Ed Augustus, Jr. – who was joined at the meeting by WPD Chief Steve Sargent, Planning Director Steve Rolle and City Councilors Candy Mero-Carlson, Moe Bergman, Khrystian King and Konnie Lukes – said that was an unfair number to throw around since it counts all calls made to a location and not just violations. Augustus said progress made in the Canal District was “awesome,” but said an uptick in incidents was to be expected because of that.

“I think some of the issues are growing pains,” Augustus said, mentioning the high concentration of new businesses that serve alcohol.

How useless is Ed Augustus? He literally never holds anyone accountable? Mosaic is falsifying time sheets? Learning process. DPW chief Paul Moosey forgot to plow the roads during multiple snowstorms? Learning process. Gigantic gang brawls with stabbings and baseball bats? “Growing pains.” Because any normal bar goes through a period when they first open in which multiple people get beaten with stabbed.

And instead of identifying the problem and fixing it, Fast Eddie instead deflects and talks about all the “awesome” progress in the Canal District. Newsflash Eddie – there was a lot of progress, and it’s all being destroyed by ONE bar. But of course Eddie can’t name a bar because he’s an empty suit politician who doesn’t want to be called racist. It’s the exact same thing he did with Mosaic.

He’s even making excuses for them. Forty four calls to the police in two years? That’s not fair. Why? Because that includes “all calls to a location, not just violations.” Wait…..what??

Ed Augustus is looking to hear suggestions from the community? Isn’t this why we pay him a quarter of a million dollars every year? Think of that, he’s getting paid over $200,000 to ask the community how he should do his freaking job. What an absolute disgrace. Cannot wait to overthrow Moe Bergman, Kate Toomey, and Khrystian King for giving this idiot a perfect rating last month.

“We do what we can … but to call 911 is reactive,” Perfect Game and Whiskey on Water co-owner Mark Erlich said. “It’s useless, in my opinion.”

Erlich’s comments led to a tense moment with Sargent, who defended his department’s presence in the neighborhood.

“I know the resources that are down here on a regular basis,” Sargent said. He later said that the department might be able to allocate those resources more efficiently with better information. “If we had more intelligence, we would have had more officers down there [Sunday night].”

I can see Steve Sargent has Garry Gemme syndrome – getting butthurt over criticism that isn’t really criticism. The fact of the matter is that when people like Mark Erlich call the cops this is REACTIVE. The damage is done by the time the cops get there. What we need is PROACTIVE policing that will prevent the brawls from occurring in the first place. This is just common sense, so I’m not sure why Steve Sargent is getting all fired up about it. Hopefully it’s not a sign that this is how he’s gonna be as chief – Gemme 2.0.

The tense nature of the meeting – more than 100 people showed up – meant attendees were quick to laughter when someone cracked a joke, eager to keep the mood light, and multiple speakers mentioned the desire to “work together” to solve neighborhood problems.

While vague suggestions such as “better communication with the police” and “focusing on public safety” were universally approved, whether something should be done with Mambo specifically was a question left unanswered, although by the end of the meeting many seemed to be convinced that the city and neighborhood were making progress on an overall solution for the Canal District.

Translation – the Mambo muscle was working. So instead of addressing the problem that everyone knew existed, they said vague things like “working together” because it made everyone else feel good and lightened the mood. People are so afraid of controversy. Not Turtleboy though. Someone has to call out bullshit when they see it.

“I think the dialogue of people talking tonight is a good idea,” Carlson, who represented the Canal District as the District 2 Councilor, said. “We don’t want to have the perception that the Canal District is unsafe.”

What a useless pile of garbage Candy Carlson is.

“I think the dialogue is a good idea?” Why? What did you accomplish tonight besides some meaningless buzzwords that will accomplish nothing? What’s Mambo gonna do to assure that this won’t happen again?

“We don’t want to have the perception that the Canal District is unsafe?” She can’t be serious, can she? Yea Candy, wouldn’t want to give the perception that a 100 person brawl in which multiple police officers were assaulted suggests that the Canal District is unsafe!!! This is what politicians like her do – they deny reality because they prefer to pretend that everything is smiles and sunshine.

Newsflash Candy – it’s your job to fix this. This is why you were elected – to make Worcester a better place to do business and live. This is happening in YOUR district. It’s by far the most important area for economic development in Worcester. If anyone reading this lives in District 2, thinks Worcester deserves better for this, and wants to run against this useless loser, we will back you 110%. Enjoy your 1.5 years left of doing absolutely nothing Candy. We’ve got a headstone in the TBS graveyard waiting for you.





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Wormtown Brewery, Union TavernBennie’s Cafe,  JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban BarbecueSmitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors,  The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno, Rotti Power Equipment in West Boylston

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63 Comment(s)
  • Kevin Lynch
    August 21, 2016 at 8:43 am

    Wow Turtleboy. You stayed they are wearing wife beaters. The man is wearing a United States of America “ARMY” pride shirt

  • MommaH
    August 11, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Never have issues on Bike night, Wednesday nights at The Perfect game, hosted by Sheldon’s Harley-Davidson. But, they close at 10…I think all the bars should close that early during the week…just a thought!

  • Mambo Italiano?
    August 6, 2016 at 1:06 pm

    The Real Mambo

    Hey Mambo.

    Where is Rosemarie Clooney when you need her to teach these wannabe mobsters a lesson?

  • King of SJWs
    August 6, 2016 at 12:16 pm

    Sorry Fiesty but I’m not Bob. I’m just a person who likes to scan the latest TB blogs and read the comments on my Saturday mornings. That was until you and your trashy boyfriend pretty much invaded this site with your trash mouth’s and public love affair. You two scream welfare trash. I never comment but I had to because you two are ruining this site for real people. Please do the public a favor and say no to internet trolling. Thank you in advance.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      August 6, 2016 at 12:30 pm

      Definitely Bob. You should start over and keep this name. Retire BobnMic already, there is no turning back at this point.

      I will no longer reply to you anymore Bob. I know I said that last week and I did a good job ignoring you until last night. I will give you points for baiting me back into this childish shit with you. Not again, though.

      Post whatever you want about me, none of it is true besides me being a bitch, and or cunt but that is reserved ONLY for you. I’m nice to everyone else on here BUT you Bob, and that makes you sick to your stomach.

      Post away. I won’t message your wife. I’m no fucking pussy and will never stoop to that level and I am not in the business of putting strain on a person’s marriage especially if you haven’t done anything to my personal life, you haven’t and never will because you have no clue who I am. You know what I look like and that’s about it. Thanks for reporting my 2nd FB page again, pussy. I will just make a new one.

      Sorry to everyone who has had to put up with this bullshit. I assure you after today I realized Bob is his own demise. I need not help him ruin himself any further.

      On that note tread lightly. I can’t stop anyone else from doing what should be my job but I actually have more than an ounce of compassion when it comes to someone’s family life. That’s not my style and I won’t let you compromise my my character.

      • BobnMic
        August 6, 2016 at 1:59 pm

        After your last post – you asked for this asshole:
        It won’t stop until you GO AWAY

        Here is what we say as R.I.P. FiestyLawyerLady. Let the truth be unfolded.
        R.I.P Fiesty. Welcome to the commenters grave yard.
        Nicole Andrea Marsden aka Nichole
        Previously known as one Nichole A. Fredette Age:36 Single mother. SSI recipient according to the MA records on welfare.
        Phone number
        Verizon Landline
        63 and 63 1/2 Wilson St., Spencer, MA 01562-1823
        Also known to have resided in Leicester, MA

        Relative and what was once believed to be a possible tie in to ProfessorM:
        Nancy Marsden
        Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio
        Belmont high school MA
        Tamworth, New Hampshire
        Age: 65+

        Tie in to ProfessorM still under investigation but it narrows to the belief that it is possible that the two are one in the same. Check below:

        Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers checked and verified – There was no Nicole Marsden or Nicole Fredette or (Nichole in either case) Marsden or Fredette listed as a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
        PARTICIPATING LAW FIRMS – State of Massachusetts also checked and no knowledge of one NICOLE MARSDEN or either one of her alias as listed.

        Plus I called a few of my real lawyer buds and they confirmed that you are a fraud.
        Here is one of several proofs that Fiesty is a fraud upon my conclusion:

        Dave Marsden (to me BobnMic))
        August 1, 2016 at 2:26 am
        Further proof that FiestyLaywerLady and ProfessorM are either one in the same or one of her buck tooth relatives all living in the same house definitely using the same server in fucking Spencer.
        Fucking Spencer! It now makes so much fucking sense.
        Much more info to follow.

        Nice huh people. SSI recipient according to the MA records on welfare. This is where your tax dollars are going. This little piece of shit is taking your tax money, not getting a job, then trolling on here on TurtleBoy Sports all day and night fucking with you same people.

    • BobnMic
      August 7, 2016 at 4:21 am

      Ya see King. This is what I have to deal with. Do not disagree with this crazed lunatic or else she will rant on and on and on and of course it will be all on me. And of course then I’m the bad guy. SMH.

      Nicole people are getting on to you.

  • King of SJWs
    August 6, 2016 at 11:27 am

    The gig is up Fiesty. Supposedly you are a self made successful Lawyer who is happily married to a sex machine and Bob is a wealthy man who owns beach side properties all over the world? Looking at the blog history both of you wealthy people choose to live in Worcester and post on this blog 24/7. Nobody is buying it and the most likely truth is you are both Worcester gutter welfare pigs. Please take your petty self important dysfunctional internet love affair to a private chat room so others can read posts pertaining to the actual topic. You two are perfect examples of why welfare pigs and ex cons like Kevin Lynch should not be allowed to have internet access. You contribute nothing.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      August 6, 2016 at 11:42 am

      Ahhhhh you are BobnMic. Gosh you can’t even hide your identity when you try…lol.

      Greg I don’t think you know the true meaning of SJW because you keep calling Professor and I social justice warriors and we are so far from that… anyway, bye Greg. You’re a fucking psychopath man!! Get some help, please. Think about who is important in your life and get the help you need for THEM. Nothing on the internet, and I mean NOTHING is more important than your family. The way you act here, you can’t be normal. Get help. I’m seriously speaking from the heart, get HELP.

  • King of SJWs
    August 6, 2016 at 11:03 am

    Where’s the catty insults in response Bob and Fiesty. The truth is people are tired of your shit and have figured you out. It’s obvious you are both angry welfare queens who are rabidly jealous of normal people so you try to ruin things. Let’s be honest, the only people who are awake every night at 3 a.m. are people at a job, drug addicts and welfare pigs like yourselves.

  • King of SJWs
    August 6, 2016 at 8:57 am

    Not a day can go by without these insecure babies getting into a cat fight. They obviously don’t understand that this is a site where people come to make fun of pictures overweight college chics. Not to rag on each other.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      August 6, 2016 at 11:13 am

      Please, don’t put me in this same boat as crazy Bob. I am no where near his level at all. I think he is truly and genuinely insane. I haven’t said anything to him in a week until he attempts to say I’m his wife, because that’s plain nuts and so random I can’t even begin to understand his reasoning behind it.

  • BobnMic
    August 6, 2016 at 7:47 am

    After your last post – you asked for this asshole:

    It won’t stop until you GO AWAY

    Here is what we say as R.I.P. FiestyLawyerLady. Let the truth be unfolded.
    R.I.P Fiesty. Welcome to the commenters grave yard.
    Nicole Andrea Marsden aka Nichole
    Previously known as one Nichole A. Fredette Age:36 Single mother. SSI recipient according to the MA records on welfare.
    Phone number
    Verizon Landline
    63 and 63 1/2 Wilson St., Spencer, MA 01562-1823
    Also known to have resided in Leicester, MA

    Relative and what was once believed to be a possible tie in to ProfessorM:
    Nancy Marsden
    Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio
    Belmont high school MA
    Tamworth, New Hampshire
    Age: 65+

    Tie in to ProfessorM still under investigation but it narrows to the belief that it is possible that the two are one in the same. Check below:

    Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers checked and verified – There was no Nicole Marsden or Nicole Fredette or (Nichole in either case) Marsden or Fredette listed as a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
    PARTICIPATING LAW FIRMS – State of Massachusetts also checked and no knowledge of one NICOLE MARSDEN or either one of her alias as listed.
    Plus I called a few of my real lawyer buds and they confirmed that you are a fraud.
    Here is one of several proofs that Fiesty is a fraud upon my conclusion:

    Dave Marsden (to me BobnMic))
    August 1, 2016 at 2:26 am
    Further proof that FiestyLaywerLady and ProfessorM are either one in the same or one of her buck tooth relatives all living in the same house definitely using the same server in fucking Spencer.

    Fucking Spencer! It now makes so much fucking sense.
    Much more info to follow.

    Nice huh people. SSI recipient according to the MA records on welfare. This is where your tax dollars are going. This little piece of shit is taking your tax money, not getting a job, then trolling on here on TurtleBoy Sports all day and night fucking with you same people.

  • whatevuh
    August 6, 2016 at 7:44 am

    BobnMic, this isn’t a forum about YOU, christ get out of the fucking basement and get a job. I can’t even read this fucking thing anymore because it’s all YOU YOU YOU give it a fucking rest will ya

    • BobnMic
      August 6, 2016 at 7:53 am

      Not really WHATEVUH if you follow what this fraud is up to. I’m just calling her (or it) out and attempting to move on and back to fun. That’s all it is.

      • whatevuh
        August 6, 2016 at 8:38 am

        You are simply out of control, you need to drop it, and just shut the fuck up. Get off here for a week, and it will all go away. Better yet, go to your safe space and have some milk and cookies

        • FiestyLawyerLady
          August 6, 2016 at 11:17 am

          Listen don’t bother with him because he will start following you, I am a pure example of that. He doesn’t go away either no matter how much you ask him to stop.

          Think about what this man has done. He literally plastered his wife, and even mother Nancy on here in an attempt to confuse people in thinking it’s me. There is nothing more weird than that, nothing. He is almost Kevin Lynch crazy. I may need a restraining order if he ever does discover who I am, that’s for sure.

          • whatevuh
            August 6, 2016 at 8:44 pm

            the fact is, nobody reads it, they (like me) just scroll beyond it, he’s a waste of space at this point

          • Reddog
            August 8, 2016 at 12:21 am

            I’ll protect your dog. That’s what we do,us dogs

  • BobnMic
    August 6, 2016 at 7:41 am

    Hey Nicole. Fuck you ok? You lost I won and you still continue. You are a sad fuck aren’t you. Everytime you refer to me in any regard – I repost your information. So here is one time

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      August 6, 2016 at 11:31 am

      I have been trying to figure out what your motive is behind giving out your wife’s information and family information.

      You didn’t have to go that far and mention her SSI or Welfare, no matter how much you bother me on here I wasn’t going to give out that information, even though I did mention she was on EBT before, I wasn’t going to actually post proof of it because I felt bad that maybe you’re unemployed and on strike from Verizon and having a hard time supporting your family, and I don’t really find that funny when a person has children to feed.

      Alas, I can’t think of why you would want people to think I’m Nichole when I can easily debunk this myth by recording myself actually messaging her. I will tell you this, the IMPORTANT PEOPLE on this blog (4 or 5 people tops) have proof that I’m not some troll. Those are the ONLY people who matter to me. Anyone else I will be nice to and respect. If someone here believes bob, feel free to send me a message on FB and I will chat with you, disproving his pathetic information.

      I ask that anyone who dislikes me on here if you truly believe that information bob posted is true, when you attempt to fuck up that person’s name, keep in mind that’s really Bob’s family and he will stalk you to no avail, so choose wisely beforehand because as you can see, I have been stalked on here since May, and he’s not giving up even when I ignore him. Think about the lengths he has gone through, and then consider his mental state. He can’t be mentally normal, so you may even out yourself into danger if you use your real name and picture to do it.

      Bob aka Greg Marsden, I’m starting to think that if you ever find out who I am, I may need a restraining order. I always thought you were nuts but now I’m convinced that you are.

      I’m done with this. You are ruining this blog so bad and it’s annoying. I’m truly in shock over you posting what you did and if you’re willing to risk information by giving out names and addresses of people you love, then you clearly need more help than I could have ever imagined.

      The only thing I can think is that you don’t want people knowing you are Greg so in hopes that you post all of Marsden family information people will think, “Hey maybe he isn’t Greg marsden why would he post all his info?” Those same people need to look back to late May/Early June and see you apologize to me personally on here and ask me to stop ousting you.

      Bye Greg Marsden. You should explain to your wife Nichole what has happened because she’s going to be very confused. You don’t deserve to be married after what you just did. You have children man… Do you even think about their safety? MY LIFE is my child, I would never do what you have done, ever. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow the fuck up!

  • FiestyLawyerLady
    August 6, 2016 at 3:05 am

    Jesus christ I’m conflicted because I don’t think it’s fair to message your wife but you’re a fucking psycho and don’t give up. Messaging your wife is such a pussy move and I’m no pussy and I dont tattle but if you don’t stop you leave me no choice you’ve been bothering me since May. It’s August man give it a break.

  • FiestyLawyerLady
    August 6, 2016 at 3:00 am

    I actually feel sorry for her you’re pathetic. I’m going to eat some chips and fucking salsa with a bluemoon then go to bed. I will deal with your chunky monkey ass tomorrow.

  • BobnMic
    August 6, 2016 at 2:26 am

    After your last post – you asked for this asshole:

    Here is what we say as R.I.P. FiestyLawyerLady. Let the truth be unfolded.

    R.I.P Fiesty. Welcome to the commenters grave yard.

    Nicole Andrea Marsden aka Nichole
    Previously known as one Nichole A. Fredette Age:36 Single mother. SSI recipient according to the MA records on welfare.

    Phone number
    Verizon Landline

    63 and 63 1/2 Wilson St., Spencer, MA 01562-1823
    Also known to have resided in Leicester, MA

    Relative and what was once believed to be a possible tie in to ProfessorM:

    Nancy Marsden
    Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio
    Belmont high school MA
    Tamworth, New Hampshire
    Age: 65+

    Tie in to ProfessorM still under investigation but it narrows to the belief that it is possible that the two are one in the same. Check below:

    Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers checked and verified – There was no Nicole Marsden or Nicole Fredette or (Nichole in either case) Marsden or Fredette listed as a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association.

    PARTICIPATING LAW FIRMS – State of Massachusetts also checked and no knowledge of one NICOLE MARSDEN or either one of her alias as listed.

    Plus I called a few of my real lawyer buds and they confirmed that you are a fraud.

    Here is one of several proofs that Fiesty is a fraud upon my conclusion:

    Dave Marsden (to me BobnMic))
    August 1, 2016 at 2:26 am

    Further proof that FiestyLaywerLady and ProfessorM are either one in the same or one of her buck tooth relatives all living in the same house definitely using the same server in fucking Spencer.

    Fucking Spencer! It now makes so much fucking sense.

    Much more info to follow.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      August 6, 2016 at 2:43 am

      Man you’re killing my vibe man I’m buzzed and the mind fuck you just created is beyond my comprehension. If it wasn’t for auto correct I wouldn’t be making sense right now. Why in the world would you post your family information on here in an attempt to say I’m nichole (who is your wife)?

      Greg Marsden aka BobnMic if you comment ONE MORE TIME to me on here, I swear on everyone I love I will message your wife and show her when you said you loved me on here and show her how much you have been harassing me on here.

      One more comment and I’m going to message your wife Nichole with screenshots lol explain that shit to your hideous fucking wife she will know I’m not interested in you… come on let’s be serious here. Lol I told you to leave me alone and shut the fuck up already but you just can’t and keep digging your hole deeper and deeper.

      One more comment from you bob and I’m going to message your wife and post the entire conversation for everyone on TB to see. Then I will record a video of myself laughing about it and post it here to verify that I am no way Nicole Fredette Marsden, that’s your wife and I can’t believe you would risk posting her personal information here.

      You’re fucking up my vibe Ughhh I should’ve waited until tomorrow to read this.

      • FiestyLawyerLady
        August 6, 2016 at 2:50 am

        What kind of husband takes it to this level to pretend he knows info? You couldn’t fucking choose a random name you threw your fucking wife under the bus man???????? YOUR WIFE? What kind of fucking man are you?? A husband is supposed to protect his woman, not give out information in an attempt to lie and hide his identity when 2 months ago you apologized to me when I told everyone you were Greg Marsden. That blog is still up, I’m going to show her those screen shots as well.

        Enough is enough who has bigger balls me or you?

      • Reddog
        August 8, 2016 at 12:11 am

        So,,,,is Nichole M his wife? The other lady with the dog that shits on her husband?

  • Matt
    August 6, 2016 at 1:53 am

    Wtf is bobnmic saying

  • BobnMic
    August 6, 2016 at 1:33 am

    I see your sabotage continuing there Fiesty. So now fuck the 24 hours thing. Talk to me now in 5 minutes or I release everything.

  • Joe Max
    August 5, 2016 at 8:15 pm

    Water street used to be nice at one time. The first major error, is when the city paved over the cobblestones. The area sucks now, compared to what it was.

  • M3
    August 5, 2016 at 6:26 pm

    Bull fucking shit! Worcester learned nothing from Mosaic! The Mambo crew should not have been allowex to remain in attendence.

  • ProfessorM
    August 5, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    I like the flare and culture that Latin clubs bring to the community. What I don’t like is the shitty attitude from some of the bartenders there. I was hoping to hook up with one of the hot DJ’s one night and the hoe bartender said to me “Sorry lady, he doesn’t go for drunk, fat cougars.”. To say the very least I was upset!

  • Morton Salt
    August 5, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    Thats what gangs do, intimidate. The area business owners allowed themselves to be intimidated at that meeting. Their affluent customers with disposable income will not be intimidated, they will just take their money and spend it in another area of the city or spend it on another city or town entirely.

    If Mambo is not dealt with immediately, decent businesses will close or move and Mambo clones will open up nearby. It’s time to chose what you want Worxester. Choose fast and choose wisely.

  • ADdm
    August 5, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    Felt like nothing was really accomplished in that meeting at all aside from intimidation from the Mambo patrons – which appeared to work as planned.
    If I was a business in the Canal District I’d seriously consider closing up shop and moving out of that area. If our public officials want to ignore and demonize you for simply raising concerns, then make the place go back to being blighted. Let the babies have their bottle.

    • Sam 'n Ella
      August 5, 2016 at 1:57 pm

      Agreed, ADdm!

    • Wpd scared to fight
      August 5, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Intimidation ? If we are to survive in this time in history of racial scaredness then Chief Sargent should had gathered a few more troops and showed who was in charge. WPD is like a sad dog hit it and it runs and hides. They better be like pitbulls and take back this city instead of playing politics and allowing his people to get injured. Take back the night do your job go kick ass boys . Lights out stop being a little bitch like gemme was step up and help your city or get the fuck out steve…

  • Spick lives matters not.
    August 5, 2016 at 12:55 pm

    All I know is the thought that maybe the canal district was gonna be revitalized and renewed. HaHa its always these fuckin scumbag gang bangers that have to fuck everything up. Say good by to that. Seems the spanish are getting tired about the headlines in the papers Black lives Mattters. Hey what about us we matter too. Spicks lifes matter yo!! Fuck you both i say burn that mutta fucka out of there open up down the valley bitches..

  • BobnMic
    August 5, 2016 at 10:53 am

    A non-violation could be a medical call where the police EA and fire respond. That could be anything from someone drunk and hurting themselves to someone having a seizure, suicidal, an employee hurting themselves on the job and needing medical attention i.e. – industrial accident, or parking violations as such called a violation – is not a violation of M.G.L. but is a city ordinance violation etc. You don’t get arrested for being an idiot and parking your car in a handicap space. You need to be handicapped and have a placard card hang from your rear view mirror. Failure of that results in just your car getting towed and the fines and storage fees can add up and you will not be happy.

    But what I was going to ask does Mambo hire off duty Police Officers to do a detail down there does anyone know? If not then that is a big problem and a big mistake. Big bad bouncers have absolutely no legal authority to lay a finger on you whether you are in the wrong or not. Most of them don’t know that but most of them get way with it. I’v seen some bouncers actually escalate problems rather than defuse them because they have no formal training. They could be the nicest guys in the world but are a liability to themselves, to the establishment and are put in a no win situation. Having Police Details present are a buffer between what the bouncers are doing and the customer getting out of line to determine whether or not the trouble should just be escorted out or be locked up.

    The best night club security model I’ve seen that was nearly perfect was at the old Irish Times. Two Cops hired one at the front door and the other on third floor night club. The team effort between the Police and bouncers worked out great because the Cops that worked the detail took the time to train the bouncers on some of the dos and don’ts in order to protect themselves, and to protect the establishment from getting sued as well. Also a first, the Irish Times had female door security to search all of the women entering. And the drugs she used to find was unbelievable because their idiot boyfriends would convince them to hold on to them because they knew the boyfriends are going to searched. And usually the females do not get searched in most places and females cannot be searched my men. It is simply frowned upon and has all kinds of civil consequences. So the girlfriend gets caught with illegal drugs, they then summons over the detail Cop who is within an eye shot (explained below See *an agent*) and she goes to jail. Weapons were seized as well from female patrons by the woman bouncer. She was great and women patrons felt safe in the place. And if you can achieve that then the guys will follow then BOOB – big business as long the place is clean and the food and/or libations and entertainment are good.

    SIDE NOTE: As long as the bouncers are not acting as “an agent” of the police then they have the right to search for anything whereas the police are somewhat limited believe it or not. Signs were prominently posted warning all patrons entering regarding the search and was afforded a chance to leave the line without repercussions from law enforcement and was written in those signs at the discretion of the police. The signs (3 to 4) were written in both Spanish and English. This model worked awesome and Mambos should consider a similar approach or take their wild west act out of there.

    • BobnMic
      August 5, 2016 at 11:27 am

      I’m sorry. I really should have started that with “I saw this movie one time…”

      • BobnMic
        August 5, 2016 at 11:42 am

        Sorry you got so offended with a thoughtful response coupled with possible solutions that were in my opinion fair and honest. If you just want to read stupid shit there are plenty of comic books out there. And shouldn’t you have said, “You should have started?” You can’t even get your two line idiot comment right moron. Want to disagree fine I like a healthy debate but can you be adult about it? Can you?

      • BobnMic
        August 5, 2016 at 11:56 pm

        Ok FiestynonLawyer. It is time to face me. I am done with attempting to negotiate with you. Confront me to what I do KNOW will be the last time. My investigation on to you and yours is complete. I have everything I need to publicly shame you and yours. I am now prepared to release all of your personal information on here which to include your alter ego so called ProfessorM and other fucked up family members who recently joined in. You started this troll. Guess what – I get to end it.

        Listen, I have an offer that you can not refuse. And I will give you a taste of what I mean once you stop with the childish fake names and confront me. Gloves off wench. Gloves off.

        Let me give you a hint – something to think about. I know everything and I mean everything about you. So please do contact me and please not by one of your childish fake screen names. You are a big fraud and now I am about to out you unless you comply.

        There are some cool new commenters coming on here recently and I cannot sit and watch you fuck with them and chase them away.

        • BobnMic
          August 6, 2016 at 12:18 am

          Allright I’ll add this. Failure to respond to this notice within 24 hours will result in a total and absolute disclosure of who you are with documented proof all saved and ready to fly highlighting what you are and what you are not and your family members go down as well who you have all taken to this comment section of this blog and disrupted people simply trying to chime in and offer an opinion and have fun.

          Doesn’t surprise me anyway knowing now what town you live in. Very fucked up people out there and you Fiesty (Lloyd) optimize it. This will be a last chance resolution toward ending your hateful, profane attacks toward other commenters on here. I strongly urge you to at least listen to my offer and I will offer a SAMPLE of proof on what I have on you. Good night Fiesty. Sleep well.

          • BobnMic
            August 6, 2016 at 12:34 am

            Ok in all fairness let me give you a hint Fiesty so you know I am not fucking around and you know I am fucking dead serious. Your name initials are N.A.M. aka N.A.F. N spelled two different ways. And I have way more hints as well. Or I can put it all out the whole thing. It’s up to you.

            Better acknowledge me bitch or else it’s R.I.P. for FiestyLawyerLady. I fucking told you I never lose and most certainly not to a dumb ass like you…

        • FiestyLawyerLady
          August 6, 2016 at 2:11 am

          Shut the fuck up you fat fuck! I just got home from drinking and having tasty apps with my ladies Form 8pm tonight I haven’t been on here saying or doing shit you fat piece of shit. Do me a favor release what ever info you have I don’t care man because you don’t know me and if you did you would’ve done to already!!!!!

          I’m so tired of your shit man I haven’t said nothing to you in a week but I get on fb an see tons of notifications that bitch ass bob is at it again I figured I would give myself a laugh and read it. Get off me already bob. Since I’m feeling nice let me be honest

          You are hideous
          Your wife is fucking gross and looks like an ugly version of carrot top with a fivehead.
          Your brother dave looks like a rapist
          Doug is the only brother who seems normal and the rest of your spencer family can suck a fat dick.

          I actually just stopped and realized I wasn’t typing but sitting here with my eyes closed holding my phone for at least 3 minutes lol. Ah man post what you want you don’t know shit go ahead and post it you fucking pussy.

          Either post it or shut the ufuck up and move on already. I have nothing intelligent to say to you at this point it’s not possible tonight.

          Why don’t you bend your flaccid dick over and try to fuck yourself do something productive instead of bothering me over and over again.

    • Izzi
      August 5, 2016 at 11:57 am

      Hey – thanks for the clarification on what a non-violation is, I really couldn’t come up with anything. And if Mambo wanted to appear like a good neighbor and partner in solving the issues in the district they would take steps to fix their security and your suggestions were very insightful and well thought out.

      • BobnMic
        August 5, 2016 at 12:12 pm

        Thanks Lizzi. That’s what we are here for is to help each other out. Or at least that is what it’s SUPPOSED to be about with a little fun tossed in. But as you can see there are problem children lurking in here as well.

    • juror seven
      August 5, 2016 at 12:39 pm

      One question, Is the Irish Times still in business?

      • BobnMic
        August 5, 2016 at 1:14 pm

        It’s been out of business for at least ten years. Major structural issues with the building in particular the roof. Most investors that have looked at the property realize that it would not be worth the repair costs. This is what happens to an old building that has been there for so many years unkept especially one built back in I believe Worcester’s industrial age area.

        It used to be the old Cauglin’s Furniture building way back there at 244 Main Street before any of our parents were born and grandparents were young. Three and a half floors of night club back in the mid 90s into the late 2000s.

        • Adam
          August 5, 2016 at 9:30 pm

          Used to have so much fun at Irish times brings me back haha could get lost in that place after a few…..

          • BobnMic
            August 6, 2016 at 1:09 am

            Seriously. How many night clubs do you know have an elevator? What sucked was the puke stench at the end of the night in the elevator. The stairs were always jammed packed. The elevator didn’t move fast enough for mass encroachment toward toilet for pukeage apparently at the time. Must have been those shot girls upstairs in the nightclub.

            But it still was a fun place with so many hotties.

  • Forget the Revitalization
    August 5, 2016 at 10:23 am

    If these jokers cannot even use their authority to take steps to protect a supposedly burgeoning area of city revitalization, then all is lost. Believe nothing about City Square etc. “Growing pains?” No, you stupid, aging, fat, out-of-town sodomite, it’s knife wounds. That the Telegram and all in attendance accept that a mob that looks like it belongs in a holding cell, led by a thuggish “consultant”, should be taken seriously is farcical. Why didn’t the Telegram publish the name of the owner of this dive? Who is he, Turtleboy? I suspect there is a very dirty or cowardly story about how the owner was granted the liquor license to begin with, never mind revoking it now. We should bring the whole power of the appropriate licensing boards, inspection services and police force to bear on closing this place down. Petty, if you really want to send a message that Worcester is open for business, then tear this dive down!

    • Worcester is my home
      August 5, 2016 at 8:02 pm

      I feel the combined business owners and the canal distric committee should all pitch in and hire a security squad to protect the customers on water at while this club is open. The city should pass new laws making any business who causes such civil disturbances to have a Minimum of 5 police officers on detail which they are required to pay for in order to operate. If the dont , they dont open. I believe the state police could use some of there troopers to assist and patrol. Worcester needs all the help they can get. The county can spare a few sheriffs to help out to. A combined force to show a presence, not to harrass there customers . but to keep use safe. Might be a good idea for the police to open a substation in the area. It would send a message to these people who think they can do what they want in worcester.It is not gonna happen. Like the saying there’s a new sheriff in town and we are not gonna give up on worcester. Either play nice or get out .

  • Sam 'n Ella
    August 5, 2016 at 9:56 am

    Our whole circle of friends used to frequent that whole area – sometimes setting up shop in one bar for the night, sometimes walking around to different ones. I can’t tell you the last time I was down there. All I read about are stabbings, fights, muggings and shootings on water and adjoining streets. I skipped a 40th birthday party because I didn’t want to go anywhere near there if I wasn’t just going to be driving through at a steady pace. Actually, I now avoid the area at all costs. It’s disgusting, sprinkled with a few business that are trying their hardest to make it a better place. I have to give them amazing amounts of credit. If I had even given it a shot, I would have quit by now and moved my business out of the City. I’m sad for Worcester. It could’ve been something nice.

    The LEOs deserve a lot of credit for having to deal with all this disrespectful trash. What a sad state we’re living in. People that weren’t brought up with respect, will obviously have difficulty respecting others and authority. People who haven’t had to work hard for what they have, can’t appreciate others who do. If you don’t have to work for anything, you can’t see it’s true value. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you haven’t busted your ass for a sense of accomplishment. You don’t see how crushing it is to hurt someone else’s property or livelihood when you get everything the easy way or are too lazy and/or entitled to work to get even decent things. This is why some of us can’t have nice things.

    But whatever. Don’t study hard, get a real job, be an upstanding citizen, learn respect & kindness and just be an all around decent human being. Just be a piece of garbage, always looking for trouble, who thinks it’s cool to fight and give the finger to authority, but still wonder where stereotypes come from. Good luck with that.

  • gb
    August 5, 2016 at 9:22 am

    How about the fact that there was underage drinking…any other place would have been shut down!

  • Fawn Liebowitz
    August 5, 2016 at 8:02 am

    I don’t know anyone that will go down to that area anymore. Overall Worcester has become a dump and this is just another fine example. Keep up the bad work Petty and Augustus.

  • Izzi
    August 5, 2016 at 7:55 am

    They’re right about one thing, perception becomes reality. It’s not going to matter how many incident free nights they have, it looks like an unsafe place and people won’t come. No one wants to get hassled or feel like they have to leave the area before sundown to avoid getting caught up in some BS.

    The meeting was a joke, did anyone walk out of there with any actionable items? Work together? How? What are folks going to do? What’s step 1 in accomplishing that? Same thing with communicating with police, how? What does that mean?

    And can anyone look at the police calls to Mambo and remove the non violations? I don’t even know what a non violation call to the police regarding a night club could be- someone lock their keys in the car?

    Finally, nothing is really going to happen until someone is seriously hurt or killed, and not some gangbanger running around with a bat. But some poor guy driving through to get home or work. It’s sad and I feel bad for the positive businesses that are down there, they are at the mercy of an ineffective city government.

  • AJ
    August 5, 2016 at 7:53 am

    44 calls in 2 years. Do the math, police getting called to the same “establishment” twice a month, and “Fast Eddie” Augustus uses words like perception and growing pains. And were any hacks from the license commission present last night? Or were the photos of an underaged employee (and his ID complete with his date of birth) just a big misunderstanding?

    That meeting was called for business owners in the area, it wasn’t a venue for these so called supporters to show up and cause tension. They should have been removed from the meeting, not asked to leave, REMOVED. The city screwed the honest and law abiding business owners last night that are trying to stay in business and not lose their investments because of problems being caused by that dump. Their concerns and what they wanted to accomplish last night were squashed by the almighty race card and a bunch of shitheads that brought the intimidation factor in to play.

    Great job by Fast Eddie and the fools that call themselves city councillors.

  • Dave Lind
    August 5, 2016 at 7:21 am

    Comment… I totally agree. Reading WPD reports of fights, stabbings, shootings on Water st many times lately, I think Ill pass on hanging out down there after 9 or so. Not worth my life.

  • Comment
    August 5, 2016 at 7:02 am

    I won’t go anywhere near Water Street after 8p.m. because my “perception” is that it’s not safe. If Mambo stays, the city might as well turn those luxury apartments into Section 8 housing because no one will go down there unless they have no other choice.

  • Reddog
    August 5, 2016 at 3:24 am

    Worcester isn’t a dump. Haven’t you seen the $3,000,000 one hundred foot bike path they just opened up?

    • moor
      August 5, 2016 at 7:01 am

      not “THEY”, the pimple on obamas ass, McGovern, Worcester’s own political hack & thief of taxpayers funds for useless projects [that give the Kilby St gang a new playground] !!

  • anonon
    August 5, 2016 at 2:37 am

    ““We don’t want to have the perception that the Canal District is unsafe.””
    Same thing could be said my any number of Worcester elected officials, about any/all of Worcester – they want to sweep things under the rug and tell tell law-abiding people that it is a “perception” problem.

    Keep it up city councilors, mayor, city manager…don’t think that the slum that Worcester in becoming will magically stop at your door. One word gets used a lot here to describe Worcester in 2016 – DUMP. These officials can put blinders on, but only for so long – keep feeding the fire of racial pandering, political correctness and enslaving people with government handouts…that fire is spreading and telling it you helped fan and feed it won’t keep it from your house.

    • Mambo Crime
      August 7, 2016 at 9:47 pm

      It used to be that Greendale, and anything west of Park Ave was nice, safe, and a great place to live. Today, the slime has crossed Park, and has invaded Tatnuck, Pleasant and even Richmond Ave.

      Thanks to Mambo, I would not be caught dead on Water Street after 9 PM. No responsible, middle class person would. They’re all smart enough to stay away.

      What does that mean? Mambo thrives, and the decent businesses die. Then more Mambos come in, and Water Street goes the way of Grafton Hill, Vernon, Main South, Chandler, Pleasant and Belmont.

      All slime, all the time.

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