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Turtlegram: License commissioners Thursday had harsh words for former state Rep. John P. Fresolo, owner of a Kelley Square bar, suspending the establishment’s liquor license for seven days because of customers found once again drinking outside. “It’s the same story with the same violations, and this can’t happen,” said License Commission Chairman Karon Shea. Commissioner Walter Shea said it was Rocky’s Food and Spirits’ fourth violation since he joined the board in September 2014.
“It’s unheard of,” Mr. Shea said. “It appears you don’t care what this commission does.”
Mr. Fresolo, who is seeking to reclaim his seat in the state Legislature next month, represented the 16th Worcester District for 15 years before resigning in May 2013 following an ethics investigation. House officials did not publicly detail the alleged misconduct, nor has Mr. Fresolo commented on the allegations. However, sources have confirmed that Mr. Fresolo’s per diem travel expenses were being probed and that the investigation involved multiple other alleged ethical breaches by a member of the House.
In a September primary, Mr. Fresolo successfully gained a slot on the November ballot as a candidate with the United Independent Party. He will challenge Rep. Daniel M. Donahue, D-Worcester. At the hearing, Mr. Fresolo said there were “no excuses” for two incidents at the 139 Water St. bar: a band playing outside without an outside entertainment license and two people drinking outside the bar on June 1; and individuals drinking outside on July 1.
Look, I’m not here to stand up for John Fresolo. Only in Massachusetts could someone with his Google search history come back from the political dead and make another run for office. But the guy he is running against (Dan Donahue) is a hand picked, empty suit, McGovern Crime Family foot soldier. So either way the outcome of that election is not ideal.
However, I will say this – what’s happening to his business is what happens when you don’t get to play the race card. Remember two months ago when ANOTHER 100 person brawl took place outside of Mambo Drinks? Any other normal bar would’ve been suspended by the liquor commission. But at a business district meeting the Mambo Mafia showed up in wife beaters and told them that it was racist to blame them for all the fights that take place outside of their bar, because they’re a Latino owned bar.
Making them follow the rules is racism. And if you don’t agree with that then we’re gonna call you racist too. You also might recall that Mambo Drinks “manager” is 20 year old Jonathan Pena, who frequently posts pictures of himself drinking alcohol inside Mambo Drinks:
Facebook Pictures Show 20 Year Old Mambo Drinks Promoter Getting Wasted In The Club
He’s not the only person under 21 consuming alcohol inside Mambo Drinks. According to the police report from the night of the brawl, a 17 and 20 year old was served there, the bar was well over the legal capacity, and everyone involved in the brawl was a patron at Mambo Drink.
Mambo Drink has not received a suspension, despite the irrefutable proof that they’ve served minors on multiple occasions and court a crowd that includes gang members who assault police officers. Because holding them accountable is racist. But holding a shady politician like John Fresolo accountable because his patrons were drinking outside during the summertime is standard practice for this joke of a commission, appointed by City Manager Ed Augustus. Once again, not saying that he shouldn’t have his liquor license suspended. If he was breaking the rules then he absolutely should, especially given his past. But how are you gonna hold one bar accountable, and not the bar next door? Oh yea, because our city is run by gutless SJW politicians who aren’t willing to do the right thing because they’re too afraid that someone will call them racist.
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11 Comment(s)
Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are ruining society. Only in Massachusetts can you wear $400 pants, have seven pairs of $200 sneakers, drive a BMW, yet live off your Welfare whore who uses her EBT card to buy plane tickets to the motherland for some R & R after giving birth to 5 children who roam the streets and schools like animals.
Good old white boy takes it in the shorts once again.
I like to take it in my bum bum. I’m usually the giver, though. I am physically fit and have long luscious silky locks.
I sometimes lure me some fresh meat into my multimillion dollar mansion I live in. I bought it after I was awarded a Purple Heart. I jumped on a hidden explosive in the sand and saved many lives.
This shithole will go out of business soon enough on its own. Still a double standard but what we’ve all come to expect
Obviously a double-standard happening again. One could consider this racist, by going after Fresolo. By letting Mambo’s go basically free. Maybe political too, to dirty Fresolo since he is running again. Nothing surprises me anymore about politics, especially Worcester’s official hack club. Fresolo does have support in the election, but from older people generally.
The elderly apparently asked him to run again. He missed the deadline to file, and as someone who left the (D) party, he decided to have elderly people fill absentee United Independent Party ballots and write his name in. He got 150 write-ins, so he is this made-up party’s nomination, all with disavowment from party founder Evan Falculk (the UIP is now an option on the voter registration card because it gained official party status due to Mr. Falculk receiving 3% of the vote for Governor in 2014).
I wonder if the House will seat him if he wins? People don’t seem to care…
Mambo is bad news. Commission was gutless and people will die.
Spot on, the second I read about Kelly Square Bar suspension my first thought was that shit hole mambo drinks. Simply comes down to the spineless commission being called racist for upholding a simple law. Fucking pathetic.
You can’t suspend Mambo Drinks! Those Latino boys, in their tight pants and muscle shirts, are just too cute. Suck it up and deal with the growing pains, you hate-filled meanies, you.
They must be lining the right pockets.
I am shocked – SHOCKED- to hear that Mr. Green is involved in this.