
Meet ADA Matt Wilcox: Alli Bibaud’s Lawyer’s Boob Son Who Let Cop Killer Out Of Jail, Got A Raise, Now Gets Paid To Threaten POTUS On Twitter, Ask Him How His Dick Tastes

Meet ADA Matt Wilcox: Alli Bibaud’s Lawyer’s Boob Son Who Let Cop Killer Out Of Jail, Got A Raise, Now Gets Paid To Threaten POTUS On Twitter, Ask Him How His Dick Tastes

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A little over a week ago we wrote about how Alli Bibaud’s ratchet lawyer Michael Wilcox was coming on Turtleboy’s page, presumably after going heavy on the sauce, and making a fool of himself:

Which is fitting, because his client is now a household now for making a fool of herself when she asked her arresting trooper if he knew how many guys she had to blow to get the heroin she was driving under the influence of. The answer to the question is the only thing that remains unanswered.

The best part was when a commenter found out that he was forced to fork over $10K for illegally donating to Lt. Governor Karyn Polito’s campaign fund:


Well it gets better with this abortion sandwich.

In May of 2016 career criminal Jorge Zambrano murdered Auburn Police Officer Ron Tarentino during a traffic stop. It was soon revealed that Zambrano had been arrested several times before, including for violence against his baby momma and multiple police officers.

Nevertheless, District Attorney Joe Early’s had advocated for Zambrano to NOT go to jail, because “jail wasn’t working for him.”

Still cannot believe they let a cop killer out of jail, a police officer lost his life because of it, and the DA still gets to keep his job. Unreal.

Here’s where that story gets more interesting. The ADA in Worcester who signed off on letting Jorge Zambrano out of jail so that he could murder Ron Taretino was none other than Mike Wilcox’s loser boob son, Matt Wilcox:

In Central District Court, Mr. Zambrano was released on personal recognizance by Judge Paul McGill first in January. Central District Court audio shows Mr. Zambrano was involved in a crash Jan. 24 on Lincoln Street in Worcester. A Worcester police officer ran to his aid as he was slumped over the steering wheel, but then Mr. Zambrano grabbed the officer and tried to pull him into the car, where there was a pit bull, according to Assistant District Attorney Matt Wilcox.

Mr. Zambrano, who has 84 entries on his adult record, was represented by Worcester lawyer Anthony J. Scola in that case. Judge Mandell continued the charges of assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest without a finding on March 31, with probation.

Before that, in a Feb. 11 hearing in Central District Court, Judge Mandell reviewed Mr. Zambrano’s case after he allegedly struck his girlfriend on Interstate 495 in Hudson. Mr. Zambrano was placed in custody after he was pepper-sprayed by state troopers and struggled with some officers. He threatened troopers while en route to the Leominster barracks.

Mr. Wilcox, the prosecutor, didn’t contest the decision to release Mr. Zambrano; he noted that the Worcester police officer whom Mr. Zambrano grabbed in January, said he “recognized the defendant probably needs more help than jail time.”

Judge Mandell sounded reluctant, but went along with the lawyers. He did not mention the Clinton hearing from February.

“All right,” he said. “If this is agreed upon, I’ll do it.”

This is INSANE!!! The ADA, who’s job it is to push for the maximum punishment for all defendants, and whose salary is paid for by the taxpayers, did not contest the defense’s request to release Zambrano from prison. This was so surprising that the judge “reluctantly went along with the lawyers.” In other words, he couldn’t believe that some lucky sperm, politically connected cheesehog ADA would be this lenient, but since no one was advocating for him to stay in jail, he let him go.

Then, less than a week before Zambrano murdered Officer Tarentino, Zambrano was once again in front of a judge for a probation violation, and once again he was allowed to go home that day:

Mr. Zambrano was back in the Worcester court May 16 on a charge of having plates on his vehicle that did not match the registration. He had missed some probation meetings. In a hearing before Judge Janet J. McGuiggan, a probation officer said Mr. Zambrano had violated probation. Six days later came the fatal shooting of Auburn Police Officer Ronald A. Tarentino Jr.

District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. declined to expound on Mr. Zambrano’s criminal history, saying the actions of the court system are being examined by the state Trial Court. He pointed out that Mr. Zambrano had “three bad urines” (drug tests) and had missed four probation meetings in recent weeks. He stressed that his assistant district attorney asked that bail be revoked for Mr. Zambrano after the alleged assault on his girlfriend. Judge Mandell opted to not revoke the bail, and to set it at $500 cash on the case before him though the prosecutor asked for a $2,500 bail.

See what Joe Early did there in the bold font? He’s trying to defend is idiot ADA, Matt Wilcox. He’s attempting to point out that they tried to set bail at $2,500, as if that would’ve made a difference. They didn’t fuck up on May 16. They fucked up in February when Matt Wilcox let him out because he needed help, not jail time.

So what ended up happening to Matt Wilcox after this massive fuck up? Was he fired? Nope. Instead he got a raise and was transferred to juvenile court, where ADA’s operate with impunity behind closed doors in a confidential setting. Now instead of letting killers like Zambrano stay out of jail, Matt Wilcox works with an even more dangerous population – teenage gang members with guns, no fear, and a chip on their shoulder. But since it’s a closed court (juvenile records are not public) we will never know about the kind of savages that Matt Wilcox is letting roam the streets.

Why didn’t Early fire him? Two reasons:

  1. Firing him would be an admittance that his office fucked up with the Zambrano case, and ultimately the buck stops with Joe Early since he’s the boss.
  2. Joe Early is good buddies with Matt’s father, Mike Wilcox, who has donated thousands and thousands of dollars to his political campaigns.

But Mike Wilcox is a defense attorney, and Early and Matt Wilcox are on the other team in the DA’s office. So basically Mike Wilcox can represent shitheads, urge the court to let them off with slaps on the wrist, and his good friend Joe Early and his son Matty can make sure that no one stands in the way of that.

And as a result we have a dead Auburn Police Officer, and two state police officers suing the state for being forced to coverup and alter a judge’s daughter’s arrest report.

It simply does not get any more corrupt than this.

Here’s another thing – why is Alli Bibaud pleading guilty on a DUI charge? You ALWAYS fight a DUI charge. Tons of people get off on technicalities with DUI’s. Lawyers make a living mastering this art. The answer is simple – Mike Wilcox was doing his buddy Joe Early a solid and killing this story so the press would stop looking at Early. He kind of had to, didn’t he? After all, Joe Early did him a solid by not firing his incompetent son after he helped get Ron Tarentino killed.

He’s also a huge piece of shit on social media, and frequently threatens the President on Twitter while at work. Right after we found his Twitter we started following him and he immediately shut it down. But obviously we screenshotted first. Let’s look at some tweets he made on the clock…..

On Friday October 27 he was checking someone’s white privilege at the Sports Hub, which he was obviously listening to while on the clock, or else he wouldn’t know that they were sharing their “white opinions”:

Here he is on Monday, October 23, taunting Atlanta Falcons defensive back Robert Alford:

Here he is an hour and a half earlier at 2:12 PM calling POTUS, “clown boy” with a link to his IG:

Here he is on the clock immediately after John McCain voted against repealing Obamacare, asking the President how John McCain’s penis tastes:

A district attorney wrote this on his publicly viewable social media page while ON THE CLOCK!! The same ADA who was working in a confidential job where his actions couldn’t be monitored because he let a cop killer out of prison.

Here’s some tweets he made on the weekend, while not on the clock:


He’s obviously allowed to have these opinions. It’s just completely unprofessional and undignified for a representative of the DA’s office to say these things directly to the President on social media. Wonder where he learned that language from…..

He also has an Instagram page which is now set to private after we began following it. In a complete rookie move we forgot to screenshot an image he posted of his fat as sitting down with his feet up on the desk at work, bragging about getting paid to do nothing. He knew this blog was coming after he saw the blog on Daddy and went in to shred everything mode. Something his father and the District Attorney seem to have taught him well.

23 Comment(s)
  • Thurm Lobster
    December 3, 2017 at 9:03 am

    You can stand up against these types by reminding them at every available opportunity – they’ll only have to suffer under President Trump, for a little over 3 more years… OK well, maybe 7 if his tax package sets the economy on fire next couple years… The stream can spew from their heads, and with some help of being overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and stress, they can blow a heart attack, and not have to suffer the full 3 (or 7) years.

  • MG
    December 1, 2017 at 7:20 am

    Typical parasite behavior, disgusting

  • wise man
    November 30, 2017 at 8:27 pm

    Stupid, obese slob with a potato face. Wise man say “karma already punishing ugly potato man” sit back and laugh with karma… ha ha ha ha

    karma also say “obese slob son probably own harey davison motorcicle” ha ha ha laugh at him try to find size xxxxl in short… ha ha ha

  • Publius
    November 30, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    we voted and donated to Early. Not anymore.

  • Fake Rant Queen
    November 30, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    Nice little “crime family” all these people got goin’ here.

  • bigdaddy
    Mike Wilcox
    November 30, 2017 at 4:11 pm

    I am not a fat bastard just a real fucking asshole

  • Juicy
    November 30, 2017 at 2:57 pm

    “Mr. Zambrano, who has 84 entries on his adult record, was represented by Worcester lawyer Anthony J. Scola in that case.”

    MURDERER defended by a MURDERER. Ha….I wonder if they compared notes.

  • Finn
    November 30, 2017 at 2:42 pm

    Would not.

  • AgingCynic
    November 30, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Let me get this straight: this manatee is calling someone ELSE “paunchy”? The guy is wearing a clerical cassock, for Christ’s sake!

  • Duke Westwood
    November 30, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Mike Wilcox… WTF is up with your chin? Did you lose it in the war? Guys with such weak chins shouldn’t shave their head… Dude, you look like a limp cock stumped by a math problem.

  • White Wilcox
    November 30, 2017 at 2:18 pm

    I should get a job working for the public too, so I never get fired.

  • Too Poor to Pay Attention
    November 30, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    Taliban man jamies? Wilcox the ADA and killer Tony Scola the defense attorney. What a pair of A-holes

  • Ralph
    November 30, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    What a PoS!

  • The Rant Queen
    November 30, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    What happened to professionalism in this country? Oh yeah, it died after being bludgeoned to death by SJWs, and retarded sheep. These entitled pricks think it’s okay to speak to others that way because they know, even though they’re terrible at their job, they’ll never lose it because they happen to have connections in the industry. I’ll bet this chunky fuck hates cops, just like all the other SJWs, and is proud of himself for helping to kill one.

  • 12 Degrees of Separation
    November 30, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    If you want to go further down the 12 degree of separation rabbit hole, look into Zambrano’s lawyer Tony Scola who still is the only suspect in his wife’s murder 15 years ago. Guess who his lawyer was…. none other than our good buddy here Mike Wilcox.

    • Chris Seith
      November 30, 2017 at 2:25 pm

      Thats right. Exwife died at home on knox street.I forgot about the random non serial killer in hadwen park.

  • mcf1122
    Ann Flaherty
    November 30, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    This guy graduated from law school?

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      November 30, 2017 at 8:27 pm

      Educated does not mean intelligent, and certainly doesn’t equate to integrity or class.

  • Johnny5
    November 30, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    what a fucking loser

    what are those ridiculous outfits he is wearing? Is that some fancy type of moomoo? Fat bastard

    • Stuart P
      November 30, 2017 at 2:25 pm

      Hard to tell from the cropped pics, but looks like a Hindu wedding or something similar. My guess: he was attending the wedding of the super smart Indian guy or gal he cheated off of to get through law school.

      Gotta love how the obese dad and son go after peoples weight when trying to be clever. At least young Wilcox grabbed the thesauraus to come up with “paunchy”.

      • True Reality Speaks
        True Reality Speaks
        November 30, 2017 at 8:23 pm

        A lot of self-loathing and projecting coming from the Wilcox trailer trash trough feeders. Common among dimwitted, Kool Aid guzzling Democrats. The only things that exceed their foul behavior are their self-inflated egos and the depths of depravity they will stoop to to make a buck.

    • QueefChief
      November 30, 2017 at 8:35 pm

      Tell me now, realistically, that we the people, should not be dragging these scumbags out of their tax payer paid mansions and putting them in stockades on the common for people to do as they feel necessary to them? These POS are living the good life, making the BIG BUCKS! Now do you think any of these asshats care about the responsibilities of their positions? NO! It’s all connections and favors, and we are just the dipshits who pay for it. Time to drag these fuckers out of their houses by the hair on their heads and let them know exactly why it’s happening. Assuming they don’t sniff sooooo much coke there’s no hair left…. Drugs are bad!

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