ANOTHER kiddie porn Worcester Public Schools employee was purposely covered up by Melinda Boone, so why does she still have a job?
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Melinda Boone is very concerned about teacher’s reading Turtleboy Sports at school, so she’s labeled TBS as pornography and blocked access to it in the Worcester Public Schools. But when it comes to child pornography, she’s not nearly as transparent with her actions. GoLocalWorcester reported last week that a former cafeteria worker in the WPS was arrested for child pornography. Melinda Boone famously told GoLocal reporter Pat Sargent:
“At this time, the media has not reported that this gentleman was employed by WPS and we hope that it does not.”
Because obviously she hates transparency and doesn’t want the public to know that she was employing a deviant who was working with children.
Well guess what? ANOTHER WPS employee has been charged with possession of child pornography, and Melinda Boone covered it up AGAIN!!! Here’s an excerpt:
For the second time in less than a week, a memo from the Superintendent’s office has revealed that a Worcester Public School employee has been arrested on charges of possession of child pornography.
Although the memo doesn’t mention the employee by name, sources have told GoLocalWorcester that Liam Mallon, a bus driver for Worcester Public School children with special needs, was arrested and arraigned in late July on two counts of possession of child pornography.
According to Worcester Public Schools records, Mallon was appointed as an Aide to the Physically Handicapped on June 20, 2012.
In a memo sent on August 3 from Dr. Melinda Boone to WPS administration and School Committee members, Dr. Boone mentioned the arrest and like the memo from earlier this month, stated “At this time, the matter has not reached the media and we hope that it does not.”
In the memo, Dr. Boone wrote, “The driver is currently being held on bail and is not to have any unsupervised contact with children under 16. At this point, the investigation does not indicate any actions involving WPS students. The bus is a special education bus which means that a monitor is generally present. While we do not suspect any actions related to students, we will be initiating an investigation on behalf of WPS.”
Oh good, more internal secret memos that ask her employees to remain hush hush about kiddie porn enthusiasts under her employ. Nothing wrong with that. What’s the big deal? Who are all these yahoos who think shit like this is a big deal??? Our city is safe, our schools are safe. Vote Joe Petty/Tracy Novick!!!
That’s what they want us to believe. That shit like this isn’t a big deal. This is just the media making things up to get the public all riled up. But it is. It’s a HUGE deal. Obviously it’s not her fault for employing a bus driver who does something like this on his own time. But you she has an obligation to reach out to the public, particularly parents of students who have ever had interactions with this guy, to let them know what happened and what actions they are taking to remedy it.
But we don’t get that in Worcester because Boone has to perpetuate the Joe Petty image that everything is smiles, rainbows, and sunshine in the Worcester Public Schools. No child molesters here!!! And the fact that she specifically ordered her subordinates to cover this up is grounds for dismissal.
Here’s my question – where the hell is Jen Roy and what exactly do our tax dollars pay her to do besides act as Melinda Boone’s personal cheerleader? Because her position didn’t exist before Boone created it out of thin air. She makes $50,000 to be Boone’s “communication specialist.” So where’s the communication? The WPS was employing a child molester and no one heard a word about it until a muckraker at GoLocal did some digging. Why didn’t we hear this from the person who specifically hired to communicate this with us?
So who’s gonna fire Melinda Boone? Well Boone’s boss is the School Committee, of which Joe Petty is the chairman. All we have to do is vote out people who support Boone. Because do you honestly think Tracy Novick gives a shit if your kid is being driven to school by a child molester? LOL. Nope. It would interfere with her busy schedule of writing tweets that no one reads about what the weather’s gonna be like next Tuesday.
For the record the five who currently support Boone are Petty, Novick, John Monfredo, Hilda Ramirez, and Jack Foley. Replace them by voting for Nicola D’Andrea, Donna Colorio, and Mike Gaffney, and this whole thing is fixed immediately. They buy out her contract and then we get a new superintendent who doesn’t ask their subordinates to cover up for kiddie porn enthusiasts.
Boom. Problem solved.
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6 Comment(s)
Go Turtleboy! I heard an oblique reference to your blog on a Worcester am/fm radio station this am! Keep up the good work! People notice!
Did you read Clive’s blurb on the T&G practically giving Boon a rim job? Seriously, he is either paid well, completely, deluded, or dumb as a brick?
He’s so far up Boone’s ass that he’s using it as an echo chamber.
I wonder how Tracey “Im using my husband’s Irish surname just during election Time” Novick feels about that great review and contract extension now. I bet she still doesnt give a fuck.
As long as there isnt any cops in the schools all is good. Doesnt matter how many child molesters get in.
Tracy Novick’s husband’s last name is Novick, as is his father’s.
you know what I mean….