In the latest adventure of Melinda Boone, Worcester’s Superintendent has asked the media not report that the WPS employed a guy who was arrested for kiddie porn!!
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Pat Sargent over at GoLocalWorcester broke another story today, this one about a Worcester Public Schools Employee whose arrest on charges of child pornography was covered up by Melinda Boone and WPS administrators. I don’t know how much Josh Fenton is paying Pat Sargent, but it’s probably not enough. After all, Josh hasn’t been to Worcester in years, lies about having an office in the city, and knows nothing about the city, yet his lead writer is breaking back to back great stories. I’m sure he probably doesn’t give a shit and he’s probably mad that they’re not making more Top 25 slideshows about the best places to eat mozzerala sticks this weekend, so that Josh can inflate his page views and lie to his advertisers some more.
But I digress.
Some pervster named Alexander Johnson had his apartment on Sterling Street raided by the FBI, WPD, Mass State Police, and Homeland Security, and they found a shitload of kiddie porn. Obviously he was arrested.
The raid took place September 2, but wasn’t reported until September 17. Mr. Johnson was hired in April of 2014 as a substitute cafeteria helper in various Worcester Public Schools after passing a CORI background check.
Obviously it isn’t anyone’s fault that a guy who likes kiddie porn was hired to work in the schools. After all, there was no way of knowing this and he didn’t have a criminal record.
But apparently Melinda Boone has gone out of her way to make sure this was swept under the rug and not reported. Here’s what she said in an email written on September 3, after Mr. Kiddie Porn was arrested:
“At this time, the media has not reported that this gentleman was employed by WPS and we hope that it does not.”
Wait…..what?? You don’t want the media to report that the WPS was employing a guy in elementary schools that who goes home and looks at pictures of the unthinkable? That sounds pretty transparent!!
Teachers are now required to pay $55 out of their own pockets to pay to be fingerprinted in order to find out if any of them are interstate child molesters. This whole episode just proves how pointless that whole process is. Because guess what? This Chester’s fingerprints would’ve come up clean. The only people who will come back dirty are people who have actually been arrested for being molesters. And there’s a magical thing called “Google” that can show you whether or not a teacher, or any person for that matter, has ever been arrested for molesting a child.
Here’s another thing – if the public schools are supposedly harboring all these convicted molesters, as the mandatory fingerprinting presupposes they do, what happens if they start molesting children AFTER their fingerprints come back clean? After all, the basis of the fingerprinting is that all these molesters are in the system and they’re not getting caught because they haven’t been printed. By this logic teachers should be forced to pay $55 every month in order to make sure they didn’t get arrested for molesting an Alaskan child on a weekend getaway over Columbus Day weekend.
Anyway, the fact that Melinda Boone is trying to cover this all up SHOULD be the last straw right? I mean, we all know she fucked up with the North High safety plan, hiring Jen Roy, letting the Circlejerk dictate police staying out of schools, and bringing in incompetent principals like Lisa Dyer and Carenza Jackson.
But covering up the fact that the WPS employed a kiddie porn addict? How do you get to keep your job after that? Oh yea, that’s right, this is Worcester. A magical place where you can never be fired if you know the right people. And Melinda Boone has the only five supporters that matter – Joe Petty, Tracy Novick, Hilda Ramirez, Jack Foley, and John Monfredo (how fitting that a guy accused of inappropriate relations with children would enable a superintendent who actively covers up a kiddie porn addict employee).
All five of those members of the School Committee voted to renew her contract. All of them would do it again in a heartbeat. Because even the thought of a guy using his position around children to build up his own personal spank bank isn’t enough to get them to fire Melinda Boone.
Simple solution – vote for Nicola D’Andrea, Donna Colorio, Diana Biancheria, Brian O’Connell, and Michael Gaffney on November 3 and Melinda Boone will immediately be fired. Boom. Problem solved.
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4 Comment(s)
Jen Roy what are you wearing
Petty and Boone have helped destroy this City.
Wait, what? Is this Boone pic taken in a church?? WTF, which church?
“At this time, the media has not reported that this gentleman was employed by WPS and we hope that it does not.”
Is that true???? Shows true character if it is.