Methuen, Chelmsford Baseball Teams Stage Meaningless Protest Against MIAA For SAT-Gate

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So the MIAA went ahead and forced Methuen and Chelmsford to play their district semi-final baseball game yesterday, despite the fact that 11 kids were already signed up to take the SAT’s. The next time the test is offered is in October and it is required of course to get into college. This would seem to contradict the MIAA’s mission statement which is:

The mission of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association is to serve member schools and the maximum number of their students by providing leadership and support for the conduct of interscholastic athletics which will enrich the educational experiences of all participants. The MIAA will promote activities that provide lifelong and life-quality learning experiences to students while enhancing their achievement of educational goals. 

This just proves once and for all the entire concept of a mission statement is bullshit. Every school is required to have one, so they throw a bunch of meaningless words together like that and plaster it on letterheads so they can get accredited by another worthless organization like NEASC. But organizations like the MIAA who write these things clearly have no intention whatsoever to abide by it.


There are the several ways in which this is bullshit, including but not limited to:

1. Their mission is to “enrich educational experiences of ALL participants” and they do that by refusing to reschedule the most important game of their lives around the most important test of their lives.

2. Their mission is to “enrich educational experiences of ALL participants” and yet only SOME of the participants were able to play in the game.

3. Their mission is to “promote activities that provide lifelong and life-quality learning experiences to students while enhancing their achievement of educational goals” and they do this by scheduling a baseball game during the SAT’s. Because nothing says “enhancing educational goals” like encouraging kids to skip a really important test in order to play in a baseball game.

Chelmsford ended up wining the game, largely because one of the students taking the test only had to take half of it and showed up in the second inning. That same kid went on to get the game winning RBI which gave Chelmsford the 7-5 win. Before the game the student-athletes displayed their displeasure by symbolically laying out the jerseys of the students who would not be attending because of the SAT’s.







As much as I commend these kids for doing this, at the end of the day it’s absolutely meaningless. This changes absolutely nothing. The MIAA gives zero fucks about this display. Think this will stop them from being giant assholes for one second? Nope. So as much as I credit these kids for their “statement” what they should’ve done is not show up at all. Granted, they’re kids, and they’ve been taught to obey and respect authority. So it’s not really their fault. I blame their athletic directors and administrators. If they had ANY gumption whatsoever, they would’ve forfeited this game. Fuck the MIAA. They want gate receipts. No game means no money. I guarantee you they would’ve rescheduled. They had an opportunity but they blew it.

Why? Because Chelmsford and Methuen’s administrators are a bunch of Uncle Tom’s. They asked the MIAA to reschedule the game. MIAA of course said no. And like the good servant that they are they said “Yes Mas’r” and told the boys the game would go on as planned. According to Coach Eric Cyr at Methuen, “the schools’ administrators let their dissatisfaction with that idea be known, and both teams will hopefully show up for the game.”

They let their dissatisfaction be known? Wow that’ll show em who’s boss.

These people are all gutless cowards who let the MIAA push them around. Danny Ventura of the Boston Herald tweeted this yesterday:

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Ya see that right there? That’s the problem. An administrator who is too GUTLESS to put their name to it, says “the MIAA works for us, we don’t work for them” and then promptly does everything the MIAA tells them to do. Whoever the administrator was that said this is a spineless coward and nothing less. They’re trying to make it seem like this is all the MIAA’s fault. It largely is. But why don’t you try doing something about it besides leaving an anonymous and meaningless tweet with the Herald? Why don’t you SHOW the MIAA who the fucking boss is by telling your kids they ain’t playing? Nah, that requires putting your name out there and having conviction, which by definition administrators don’t have.

As much as I blame the MIAA for this, I blame school administrators just as much. They were willing to beg the MIAA for a schedule change, but they weren’t willing to go any further after that. Because ultimately they all care about keeping their jobs, and just like the MIAA, they don’t give a fuck about standing up for kids either.

I do not blame the coaches at all. They’re caught in the middle. Sure they could’ve come together and refused to play, but then they’d be fired and replaced by some scab immediately. It would accomplish nothing, except losing an obviously very qualified coach.

I urge everyone reading this to stop what they’re doing and write or call these assholes at the MIAA and let them know who sent you. Turtleboy Sports. Join the revolution.

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