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Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury is all the rage these days with people who dislike President Trump. It basically just makes fun of Trump’s slovenly ways as he mopes around the White House. Which is fine, because Donald Trump pulls punches so he’s completely fair game.
But Wolff also insinuates in his book that Trump is having an affair with someone close to him that he works with, and on Real Time with Bill Maher last week he said you could figure out who it was if you “read between the lines.”
And by that he meant U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. And I don’t care who you are, if you can’t respect Nikki Haley you have issues. She’s amazing. The former South Carolina governor defied her own base by taking down the Confederate flag of losers at the Statehouse, and recently gave one of the most bad ass speeches of all time at the UN when these ungrateful asshole countries tried telling us that we can’t recognize whatever world capitals we choose to recognize.
At the UN we're always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thurs there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names. pic.twitter.com/ZsusB8Hqt4
— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) December 19, 2017
God she’s sexy.
Either way, this is just plain low. Nikki Haley is married with two children. There’s absolutely no evidence that Trump is drilling her. This asshole just made it up to sell books, knowing that anything that mocked Trump would sell. And it has. He’s been on every talk show and he’s basically being paraded around like a hero.
And the Shameless One herself read from his book during the Grammy awards:
Hillary Clinton made a surprise appearance at the 2018 #Grammys and read an excerpt from "Fire and Fury" https://t.co/a4grSwawms pic.twitter.com/lra9X2TF4F
— CNN (@CNN) January 29, 2018
Because nothing says, “music awards” quite like the elderly millionaire, biggest loser in American history, who just won’t go away.
And what makes it worse is that this piece of human garbage is playing games and refuses to own that he CLEARLY implied that Trump was sticking it to the UN Ambassador.
It all blew up this morning when one of Trump’s most vocal critics, Mika Brzezinski confronted him about it on Morning Joe, and ended the interview when he was acting like a petulant little bitch:
Mika Brzezinski throws Michael Wolff off of Morning Joe for slurring Nikki Haley with affair rumors. #p2 #ctl pic.twitter.com/o4jPUK0n0B
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 1, 2018
Good for Mika. Atta girl. This is what we need more of in America – people who aren’t afraid to put principal above politics. Mika HATES Trump. He’s said some fucked up shit about her, and she fires right back. But the fact of the matter is this waste of space is slut shaming a woman because he knows he can get away with it because she’s a Republican who works for the Trump White House. Basically, all rules of civility regarding women, and all the #MeToo bullshit, ceases to exist if they are Trump supporters.
Mika wasn’t having any of that. Nor was she having any of his childish pussyfooting like this:
“She has chosen to deny something she hasn’t been accused of.”
And let me repeat: Nikki Haley has chosen to vociferously deny something she was not accused of.
— Michael Wolff (@MichaelWolffNYC) February 1, 2018
“Or she seems to me — I would say she seems to have embraced it,” Wolff said. “All she does is hammer on this fact. I mean, if I were being accused of something, and I am not accusing her of anything. She hasn’t tried to avoid this, let’s say.”
Bitch, you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. See that right there? That’s a snotty little shit way to say, “She obviously fucked him, because who would deny something I never actually accused them of?”
Bitch, you damn well you accused her of it. You told Bill Maher to “look between the lines.” Well in your tabloid book you said they were always around each other, and always were meeting in private. You didn’t say that about any other women close to him. Just her. We read between the lines as you instructed and we get it now – you’re accusing them of having an affair. Just be a man and own it.
Then he did this after Mika tossed his ass off:
My bad, the President is right about Mika.
— Michael Wolff (@MichaelWolffNYC) February 1, 2018
These people have no principals and no shame. When Trump was making fun of Mika’s facelift six months ago Michael Wolff would’ve been the first guy to feign outrage.
…to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017
But that’s only when Mika was a good woman who knew her place. Once she crossed him and started calling him out on his bullshit she became fair game. It’s almost like this guy is no better than the guy he wrote a book about.
Also, I have to confess that I’m a closeted Jake Tapper fan:
This is so vile. https://t.co/HO15arbNYP
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 31, 2018
Say what you want about CNN, but he’s the closest thing there is to fair over there. He obviously is left leaning and has a thing for Trump, but the dude’s Twitter is completely fair and balanced 9 times out of 10, and he takes tons of shit from both sides of the aisle. Good for him and good for Mika for being able to put party aside and call out this slut shaming poopface.
43 Comment(s)
“Also, I have to confess that I’m a closeted Jake Tapper fan: ” Turtle Boy. Interesting Turtle Boy chose the words CLOSETED.
TB is a died in the wool leftist, liberal, he will never change, only entertains conservative thought to line his pockets. Jake Tapper is anything but objective or fair, part and parcel of the leftist movement editing and massaging stories to promote the leftist agenda but the good life is for him because as with all limousine liberals “he’s different” “he cares”.
If this were 1930’s Tapper could easily be Walter Duranty covering up Stalin’s starvation of the Ukraine. Tapper and his lying brohs are the Walter Durantys of today, excusing, government corruption and murderous terrorism.
She did it for ratings – no other reason. Mika is as big of a huckster/parasite as Wolff. Only reason she’s relevant is she used to be semi-hot and people like to laugh at how stupid she an Joe Scarborough are. She probably bartered a blowjob for an autographed copy of his book after the show.
Lib TB is such a hypocrite – just like the subjects of the blog.
Person pretending to be Brian Albrecht please post your information, your real information where you live your name. We are all more than happy to do a little research into you and your background and what is troubling you. Never know maybe we can help you, Sara Silverman got in touch with the man who was trolling her on twitter and found out he couldn’t afford his medical bills, now she pays his medical bills and his life is better.
You never know, so please for your sake share your real info, you’re among friends and in a safe place. We believe in love and compassion here.
briANALbrecht gets his ass beat by girls and then runs crying to his mommy.
You’re a fucking pussy, BriAnal Boy
Person pretending to be Brian Albrecht must have gotten his ass kicked by somebody with that same name. Hence he puts the name on internet blast to invite retaliation against the Brian Albrecht who no doubt fired him from his job, banged his girlfriend and daughter.
The real Brian Albrecht we salute you for pissing off this crayon eater.
Nice work Uncle Randy, us regulars might be a mangie ugly bunch but we weren’t born last night.
Tim, your mother said my semen tastes like stawberrys you degenerate illiterate. I will pound your face into raw hamburger with a flurry of left and right hooks that will leave you convusling on the ground praying to the heavens to rewind the clock and bring back into janurary so you can re-think your thoughs and never cross me again. If you’re really in weymouth youd know who i am
We all know who you are, Anal Boy. You’re that pseudo tough guy who is actually a deeply closeted homosexual. Don’t get me wrong; no one cares that you’re gay. It’s just that you’re being intellectually dishonest with yourself, and it is manifesting itself in sociopathic fits of violence.
You’re not going to kick anyone’s ass tonight, Anal Boy. You’re going to go bite your pillow and take your nightly rectal pounding from multiple male partners, like every other night.
why dont you really find out who i am then? post your address if your so sure im a fake tough guy, or we can meet at a mutually determined place if you dont believe me. Im not fucking around pussy. lets go. Im in weymouth, and i assume you’re from worcester. I’ll go to worcester need be. Dont poke the bear you pussy bitch
Every violent outburst is just a cry for help, Anal Boy. We’re here for you. Just come out and be free. Stop living the lie.
Who hurt you, Anal Boy? Who inappropriately touched you as a little boy and filled you with so much rage? Was it daddy? No, it couldn’t have been him, because he was in jail for fondling the neighbor’s kid. Was it an uncle? Mommy? A babysitter? You can tell me.
Michael Wollff’s dick tastes like shit.
Don’t believe me? I’ll fight you in Mymouth, er, I mean Weymouth.
The Wolffman is all bark no bite (unless you ask nicely)!
What about that big FB lawsuit that TB is always blustering about?! LOL! TB is pure poseur, just like Archie from Southie.
It’s neat how you comment on every article. Did it occur to you that your page views are getting counted amongst the site’s traffic, which ultimately is used to set prices for advertisers? It’s like you are making TBS money. That’s pretty generous of you.
“people who aren’t afraid to put principal above politics”
Putting the school Principal above politics? Geez! When you throw stones you should probably get your FUCKING grammar correct!!! Dumb SHIT!!!
Similar to how you spelled “conquered” a few weeks ago when you murdered it, with “concurred”! Again, DUMB SHIT!
Get a dictionary for CHRIST’S SAKE!
How’s he supposed to look it up if he doesn’t know how to spell it, Dumb Shit?
Hey stupid, you don’t have to capitalize “Principal”. You only capitalize when it goes before a proper noun. I guess you were more concerned with spelling.
who gives a fuck? turtleboy is absolute trash like all you central/western mass pussies. Fuck out of my face with this bull shit.
#trash ass nigga
Go sit in traffic some more.
Uncle randy… is that what your nephew calls you while you’re molesting him you sick piece of shit. If you have a problem with anything ive said come to weymouth and do something about it. PUSSY
Kid’s upset.
yeah thats what i though you fucking pussy. Shut your god damn mouth. Meet up with me if you still feel tough. I’ll have you on your back swallowing your teeth so fucking fast.
Kid calls me a molester and then wants to meet up with me so I can swallow.
Yup keep hiding behind your screen name. You fucking pussy ass bitch! come to weymouth! i fucking dare you! or give me your address fruit cup. Uncle randy lol you dumb worcester trash
Kid’s inviting me over his house now. Probably wants to get his buttcheeks pounded.
You’re so stupid, the only thing that would be pounded is your face with my battering ram right hand. Your mother says my semen taste like strawberries
It’s all in the name.
HAHA wow youre so smart. such a good find, not low hanging fruit at all. GOD YOU’RE A FUCKING RETARD. I’ll smack the fuck out of you if you ever want to square up you pussy cuck.
I’m terrified. Not that you’ll kick my ass, but that you’ll try to rape me afterwards. I’ve heard about you Weymouth boys.
No thanks, donut puncher.
yup, classic pussy. So you admit that you know I’ll kick the shit out of you. SNOWFLAKE
You most definitely could kick my ass! No dispute there.
It’s what you’ll do when I’m knocked out cold that worries me. I mean, you’re probably used to waking up with your pants around your ankles and a sore asshole, but I’m not. I’d prefer to keep my anal cherry, and continue to let you yell at your computer screen.
Your boyfriend is in for a rough night. Tell him that I am sorry for cranking you up.
Your offer to meet in real life, so that you can “rock my face” is tempting, but I’m not gay. I’m very flattered, but I like women.
Good luck finding that “special someone” who will enjoy your kind of affection.
Brian albrecht just died today on this thread. RIP
How about we meet up in real life and you and can say that to my face? I’ll be on a nod and still rock your face pussy. I’d fucking kill you and that CUCK Uncle Randy any day of the week and twice on sunday you dick sucking douche bag. Where are you from tough guy?
Says the guy who comments on every blog. You love the turtle !
Brah! Stop using hashtags, that’s not how they work. You’re embarrassing yourself.
I can’t take Michael Wolff seriously. He looks like Dr. Evil masquerading as a legit author.
Damn, you beat me to it!
SAME!! He totally does look like Dr. Evil. I was going to say the same thing and then make fun of shitbag loser Hitlery losing to a black man with no political experience and then an orange man with no political experience. She sucks
He kind of looks like smeagol in a suit.
Speaking of Nikki Haley, she’s a candidate I could get behind.
Agreed. All the way with Nikki.
I would Mika too.
Dude but he is the man who is going to get Trump finally impeached!
Michael Wolff is not very observant, though he seems to think he is. Anyone who has been paying attention could tell him right off that Trump prefers blondes exclusively. Nikki Haley is not a blonde. That’s not the only thing Michael Wolff gets wrong, of course.