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A week ago one of our bloggers published this story about a Millbury police officer whose house was allegedly broken into and spray painted with “Black Lives Matter”:
For the record, I had my doubts about this one, as did several people in the comments. I even told our blogger who wrote it that I thought they did it to their own house. My objection was duly noted, but they chose to ignore my crazy conspiracy theories.
Turns out I was right:
“A reported break-in and vandalism at the West Main Street home of a Millbury police officer has been traced to the police officer’s wife. Police Chief Donald P. Desorcy, at a news conference this afternoon, said there was no intruder in the house of Officer Daniel Daly, as originally thought. Instead, the chief said, the officer’s wife, Maria Daly, concocted a story about a break-in, apparently because of financial problems. Officer Daly was not involved in the hoax, according to the chief.”
The last thing we wanna do is falsely accuse a cop of doing something like this. I was told that it was in poor taste to publish an article saying we didn’t believe him because….where’s the proof? Kind of serious accusation to level on a police officer by simply going on a hunch.
But the story was just too good to believe. How did they not wake up if their house was ransacked? The fact that they wrote “BLM” on the house tells you that the imaginary burglars KNEW this was a cops house. Well, who the hell in their right mind breaks and enters into a home where they KNOW there is someone with a gun who is trained to use it? That’s a suicide mission. And IF they did somehow manage to get out of the house undetected, then why spray paint BLM on it? If I robbed a cops house the first thing I would want to do is get the hell out of there.
Shoutout to the turtle riders who called this one too:
That’s what makes this woman such a dooshcanoe. She made up this lie because she knew it fit the narrative. But cops really are under attack in this country. Black lives matter really is run by assholes who pull punk shit like this. You don’t have to fabricate a story to make them look bad. They’ll do it on their own.
But wait, it gets better!! Officer Daly’s wife messaged the Lost Boys of Turtle Facebook page the day we published the story, thanking us for reporting her lies. To make matters worse she actually had the NERVE to shit on the police chief and one of the Lieutenants for not “taking this seriously enough”:
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! What a LIAR!!! Me and my kids are “petrified to sleep at our once safe home.” Jesus H. Christ. Do you see what happened here? The chief never believed her lies for a second. This made her upset. It made her contact Fox 25 News and Turtleboy. This guy obviously comes home a lot and complains about his boss, just like millions of Americans do. The only difference is that he’s got a ride or die chick who’s willing to grafitti their own home in order to get back at the boss!!
Gotta give it to her, if you’re gonna tell a lie like this you really have to sell it. Go big or go home. I just can’t believe she was dumb enough to insist the chief wasn’t investigating this thoroughly enough. Hey Maria, you do realize that when they investigate it more thoroughly they’re gonna find out your whole story was bullshit right? They were willing to let it go because they knew you were bullshit the whole time and didn’t want to humiliate you. But you INSISTED on being publicly humiliated, so here we are.
Oh yea, and the biggest giveaway was that whenever someone from around here finds something offensive spray painted on their home, it’s always the woman in the family who did it. Who remembers this broad?
She’s the woman who spray painted racial slurs on her own home in Lunenburg, in order to make people believe her son was being targeted for being 1/4 black by his racist teammates on the Lunenburg football team.
After the FBI conducted a thorough investigation and found the spray cans IN HER FRONT YARD, she fessed up to doing it herself. Turns out the whole thing was just a huge scam to get their son to be able to school choice to Leominster High School, where the football team is much better. He is a junior there today, but if there were any justice in this world he’d never be able to play football again.
It really just pisses me off that no one listened to me and we didn’t print my theory. We would’ve looked like fucking gurus. I want a raise. Well, here’s another theory – I think Officer Daly was in on it. How can he not be? The official statement was that he wasn’t involved, but this is his wife we’re talking about. What kind of woman can keep a secret like that from her husband? Plus, first thing I did when I saw that story was Google Officer Dan Daly. He’s got a fun past. Including one time when he was investigated by a Millbury detective (Brothers) for an assortment of allegations:
Detective Brothers had been assigned by former Police Chief Richard L. Handfield to investigate allegations against another Millbury police officer, Daniel Daly, according to the lawsuit. In August 2011, after Detective Brothers had uncovered evidence of potential wrongdoing by Officer Daly, Lt. Bates was hired to investigate Officer Daly. One of the 10 allegations against Officer Daly, engaging in conduct unbecoming an officer, was sustained. The lawsuit claims that Lt. Bates was biased against Detective Brothers because she had filed a complaint about him when he was an instructor of hers in criminal justice studies at Anna Maria College. “As a result of improper bias against plaintiff by defendant Bates, the purported ‘investigation’ into the wrongdoings of Officer Daly quickly morphed into an investigation of the plaintiff,” the lawsuit says.
Somehow this guy gets investigated for wrongdoing, only to have the person investigating him get investigated by the State Police for investigating him for wrongdoing. SHAAAA-DEEEEE. As soon as I read that I knew something was up. Normal cops don’t have this type of story come up when you Google them. And what were the odds that this would happen to HIS house? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
P.S. How can you ever go back to work if you’re Officer Daly? This is humiliating and embarrassing. I’d move.
Double P.S. This has to make national news right? I can’t see the assholes not capitalizing off of this one. Bad day for the good guys. Thanks Maria.
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19 Comment(s)
I normally try to be all pc when I comment, but screw that. Bitch, if your husband has a gambling problem, and as a result your family has financial issues, handle it the right way. Lose your house, your car, and deal with the consequences. Not fake a robbery and spray paint your home! Did that put money in your bank account? Now you still broke and look mentally ill to a very small town that is all talking about you. And now that you stressed out your husband, he probably ran over to mohegan sun to make himself feel better. Your son’s football career is the least of his concerns now, with his gambling dad and crazy mama!
I called it.
It’s pretty cool that whenever you’re blatantly wrong, you can pass the buck to some nonexistent “ghost writer” and avoid any sort of accountability for the bullshit you deliberately incite. Those types of articles are why Facebook keeps suspending you, cock smoocher. This blog used to be entertaining, and I mean WAY back. Seek mental help, you desperately need it.
Well she got half of it right theres a racist and there is a pig but only not a black one did the job. Boy Barney needs to keep that hog on a shorter leash.
Great reporting, Turtleboy. You called this one from the beginning, just like you were the one who identified that scum that killed the Auburn police officer.
The saddest part about this article is once again Turtleboy presented a story as fact and then when the truth came out Turtleboy back peddled into his shell and blamed others for their mistake. Sheesh, Kevin Lynch may not be perfect but at least he has the balls to admit it if he makes a mistake.
Nice to know that I was right about being skeptical about this story and police officer (public servant). I simply googled his name to read about the internal investigations about him and posted about it in the first article.
“More details published in the garbage T&G. No investigative attempt by the Turtle?”
Now Turtle is being bold by stating the police officer may be in on it!? Too funny…you’re a bit late to the party, but welcome back…..OF COURSE THE COP WAS IN ON IT!
Ugh…. first Joey Salads, now this. Don’t people who fake this realize it’s damaging the case against the Black Lives Matter movement? Because now it gives this group more legitimacy to claim falsehoods towards every incident they’re involved in – thus giving them more power to their destructive cause. The sympathetic media and social networks will eat this up convincing people who were on the fence that they’re in the right – which they’re not. There’s already mountains of crap that BLM and their ilk have been getting away with, you don’t NEED to make this stuff up! You’re not hurting them when you do it, YOUR HURTING US!
I think I speak for most Turtle Riders when I say I absolutely hate all black people. This woman should be lauded as a hero and I hope TB gives her the praise she deserves. She’s trying to take down a terrorist organization and a terrorist race.
Well small brain that limits you to the same circle emptiness. Haven’t you ever noticed that you have never amounted to anything. And stay in the same little safety zone too scared to leave the comforts of home of fear of getting you teeth knocked out you are a waste so really who care who you hate it only hurt you cause you are no one
Seriously, how many screen names do you use?
want another Millbury cop story? Check into detective Brothers (since married, now Detective Cadrin). She was let go from the force for harrassing the ex-girlfriend of her now husband. She’s since been reinstated and is suing the town, but no proof has been offered that she didn’t harrass the girl.
Actually check your facts her lawsuit has been settled and she was reinstated because she was wronged… You can actually read the entire lawsuit at your leisure, it is great reading. So you might want to get your facts straight Zakk Rocker. Maybe people should do more digging into you for your dirty past. It’s amazing how you hide behind fictitious names. If they google your real name amazing what they will find.
The burden of proof isn’t on the shoulders of the accused.
Daley didn’t know, lol. Hes as corrupt as can be. Gambling issues. The defective that was investigating it knew also. She was shaking down neighborhood kids trying to say she was doing her job. What a joke. Donald grow a set of balls for once in your career and do the right thing….fire your K-9 officer and the defective. Embarrassing to say the least. Bad day for MPD
fuck white people!
so the kid should never be able to play football because his mother is a piece of shit white trash cunt?
i really wish i could meet you TB i would strangle you to death where you stand!
THAT was your take away from this article?
And your reaction was murderous rage?
Deep breaths brother… Deep breaths…
You’re a fucktard of epic proportions. Your mother obviously drank way too much when she was pregnant with you by the mystery trick.