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New York Post: Miss California USA is poking some fun at herself after flubbing a question about the nation’s economic gap during the Miss USA Pageant. Nadia Mejia was widely mocked on social media after stumbling, closing her eyes and pausing when answering the question Sunday about economic inequality.
“I think that the rich need to be able to be giving and I think the poor need to work hard and I think the middle class need to come together and find an in-between,” she eventually said.
Mejia answered her critics on Instagram, writing that she was praying to God for the right words and he answered, “It’ll take longer than 30 seconds to answer that, babe.” She also posted a video of her singing “I don’t know about the economy” to the tune of the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way.”
The 20-year-old model is the daughter of 1990s one-hit-wonder singer Gerardo, known for “Rico Suave.”
Alright, first of all, the question was complete bullshit. The eventual winner, Miss Washington DC, got a layup question about the military, and she just so happens to serve in the military:
When asked by judge Joe Zee whether the Pentagon’s decision to open up all combat roles to women had “put political correctness over our military’s ability to perform,” 1st Lt. Barber responded:
“As a woman in the United States Army, I think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military.”
She continued: “We are just as tough as men. As a commander of my unit, I’m powerful, I am dedicated and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the United States.”
Are you kidding me? Easiest question ever. Let’s ask the woman serving in the military what she thinks about women serving in the military. That’s fair. Meanwhile they’re asking this poor idiot from California to fix the economy in 30 seconds. The question was “how do we we narrow the gap between the rich and the poor?” Here’s the answer she should’ve given:
“It’s not anyone’s job, never mind the duty of the federal government, to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. The economy is complicated and multifaceted, and in a capitalist society there will always be a large gap between the rich and the poor. And that’s OK, because luckily America is the greatest country on earth and we are handed the tools to climb the social and economic ladder through free public education and a variety of social programs. This is why I love America and can’t wait to be crowned Miss America in 30 minutes. It’s gonna be great!!”
Boom. Pageant over.
Instead she said that the rich should give away their money and the poor should stop being so lazy. This is the best the state of California has to offer.
Then you’ve got Miss Hawaii, who absolutely KILLED IT despite this loaded question:
“With Hillary Clinton expected to surpass the delegate count needed to win the Democratic party nomination, my question to you is: If the election were held tomorrow, would you vote Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president, and why would you chose one over the other?”
Are you kidding me? You’re gonna ask someone who they’re voting for in front of 100 million people? The answer she’d like to give is, “It’s a secret ballot for a reason, so it’s none of your business who I’m voting for.”
Ya know why they did this right? Because there was only one right answer and they probably know she’s a closet Trump supporter. It was like five years ago when they asked one of the southern contestants if she supported gay marriage. Because they’re trying to humiliate you. There is a 0.0% chance you can win a contest that disaffiliated itself with Donald Trump if you say that you are voting for Donald Trump. Can’t do it. But let me tell ya – her answer was PERFECT:
“It doesn’t matter what gender. What we need in the United States is someone who represents those of us who don’t feel like we have a voice, those of us who want our voices heard. We need a president to push for what is right, and push for what America really needs.”
Translation – I’m voting for Trump, but I’m not stupid enough to fall for you juvenile trap question. Who do you think she’s talking about when she says, “those of us who don’t feel like we have a voice, those who want our voices heard?” That type of rhetoric is straight out of the Trump, “I’m an outsider, not a politician” playbook. We need a president who will “push for what America REALLY needs.” I mean, that’s basically saying, “Make America great again.” As soon as she said that you knew she was going to the top 3. She roasted the judges alive.
The bottom line is that the Miss America pageant is a joke. It’s a swimsuit competition that arbitrarily decides which candidates to mess with during the Q&A round. It’s designed to humiliate some women, while propping up other women. Although quite frankly Miss California deserved to be humiliated. Nevertheless, it was still a million times more intriguing and competitive than last night’s Game 2 of the NBA Finals.
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15 Comment(s)
I wonder how men would react in the same situation. I would like to see men parading around half naked and being asked humiliating questions. But mostly being judged on their looks. This I would pay money to see.
They would probably burp a lot and scratch their balls. I would still watch though… Maybe one of the balls is feeling risky and will pop out making it more fun for everyone.
No you girls have it all wrong. Now if I were a contestant in a male’s competition and asked some deep thought provoking questions about political beliefs and economic solutions I would provide the following:
Q – So Bob, what would you do to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor?
A – (As I grab my junk in a lift shift to the left then to the right and middle circle around adjust maneuver type fashion in a voice like Rocky Balboa doing a little sniffling) – “Um make more money?”
Q – Ok Bob, now what about world peace?
A – (Still adjusting the junk and sniffling) – “Um take away their food so they can’t fight?”
Q – Ok I see there hmm interesting. Now Bob, can you answer me what your thoughts about China are?
A – (Giggling and sniffling still adjusting junk) – “Ya well speaking of food I love theirs!” “Yo Adrian!”
The question and answer segment ends and I am now crowned Mr. fucking terrific…
Some funny shit here. “Rico Suave.” I actually remember that song. It sounded a little like “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred. Back in the days when music was about as fucked up as it gets.
It’s a beauty pageant I don’t think intelligence is a category. All the losers should be sent to Saudi Arabia or Bill Clinton’s office. More people would watch.
Educate “yourselfs?” Giggle, giggle, giggle.
Maybe next year a boy who thinks he’s a girl will be in the pageant. It’ll probably take gorilla tape to keep his weapon from hanging out in his bikini. Oh yea. Miss Alaska,via Thailand.
i am embarrassed for them,a collection of beautiful airheads.Some will see it different
its great to be beautiful,but the day will come that your beauty will fade and youll be left with nothing..EDUCATE YOURSELFS OR DONT ATTEMPRT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS YOU KNOW LITTLE OR NOTHING ABOUT.SO SAD
Miss D.C. is hot as fuck though…
“I only have one question…in 27 parts..”
Dr. Phillip Barbay
Why is anyone still surprised by what comes out of the mouths of these women? Most of them probably aren’t stupid, but instead are exhausted and nervous and not thinking straight by that point in the competition.
At least Rico Suave’s daughter can laugh at herself.
Pretttttyyyyyy sure Teen Miss USA is stupid. I don’t know, I may be reaching here. Like like… like all the way to South Africa.
You don’t think it’s humiliating enough being Rico Suave’s daughter?
Miss DC, yeah right.
I feel like this is a good warm up for the presidential debates. Moderator to Hillary: “How does it feel to be a grandma?” Moderator to Trump: “How do you fix the Middle East? You have 15 seconds to answer, while John King makes disapproving faces at you.”