So, how about that Moms of the South Shore blog, eh?
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It took that crazy-eyed girl five minutes to see the take down we had written about her. Five. Minutes.
She had this to say before going dark and leaving her thousands of ass-wipers whispering behind her back:
Ashley Lyn: “Omg that was a joke. I didn’t want an of them to donate to my trip. This is taken out of context.”
Welp, as I’m writing this we have nearly 1.8k comments, 4K shares, and the respect of anyone who ever had an opinion for themselves. You guys can try and mass report it but we have thousands accounts to repost it with. Each time it goes down another 5K people read it again when we throw it back up. Your choice. We will not be silenced.
I received more than 100 emails from people thanking us for finally standing up to Ashley “Bug Eye” Brady. More than 40 people have messaged to tell me that they’ve reported her to the IRS and the Attorney General to have her looked in to for fraud and tax evasion.
This should get interesting.
If you haven’t given yourself the pleasure, go and read the comments under the Facebook post. It’s like a docu-drama of brainwashing, turtle power, and dank memes.
Favorite comment award goes to Meredith. “I just ate Taco Bell. Ashley needs to come on over and suck a big fat juicy fart out of my ass.”
Girl, you damn-near killed me and Mr. Turtlegirl with that one. We laughed about that for two days. Nothing is more cruel than a mouth full of hot, digested, Baja Chalupa. Nothing.
I, and anyone who sided with us, were been told we were bitter cunts, who were probably kicked out of the group for being uncool, and that we don’t understand the lengths of good she has done.
(The theory that I was kicked out is amusing. Seeing that my entire intro was about how this girl managed to hand herself to me on a silver platter, on my own turf, a month ago. I’m guessing these cash-cows just skimmed to the good shit. Reading is fun.)
My sources did an incredible job pretending to defend her in the comments on our page and theirs! One, who was especially angry about the obnoxious hierarchy, went hard for Ashley publicly, then would message me laughing about how no one thought it was her minutes later.
MOTHER THERESA? HAHAHAHA! That chick needs to be thrown in a fucking asylum!
The fallout was nothing short of delicious. Look at these boobs! It was like a bunch of cockroaches scattering when you turn the light on.
(Read them in Uncle Turtle’s white girl voice. You’ll laugh the whole time.)
Every time someone would post – it would be removed within minutes.
The Moms of the South Shore had halted their remaining members from posting anything because they don’t want to hear the truth. God forbid you upset the balance of their finely-built house of manipulation and lies.
Well that, and their own members trolling the shit out of them all day, really caused a scene. One of them would make a dramatic post, a source would send it to us, we would make fun of them for it and it would take them all of 30 seconds to freak out on the page. It’s was a riot. A mass revolt staged by undercover Turtles who were tired of being trampled on all because they needed advice on getting their kids to shit in a potty.
Even I had some fun answering the two whole complaint messages we got.
Bug eyes went so far as to deactivate her own account because she was terrified of facing the music. I’m sure she did it while she was sobbing on the Dumbo ride. It’s a small world after all, isn’t it?
Ashley did, however, log back in during the evening to go and remove anyone who said boo about her on our page. She started to go though the page, in the dead of night, to start deleting any post of her asking for money. Yeah, my sources noticed. Not guilty at all are we? Nothing is ever deleted permanently online.
Ashley had kicked out that Alethea girl, the one who sold them all down the river, from the page almost instantly.
She went apeshit on her own page for not being allowed to defend herself and started screaming about injustice. Althea even came on our live show to defend her honor. Hm. Now you know how all the other women you shamed and attacked felt. It’s crazy when the tables are turned, isn’t it?
The best part of that whole fiasco was that Althea wanted to be a Turtleboy writer. That’s really why she sent it in. She thought that she could blog for us talking about all of the dudes she’s fucking on the side. Uncle Turtle wanted to barf. Personally, I laughed my tits off. Alternative lifestyle? More like typical Rockland trash.
What do you expect from a girl who made a giant sign for the front of her house, saying that her baby daddy didn’t pay child support, and then posed her kids with it for photos.
Althea said she posted a FAKE anonymous question on the page to see if Turtle was on the page! Yeah, that’s stable. Totally normal behavior. Ashley was the one who posted it. Clearly she was in on it too. Or Alethea did it under a fake name. Is NONE of this registering with you guys?
This girl Ashley isn’t just raising money for one person. It’s a constant ask for donations from the members in order to go in to a “fund.” She has even gone as far as to bully people in to buying pyramid scheme shit because she gets a cut. Such a lovely way to raise charity.
She takes everything in through her PayPal (the same one she demands gas money and Disney cash for.) She also has other organizations (all undocumented things like vendor fairs) raising money and donating it to her as if she was a charity.
I’m talking thousands and thousands of undocumented “donations.”
The Drop Box decided to pull all of their planned donations once the shit hit the fan. Which is probably for the best, because as far as I can see, they are an unlicensed business trying to be some kind of cult daycare.
Samantha Muise, the chick who runs The Drop Box, said Bug eyes looked in to becoming a 501c3 but it’s too expensive. I’m sure by “too expensive” Ashley means “but, but, MY PROFIT!”
No receipts. No itemized ins and outs. Just the word of a woman who had entitled herself so much that she thought she deserved free vacations, gas money, and membership fees for a Facebook group.
Dozens of people messaged us saying that they had sent Ashley messages about fundraisers and were always ignored. Not even considered. You know why? Because she needed people she could control. People who wouldn’t ask questions about the money. That chick Heather Sutherland we showed Ashley asking money for? Her sister in-law!
Four of the messages I’ve received were from the brave ones who stood up. The ones that refused to take Ashley’s word at face value. That the proceeds, Ashley was nickel and diming everyone for, were going to a good cause. They wanted to know where the cash was going. However, they had dealt with the wrath once before for having stood up. Teams of women mocking them for their questions, nasty messages, threats. They chose to remain anonymous but the proof is being sent to the authorities.
Each one of them had the same treatment whether they asked respectfully or not. They were removed from the group. They would message Ashley asking why. Ashley would play the victim saying things like “I’m never doing anything nice again” and “This is ridiculous! Why don’t you trust me? I’ve never done anything to have my integrity questioned.” Ashley would make a passive-aggressive post in her group shaming the person who questioned her. She would play the victim. The flock would fan her ass, tell her how wonderful she is, the money would come rolling in.
Katie Salter, a chick who said she was getting kicked out of her house because her kid had reflux and she kept missing was the one they raised $5k for and called all the news outlets. She’s Ashley’s little pet. It says clearly in the Patriot Ledger that the money was to go to rent. Katie went out and bought her boyfriend, who does nothing but talk about getting fucked up on his Facebook page, a new truck.
More publicity!
Instead of rent…
Ashley didn’t care – she doesn’t donate to this stuff. She was too busy having a tantrum because Fox 25 didn’t show up.
If you are still defending this girl then you have lost all sense of yourself. You should reevaluate your standing in the universe and maybe pull your head out of your ass.
Maybe you’re still hung up on the fact she cuts the hair of autistic children? Yeah, about that…
One of the biggest things we heard from her defenders was how much the group “helped.” That it was a “safe place.” That they can’t believe that a mother is doing this to another mother.
Look, you lunatics, motherhood is not some kind of fucking sisterhood. I didn’t squeeze out three kids and start looking upon the word with rose-colored glasses. I didn’t stare at every woman battling their brats in a supermarket as my kindred spirit. We judge. We ALL do it. Motherhood is exhausting, hysterical, and makes you understand what selfless really fucking means. It’s not a magical club where everyone who ever popped out a kid gets a sorority pin and never-ending support for eating the afterbirth! What PLANET are you on? Getting knocked up doesn’t make you Venus! It makes you second fiddle to someone who needs help blowing their own nose.
What about the mothers that your cult would attack for speaking out? For giving tough advice? Not a single one of you went to defend them. You were too scared. You didn’t care if they were “mothers” then. You’re a bunch of hypocritical cunts. No, I really mean it. Walk in to your bathroom, stare at yourself in the mirror, and say “I’m a hypocritical cunt.” Maybe THEN it will resonate.
The origins of how the group started are about as telling as can be. It seems Ashley would spend her days under fake accounts to torment others.
She didn’t like the way the original south shore mom’s group was run. She didn’t like being an underling. She would take screenshots of the other group, post them in her group, and mock other women. The entire purpose of MOTSS was to rip people apart.
Don’t believe me? Check out this marvelous screenshot that someone saved from back in the day.
What a fucking sweetheart. Two years ago seems so far away, doesn’t it? The whole original purpose of this group was to start drama and be cruel.
The woman who sent me this found herself in Target a few days later. Her kids were acting up as she was trying to check out. She looked behind her and Ashley was filming her because she wanted to make fun of her on MOTSS. That’s your dear leader.
Oh, and all of you who came on our page to tell me about how her charging was “just a joke?” Those pictures came flooding in too!
How gullible do you have to be?
Where was the money going? Not to your fake “fund.” It was going to take them all out to dinner.
Ashley was so paranoid because she, herself, was a troublemaker. She knew the lengths people would go to start shit because she was the grand master of backhanded cuntery.
If you notice, the fundraising stuff didn’t really start until after Ashley got her ass handed to her for charging to join the Facebook group. She was on to the next con. She needed another one that people wouldn’t argue with. Who argues with charity?
The stories of her cruelty just kept coming in. The followers would spend days going after anyone who dared speak up.
The defenders kept saying it was horrible things that the “bitter” ones would say to get themselves kicked out. We found a few examples of those dramatic shit-causers.
The first was some sound advice because Katie Salter, who we mentioned above because she was struggling with a roof over her head, wanted to have another baby.
Another woman was upset that another mom had posted a video of her kid gasping for breath to the mom’s group instead of calling 911. This post got the rational mom the boot:
Guess having a brain is a bad thing.
Now, if you guys think that Ashley is going to come back from vacation and lay all of this to rest – you’re crazy. It’s going to more of the same. She’s probably in the process of starting a new, low key, group that she can control.
I’m actually excited to pick apart her “evidence” that she will try and present when she gets back from vacation. It’s probably going to be hysterically lacking. None of you have any idea what was brought in and what made it to the intended targets. She could have raised $1k and then said it was only $500. That is why 501c3’s have to report to the IRS. However, anything she says her cronies will take all of it and celebrate. Yay! She sent us a paypal screenshot! ALL IS WELL! However, the rest of the four million people who read our blog will be laughing at the blatant bullshit.
Bring it on, bitches.
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17 Comment(s)
Wow! Sounds like a crazy, controlling, vindictive and mean spirited woman. What’s going to happen when her kids are old enough to experience life’s disappointments? Hope her children’s rivals don’t become the focus of any mean spirited attacks.
Althea has that “thousand yard stare” in her photos. Is that from the Xanax?
Plus, she and her husband have an “alternative lifestyle”. Does that mean she loves bukkake? Just got that kind of vibe from her!
This woman is nothing more than a Remora Eel! Sucking on whatever she can latch onto!!!
Can someone please “Donkey Punch” this POS! But that would be only for those that choose to actually engage in sexual relations with her. ANYONE! ANYONE! ……….What? No takers?
How about the dads on the South Shore that take care of their kids? Do they have a pathetic Facebook page begging for gratuitous handouts for trips to the Super Bowl, or NASCAR races? NO! I would imagine the men have much more dignity than these pathetic bitches!
So ridiculous – I’m in this group and me and a girlfriend posted a real life video last week since everyone argues on this page and were deleted and re added the next day ..
Were you naked? If so, link or it didn’t happen. If not naked, disregard request.
Had to stop reading mid way to refill my glass with some decadent 2017 Cardboardeaux Merlot whilst throwing a sleeve of Redenbacher’s in the nuke machine. PLEASE give me a head’s up for a part III so I may enjoy without interruption. TIA
ya ok whatever but so whatever you do… do not ever disagree with this sstg fuckup fucking bitch asshole…because if you do she will edit you, delete you or censor you…she is everything that turtleboy says they are not…and she ruins this blog with her temper…fucking floppy fat loser big time…
Althea honey is that you??? You forgot to take your meds…. your just mad TG called you out. Two faces on all these bitches and not a good looking one in the bunch.
I’ve never had a problem with SSTG. You must be a filthy ratchet. Smashley, is that you?? You can’t hiiiiide your Bugggged outttttt
I’ve never had a problem with SSTG. You must be a filthy ratchet. Smashley, is that you?? You can’t hiiiiide your Bugggged outttttt eyes!
Althea really does look like she could Wax my turtle real good. I wouldn’t even wanna practice my bowling grip with Gollum, that bug eyed creature yucky. I’d rather be the mayo in a double bologna sangwich with Aaron & Kyle than touch that thing.
So this is what stay at home moms do.
WOW! this is better than the Harper Vally P.T.A
Typical C.U.N.T
Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.
Take. This. Bitch. DOWN!! The Jim Jones reference was spot on.
TLDR – all of these people suck at life
Alternative Sex Life, to me means fucking while listening to Pearl Jam but I bet Althea likes to be peed on yeah that’s it maybe even a dukey on the chest I bet she would love that
Althea you sick bitch,
You are one sick MF I love it!!