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Thought we’d throw this one out there. Tonight is the final Worcester City Council meeting before the election next Tuesday. It begins promptly at 7:00 PM and there’s gonna be some fireworks. The results of the Mosaic audit are set to be discussed. We know that Sarai Rivera and Dicky Rushton will ignore the fact that the audit proved that Mosaic is dirty as shit. We also know as a fact that the Mosaic army of bullies will be down in full force. The usual suspects will be there to boo and hiss anyone who thinks our money is being wasted on these hucksters and criminals. Fuck them. We strongly urge you to go down there and voice your opinion. It is your right, regardless of where you live to participate in your local government. Joe Petty will not control the crowd, but you still have a right to let your voice be heard. These people think they run shit because they yell louder than everyone else. Show them you’re not scared of them and let them know that their free ride is coming to an end on Tuesday .
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
5 Comment(s)
Fucking cowards everyone of them. None of them had the balls to show up and apologize for the shit storm they created that has now blown up in their faces much like the TB boycott.
Absolute frauds.
No Julius Jones talkin shit? No Jenkins funky glasses defending her piss poor book keeping? No accusations of RACISM against the NAACP for calling out this shit organization who takes tax money from legit orgs providing services to the community? No cries from Old Balls about Mosiac not doin shit for “POC” but instead wasting time blocking traffic and losing members by the handful every time RBG spews his hate speech all over the CUC (Vietnamese for shit) facebook page? Its a fucking riot how this has come full circle 1 week before elections.
You assholes did this to yourselves. Enjoy it!
If you PAID taxes instead of receiving tax money, you’d be upset about this report. Your anger is misplaced.
“We strongly urge you to go down there and voice your opinion.”
Cause the ladies at TBS don’t have the balls to show up themselves.
This is gonna be hilarious. A shit load of fools who know nothing about business defending a horribly run business that is operated by people who obviously have no business running a business. Never mind that business taking in tax dollars.
Let them make fools out of themselves. It will expose those who stand beside them as the frauds that they are. All one week before election day. Lets see one last time where everyone stands on this. In front of the cameras. Lets see Putty shut down these fools after thier 2 minutes or will he allow them to break the rules and prove once again he is NOT the Mayor this City needs if he cant even control meetings.
Let those who stand up for a business that could be run better by 10 yr olds. lets see how the public feels about the Mayor encouraging wasting tax $$$ due to skin color.
Go ahead Putty, everyone is watching….
I am sick as a dog. Should I go cough on them? Is that terrorism??