Remember these two trashbags?
The two animals who were sexually assaulting a two year old in the backseat of a car outside the Worcester Walmart and videotaping it so they could sell it to kiddie porn websites? Yea, they’re gonna get away with it.
Masslive: Prosecutors on Friday dropped charges against Joshua Rezsnyak and Mary McForbes, who were accused of raping a 2-year-old girl inside a car outside the Worcester Walmart store two years ago. In a nolle prosequi filed Friday, prosecutors wrote that “further prosecution of this matter is not in the interest of justice due to the death of a witness.”
“The prosecution’s sole eyewitness to the crimes charged is now deceased,” the Worcester District Attorney’s office said in a statement. “The extensive testing regarding DNA evidence in the case has proven inconclusive. As a result, there is no longer sufficient evidence to proceed to trial in this case.”
Rezsnyak and McForbes were charged with aggravated rape indecent assault and battery on a child younger than 14 and reckless endangerment of a child. McForbes was accused of taking photos and videos while Rezsnyak allegedly assaulted the child inside a maroon Ford Explorer that was parked outside Walmart at 25 Tobias Boland Way in Worcester on Jan. 18, 2018. Authorities previously said that a witness saw the incident and that surveillance video showed Rezsnyak and McForbes entering Walmart after the alleged assault. A sexual assault nurse examiner determined the child had injuries consistent with penetration, prosecutors said when Rezsnyak and McForbes were arraigned in district court. After the alleged incident, the state Department of Children and Families took “emergency custody” of the 2-year-old, officials said at the time.
What kid of weak ass bullshit is this? Who cares if this witness is dead? He gave a statement didn’t he? It’s been two years. How has there not been a trial yet? This can’t be the first time a witness has died. How do they prosecute people for murders they committed 30 years ago?
Plus, what do they even need a witness for? They have these two filthy pieces of shit in a car with a 2 year old who was sexually assaulted. What else do they need? This is just Joe Early’s office doing what Joe Early always does – letting animals out into the wild.
Oh, and Turtleboy has a connection to this story. I was Mary McForbes’ teacher at Fanning Learning Center. Each Worcester high school and middle school sent us their 10 worst kids every year, who they just couldn’t deal with anymore. Read my book to learn more about Fanning. But there wasn’t much learning going on. The goal was to keep the kids off the streets and get them to attempt to do a minimal amount of work without calling you a wack ass bitch n***a, which might as well have been my nickname during my two years there. That’s me on the last day of school 2006, and Mary on the right after she got kicked out of Sullivan Middle.
The fact that she’d grow up to be this much of a guttermuppet is the least surprising news ever. I met plenty of dumb kids at Fanning, but Mary was by far the dumbest. Just absolutely nothing in her brain. Couldn’t read, write, or follow directions, and just like most of the kids there she didn’t like being told what to do. I could write a book about my two years at Fanning that just includes the writeups for kids who got kicked out of class and it would be a best seller.
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69 Comment(s)
Turtleboy, you should be ashamed of your comments section.
Prosecution should get her to roll with a conditional immunity to nail him.
That condition is that every fiber of her testimony and answers to questions once she’s been properly Mirandized must be truthful and with no omissions.
Someone as stupid and probably very easily flustered like her would fuck up in short order, nullifying the immunity agreement. Then throw the whole row of books at her.
That’s how to put them both away.
Fucking skinners should get the 100% effective pedo-cure.
Prosecutors and Defense attorneys have rigged the system to keep the paychecks rolling in. Catch and Release on everybody.
…Prosecutors still like to have a healthy kill ratio.
Not sure one would expend the political capital to play around on this one.
I don’t think this is the last we’ll hear about these two reprobate, deviant fuxx.
Where the hell is the videotape?? There has to be something they can get them on to get them off the street. This is just F&@!ing crazy!
There was a girl named Mary
Who looked quite scary
Who’s boyfriend was a fairy
I agree, TB. You said exactly what I was thinking.
¨What kid of weak ass bullshit is this? Who cares if
this witness is dead? He gave a statement didn’t he?
It’s been two years. How has there not been a trial
yet? This can’t be the first time a witness has died. ¨
BTW….The McForbes have been littering the WPS for decades. Mark and James are complete losers and have been since they were young kids. One did jail time for rape, and I wouldn´t be surprised if the other stunted turnip did time too. Melissa is dead because they had her doped up since she was school aged, setting her up for a lifetimeof dependency and overdose on some type of drug. The other girls were nice, but damaged because the father (former nut house patient) allegedly sexually abused his daughters all their lives. Real piece of shit. Mother (also a nut house patient…because where else would they have met? WORK? LOL) used to picket outside of her kids´ school with misspelled signs, or get in fist fights with other parents outside the school. LOL
Father was a self-proclaimed ¨minister¨ who ran a ¨church¨ (Guild of St. Mark) out of his 3 decker which he supposedly OWNED, despite being nothing but an incestuous bum loser who never worked. Go figure. It´s no wonder Mary Magdalene (Yes, that´s what the crazy parents named her) turned out to be a pedophile enabling druggy loser just like every other member of that family. I hope A and A (the oldest daughters) made it. They were the only ones that MIGHT have had a chance despite the abuse.
Why are you hands all over that kid in the picture?
Welcome to the Massachusetts judicial system. As I’ve said before, you must have patience. Wait 2, maybe 3 years, then exact your revenge. is Sofia beating in the middle of the night requiring hospitalization, or maybe something a little bit worse. Patience is the key when you’re hunting ratchets. After the revenge fall back into your everyday existence and nobody knows anything
Authorities have not specified the relationship between McForbes and Rezsnyak.
However, the two live together, according to court documents. They are both listed as living at 53 Perry Ave., Apt. 3, in Worcester.
These two should both be neutered. Publicly. At the very least. Our criminal justice system is fucking pathetic.
When I was 17. My black friend was accused of rape from another 17 year old girl. He spent over a year in Worcesters jail. He couldn’t afford bail an had to wait for court. . Well after a year. They go to court. Come to find out. She was lying. Hes let out. Hes over 18 now with a record an no diploma. Never sold or did drugs in his life. When he got out. Couldnt get a job an forced to sell drugs. that girl graduated from Anna Maria an is now a teacher in Worcester..
Name that broad.
I downvoted because the dude got a raw deal. I can’t thumbs up that travesty
Fannin ain’t got shit on Woodward day yo
Did he call you uncle like your victims here?
Where are our internet detectives? These pedodos should be put on blast until someone does the world a favor. No corner of the internet or real life safe.
All rippers and diddlers should be hacked to death. With a rusty steak knife.
Do you think you’d face charges killing pedos who were freed on a technicality?? Well, we ARE in Massachusetts. Never mind.
USA is gone to shit
A fucking filthy illegal alien has more rights in a court in this country than my father a disabled veteran from the Vietnam war who was awarded the navy cross
There’s combat veterans living on the streets but this fucking jew communist sanders wants to provide housing and welfare for wet backs
The communist Jew Kissinger started that atrocity glad America lost. Like Afghanistan today it’s always about the heroin. I love medals on people who lost wars but won heroin. It’s too late we’re a communist Jew country unless we fight a war on terror someday.
When is Turtleboy going to write about the abo dwarf mongoloid bullying victim scamming everyone? He’s at like $200,000 and counting and I haven’t seen any news outlets reporting on it being a hoax yet. Unless the photos/videos I saw were somehow faked he’s not 9 he’s actually 18 and allegedly pretty successful already doing modeling. Also many people claiming to be parents of children that go to school with the dwarf are saying he’s actually the real bully and quite the little shit but freaks out when kids defend themselves. If true this is a big deal, we’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars donated. Plus he’s half abo and that’s just gross
LOL a midget in blackface.
I’ve fucking seen EVERYTHING at this point. And I’ve been to Mexico.
Want to know why kids sent to schools like this do feel they don’t need to pay any attention? It’s because the teachers look like they just crawled out of the gutter. Wearing old jeans, logo’d comfy shirts. When I went to school in the city male teachers wore ties, women teachers wore respectable clothing.
And why has nobody brought up the fact that UTB is a Ginger? Looks great on a girl, looks like shit on a guy.
Maybe nobody has brought up that he is a ‘ginger’ because his hair is clearly blonde, you Dummy.
So, in truth there were NO photos and videos. The dead witness lied. WHERE ARE THE SUPPOSED PHOTOS AND VIDEOS OF THE RAPE?
Probably on your hard drive.
Another reason why we need a Star Chamber. Give these two pieces of shit their walking papers and an Uber ride to an abandoned warehouse. I am thinking a fitting end for these fucks should come with the assistance of a pair of Channel Lock pliers and an oxy/acetylene torch. A cursory video upload to YT would follow the festivities.
I didn’t have a chance to text on this earlier
My Mexican boyfriend was fucking me up the ass
I’m going to turn the country into a third world socialist Shit hole filled with filthy wetbacks
Mean while I’ll take away the white peoples guns so they can’t defend themselves
I will also make AOC secretary of defense
Vote for Bernie the jew
these are zoo animals with degraded Natures, which Early released back into the wild of public housing, with its government God and moral decay. they had the witness statement and video evidence, a slam dunk to put these creatures in a larger hell.
These people, and people like this need to be tortured publicly until death.
Coronavirus humans. We have the right to protect ourselves. Extermination.
How come most of the kids you were supposed to be teaching ended up all screwed up?
A) He taught at a school that was comprised of the students expelled from other school.
B) Most of the kids he taught weren’t white so they were destined for ghetto life due to low IQ.
But these dummies will be smart enough to vote to take everything away from the whiteman
Because he was teaching near a sewer like Worcester you stupid cocksucker
You are clueless about how the law works
Looks like all she did after leaving Fanning is eat..
Did anyone notice the firefighter story the wife said she wasn’t there for his suicide yet posted on Facebook that she will never forget him loading the gun and what he said to me etc etc.
Also the officer that she was screwing his wife committed “suicide” 2 months ago.
I’m sorry but this is alarming evidence that both could have possibly been murdered.
What better way to bury a crime than with your first responder and cops being your friend.
The cops must have lied. If not, where are the photos and videos she supposedly took and specifically mentioned in the indictment?
At least she isn’t dumb enough to be with a nagger.
She’s not white just look at her. She is a nagger. Obviously a quadroon. The guy looks like a pedo Chosenite. Could be Leo Frank’s son.
Well I’m 50 years old and I grew up in The Germantown projects in Quincy and I can say with absolute certainty that if this story hit a platform like this and the scumbag guy involved in this thing lived in or near Quincy that they guys in my crew would have immediately put together a hit squad and gone after this fukin creep. I hope and pray that the decent and or indecent men of Worcester, no matter color or creed or level of ratchetism shall unite in a common cause! To make sure this scoundrel eats his next meal via an IV at a trauma center. Disgusted with the state of Mass for turning these 2 loose! That’s one of the reasons I moved! I’m in Nevada! It’s 67 degrees!
Dont brag you got a million wetbacks out there
They got to have something else up their sleeve (the DA’s office.)
Remember, if they get a not guilty – it’s over. They walk free. Hopefully the DA wants to be sure that doesn’t happen. Maybe he is waiting for a stronger case or even DNA science to improve? Who knows? But I can’t imagine even this DA would want these two to not pay for this.
whose kid was it? how did they get hold of the kid? I feel so bad for the kid.
“wHy dO yOu hAtE cApItAliSm?”
Spic Tormentor, I almost always applaud your commentary and I’m jealous that you have the name that should be mi e. BUT wtf do these pieces if shit have to do with capatilism? What are you talking about??? Have you been into the tequila again?
A common comment on blogs about scumbags trying to profit off criminal activity.
That’s a Jew tormentor for 10,000 years.
Couple looks like a quadroon and a chosenite.
If you can’t speak for the rights of a 2 year old girl by turning over every rock and looking around everybody corner there is to try the case then you got no business being a prosecutor. And don’t try claiming any bullshit about “wasting taxpayer dollars on a case I can’t win” either…
These Dems would abort every child if they could just to save the environment. They don’t give a flying fuck about children
This gos out to the Alabama turtle riders if any. If you’re not from Alabama then please do not think for one moment that this will not gain momentum in other states because now it is blowing in the wind & circling the camps of the immoral.
People need to wake up and stop voting for the demokkkrats in which ever state you reside. they are all irrational immoral tyrants especially the wahhman demokkrats!
rep. rolanda hollis
(d‐birmingham) has filed bill Hb238. Hb238 would require men by law to undergo a vasectomy at their own expense. Do you get that gentleman this woman wants to snip your nuts off by force than have you pay for it as if you’re a house pet. So far a mention of a bill like this has not been brought forth in massachusetts. If you think for one moment that other demokkkrats in massachusetts will not get wind of this than try to conjure up a bill of the like. than you are sadly mistaken. If you have friend’s or family in Alabama than please make them aware of rep. hollis’s bill! Fuck even if you dont know anyone in that specific state than still pass this information along.
Please gentleman and ladies do not get comfortable during the election season and think trump has it in the bag. The left did in 2016 and look what happened to their canadate! Everyone needs to get out and vote as if their life depends on it because it does. Do not get cocky or think your vote does not count because it does! Rent a uhaul and pack your family friends & neighbors inside and have a rolling KAG party!
Remember gentleman! they is strong independent wahhmans and dont need no man. Lmmfao..Let’s see how fast it is before they are on their knees singing a different song when the power grid and wifi go down and they cant bury their face in facefuckbook any longer. Remember Gentleman you’re the prize and do not ever forget that!
Rolanda Hollis is a negress that does the bidding of the Chosen Ones.
Aha. Don’t like what I say??? Trying to discredit me by posting racist shit??
I did not post a faux racist comment. Lets be Truthful, Truth! the comment is not racist if in fact you go into the original meaning of the word. It means you’re ignorant. It was in fact during pre civil rights movement that the demonkkkrats took said word out of context and applied it to their voting base as a racial slur! Let’s be completely honest here. It’s a word that those people used against the blacks! The people who promise all kinds of shit to blacks during election season.
then after they are elected based on lies. They then turn around and conveniently forget about the blacks that voted for them. The people who pushed black fathers out of the homes and brought you suck programs (spelling stays) as welfare, wic, ebt etc. The demokkkrats are soly to blame for the destruction of the black community. Shit let’s really be Truthful hear Truth. They fucked up all the communities they have touched. They all brag about being in politics for years but none of them have done anything for the betterment of any community they have held power in. It so sad that many people are brainwashed into believing other. They ruined the middle class which a large % was black pre civil rights! Was it not lbj a demokkkrat who said “I’ll have those (insert miss referenced word here) voting for the next 200 years” yes I think it was so!
African American Gentleman please,
You dont need to be black to be an ignorant person! Aferican American Gentleman please. There are ignorant people in every race. Look at the Wigga up above, in his fly for a white boy get up! You see ever race has their ignorant people.
You can’t fix stupid.
You know something you’re extremely right about that. I completely agree you can not fix stupid. It’s no wonder you’re the way you are! Where did I ever say I was from Alabama stupid? O that’s right I never did because I’m not from there. So yes you’re right you can not fix stupid right stupid! What a fucking mess you are. Not sure what point you were trying to make. Guess the jokes on you stupid! What a fucking retard you are! Now go somewhere and contemplate how you would fix your self. You stupid fucking idiot. Next time you want to jump in and try and be funny at least know what you’re talking about you dolt. You dont want no smoke you fucking potato! Now please for the love of god go back to sucking the aids out of your boyfriend’s dick and stop trying to be funny because iit’s just not working out for you. I win! you lose! No off you fuck!
So pictures, videos, a witness statement and a “sexual assault nurse examiner” isn’t enough? “If a district attorney wanted, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.”
This is to sol watcher first mistake was bringing your mom into this and using the word RETARD I’m sure you were just angry and used the word by ACCIDENT right because people who are mentally challenged happen to be the best people on this Earth maybe you should volunteer some of your time and go learn some life lessons from them hell WE ALL CAN LEARN ALOT OF HOW TO ACT AND TREAT OTHERS FROM THEM… Now let’s see what people have to say about what I said
If they were filming it I assume their phone was confiscated Wouldn’t that be enough? Think I will tell hold it Healey he was seen wearing a MAGA hat
The dude on the right looks like Cody Green from To Catch a Predator.
“The Cleanest, Best Pleasure”
The two cocksuckers in the pictures downvoted me.
It’s ok, it’s only makes me stronger.
If you were gonna rape a kid wouldn’t you do it at home? Or did they decide to rape a kid AND they also needed flashlight batteries or something
Walmart is their home. LOOK AT THEM!!!
They’re obviously not Trump supporters. They would’ve been prosecuted had a MAGA hat been found in their possession.
Just ordered your book off Amazon Uncle T. Sorry it took me so long.