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Tonight was SUPPOSED to be the night the hippies all came down and protested the fact that the Mosaic audit came up dirty. But none of them showed up. Guess why? Because the NAACP told them not to. Ya got that? America’s greatest civil rights organization that ever existed told them to stay home. Why? Because Mosaic is an embarrassment that does nothing to advance the causes of black people. They are a joke and real leaders in the community of color recognize that.
Think about how amazing that is. Three months ago every idiot in Worcester stood up in front of the City Council and clamored about how this audit was racist. Then the organization that was invented to combat racism came out of nowhere and told them to shutup. It’s like the ending of an O Henry short story.
Tonight NAACP President Pat Yancey said that she believes health care in the black community should still be a concern. She just recognizes what the rest of us do – Mosaic is an incompetent group of rabble-rousers who aren’t fit to meet these demands. She got up and spoke tonight about how she had concerns about the audit because it shows that the vendors (Mosaic) were not able to fulfill their contractual obligations. She was pissed that they violated state labor laws by not paying their employees. Word is from our inside sources that she told Brenda Jenkins prior to the meeting not to show up and make a spectacle, because they would come out looking awful.
Ladies and gentlemen, Pay Yancey is what leadership looks like. Too bad she couldn’t have got to them last year before they spent the past 12 months embarrassing themselves by appointing RBG and Sonya Conner as their spokespeople. Oh well, we all had a good laugh.
Tonight was another HUGE victory for the TBS Revolution. Sarai Rivera could’ve spoken about Mosaic, but even she realized the jig is up. Mosaic is done. Turtleboy massacred them. Good guys win, bad guys lose. The Revolution continues on election day.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
47 Comment(s)
Fok Mosaic!!!!!!!!
“TB did not file the request in person, he had someone do it for him so he should get not credit for it ?? ”
Good job to Bill Belichick for scoring the last touchdown in Sunday’s win over the Jets. Wait, it was Gronk? But according to this logic, the person that gave the order is the one that gets the credit. Oh, right, this is the real world. Gronk did the actual scoring of the touchdown, so he gets the credit. TBS did not do the actual request, therefore did not do anything. Who did file the request? That should be the hero you are all looking for.
“Not one word of the fraud between the City and Mosaic would be read anywhere if not for TBS would it ? Please tell me who else would have broke this story ?”
That’s right, no one ever broke a story before TBS. I don’t know how corruption was ever discovered before he\she showed up.
Haha went full retard,Never go full retard…TB did not file the request in person,he had someone do it for him so he should get not credit for it ?? Really are you that dense
We should have waited for Petty or better yet the T&G to file for it and post it for us all?..yeah that would happen..I could car less if Turtle is a woman a man or a tranny…He,she or it is about the only one putting out real facts on the fraud that has gone on in this City since its inception
Not one word of the fraud between the City and Mosaic would be read anywhere if not for TBS would it ? Please tell me who else would have broke this story ?
anonymous on a public internet forum. You obviously don’t know much about the internet. no such thing as anonymous
Haha: A “person” like you could cause TB problems in many ways other than physical violence. I hope you’re smart enough to realize that, but perhaps you are not that smart.
Problems like making her accountable for her claims? Shame on me! Problems like making him have to defend his accusations to the people he’s made them against, possibly even in court (cause most of what he puts out is borderline libel)? I should feel disgusted for thinking such things! Problems like finding out if she’s an actual Worcester resident? Maybe problems with if he actually pays taxes like he likes to fault others of not doing? Maybe it’s problems like the public finding out she has a criminal record (that she’s very much faulted others in the past for)? Nope, he’ll continue writing articles about how the world doesn’t step up for the things they do wrong, while never doing the same herself.
All the while doing exactly what you claim TB does. There is one thing you LibTards all have in common. None of you have the intelligence to keep yourselves from being EXTREME HYPOCRITES.
Like Spurts who claims to know all about Worcester, the racism that is Worc, the hate in the city, that crime isnt that bad all the way from Sturbridge.
Like Old Balls, bashing City officials, bashing school employees, spreading his brand of racism all the way from Lilly White Sutton who runs off to multi-cultural Scottland (LOL) the minute the audit is returned.
Or fools like “haha” who want to “out” TB for not paying taxes or living in the City but doesnt have shit to say about NAACP prez living in Holden while telling the City Council how to act.
Heres the difference “haha” –
TB doesnt claim to be flawless.
TB doesnt take tax money and claim to be heloping the public but actually not doing shit but organizing protests.
TB didnt grill “Tea Partiers” with IRS audits then cry foul when it was Libs turn for the audit (which came back with such embarrassing results even the NAACP wouldnt associate with the farce that is Mosaic).
TB doesnt hold himself up as a leader of the community while calling minority group leaders “coons” or “house niggers”.
TB doesnt promote violence and doesnt attack people’s parents (RBG) while proudly boasting about being unemployed for 10+ years.
TB doesnt threaten horribly misspelled and CAPS LOCKED rants about Chinese girls in basements, smoking blunts, begging for a ride to the club to get lit all the while claiming to be able to do a better job than Ray Mariano and crying that the DOJ wouldnt show her lunatic obsession with an online blog during the Race Talks.
TB doesnt block traffic on Kelley Sq and then act like he wasnt there when he gets called into court over it and ignores all the others he was there with and brings her own lawyer.
TB doesnt harass local businesses with phone calls and threats because he doesnt agree with their advertising methods.
But ya, you go ahead and troll. Its been done before and your not doing it any different.
I agree 100% w/sox guy, TB gives the community a voice that while some of the speech here may be unpopular it should be respected as free speech. That’s missing from the public forum because right and wrong has become a popularity issue in politics lately,and most of us work too hard to support our families and other peoples families to voice our opinions. So I thank TB for giving people a voice can’t get more American than that.
“I agree 100% w/sox guy, TB gives the community a voice that while some of the speech here may be unpopular it should be respected as free speech.”
Criticism of said speech is just as much free speech as the original piece. She has every right to say whatever he wants, and I have every right to criticize.
“There is one thing you LibTards all have in common. None of you have the intelligence to keep yourselves from being EXTREME HYPOCRITES.”
There’s one thing all you politically blind nut-jobs have in common, you believe one outlook has all the answers and you are not intelligent enough to realize the answers involve a little of all the sides. But if you had the intelligence to realize that you wouldn’t be here.
“Or fools like “haha” who want to “out” TB for not paying taxes or living in the City but doesnt have shit to say about NAACP prez living in Holden while telling the City Council how to act.”
If this was the NAACP site, I night be saying something about it. But this is TBS, therefore, my comments are directed towards him.
“TB doesnt take tax money and claim to be heloping the public but actually not doing shit but organizing protests.”
You don’t know who TBS is, do you don’t know what TBS actually does.
“TB didnt grill “Tea Partiers” with IRS audits then cry foul when it was Libs turn for the audit (which came back with such embarrassing results even the NAACP wouldnt associate with the farce that is Mosaic). ”
TBS doesn’t grill anyone? We are reading the same site, right?
“TB doesnt hold himself up as a leader of the community while calling minority group leaders “coons” or “house niggers”. ”
He might not use those exact insults, but he most certainly calls himself a leader of the community while belittling those that disagree with him.
“TB doesn’t promote violence and doesn’t attack people’s parents (RBG) while proudly boasting about being unemployed for 10+ years.”
Guess you skipped over any story involving the DCF. Regardless if it was justified, he most certainly makes fun of people’s parents.
“TB doesnt threaten horribly misspelled and CAPS LOCKED rants about Chinese girls in basements, smoking blunts, begging for a ride to the club to get lit all the while claiming to be able to do a better job than Ray Mariano and crying that the DOJ wouldnt show her lunatic obsession with an online blog during the Race Talks. ”
No, no caps lock but she definitely needs to take a few English classes.
“TB doesnt block traffic on Kelley Sq and then act like he wasnt there when he gets called into court over it and ignores all the others he was there with and brings her own lawyer. ”
Nope, but he did say in an article (the one about being accused by the city of some sort of voting law violation) that he would not step up if the police were looking for him. I believe the line went along sort of like “Good luck finding me if I ever break the law”. Yup, sound like someone that would man-up and stand by her actions. He is the exact same scumbag as the Kelly square protesters.
“TB doesnt harass local businesses with phone calls and threats because he doesnt agree with their advertising methods.”
Guess you haven’t read his pieces on the other local news outlets.
Yes. TB is entitled to his opinion,can’t agree with him on everything and I absolutely have not.however most of his stories are important to a community that comes from numerous backgrounds that share different opinions. Your issue should be with Fox News who lies as a republican mouthpiece,you should call nbc tell them Brian Williams is a known liar and for them to stop being the leading voice for abortion and liberal policies,or cnn that’s run by the state dept. Who lied us into 3 wars. While TB might miss the boat sometimes I assume you take the previous news broadcasts as gospel. Ty TB for pointing out the ones poisoning the well.
OK. OK. Let’s leave the liberals out of this. We aren’t all that fucking crazy.
Truth hurts….
To Haha: With “people” like you out there, Turtleboy is smart to stay anonymous.
Because I’ve threatened him with physical violence? Nope, never did. Nor do I intend to. Maybe I’ve threatened her family? Nope, didn’t do that either. So, how is it smart to stay anonymous because of people like me exactly?
Mosaic stinks, but don’t be so sure it won’t continue to be funded by the city. The city and the Telegram colluded on a rigged audit and phony story downplaying the findings for a reason. Who ever heard of an audit that failed to verify that the goods or services central to the enterprise even exist or are being performed? Wise up.
Exactly! Why wasn’t it part of the audit to determine if the promised services were delivered? Surely they must be required to keep records to show that they are fulfilling their obligations in order to get the grant money. One of the news stories did report that they were supposed to offer 6 “classes” and they didn’t do that. But what about all the men of color that were supposed to be benefitting from this program? Were there any???
I’m just shocked that any rational person would be defending Mosaic at this point. And why was Melinda Boone on the payroll???
haha, …… I work 2-3 jobs a week and own multiple properties in the city.
Yeah right 🙂 LOL
Maybe she’s a Kroc.
krock? whatever…
Yeah. A crock of shit.
Mosaic has been exposed. Can people be held accountable now????!!!
Nice work. Taking back this country, one corrupt bussiness at a time
well said
TBS did NOTHING to get this audit. She never went to a council meeting nor requested to city officials for an audit, it was all done by others. All the ladies at TBS did was put out a bunch of click-bait blog posts and let the people of the city do all the leg work. All of you commenting “great job TBS” did more to do this that they did.
It’s a blog run by females now?
I assume that’s what you mean? New theory?
Problems with being anonymous, don’t actually know who’s behind the screen. Could be a male, could be a female. Could be a Worcester resident, could be someone in Barre making a fool of the residents of the city. Unless someone comes forward as the turtle, no one will know for sure. And I know that will never happen, so I can refer to them any way I see fit.
Are you implying that being a female is an insult? Misogynist much?
Nope, just that being called the wrong gender is an insult.
I will never meet god in person. So, by your reasoning, it’s fine if I refer to her as female?
Sure is, refer away.
Given the grammar, TBS is clearly not written by women.
Honestly Haha, you certainly don’t pay a dime in taxes and you certainly don’t work for a living. You are clearly on the heavily receiving end of hand outs, free shit, government largesse, “programs”, and other rivers of cash and benefits paid for by ACTUAL WORKING PEOPLE. You know, the so-called Middle Class/Blue Collars which you hypocritically claim to care for. What a fucking joke.
Yeah, just look the other way while Mosaic (doesn’t) check blood pressures, doesn’t pay its employees, fraudulently uses front organizations to scam tax-exempt status, and on and on and on and on. My God, what the hell is wrong with you? No one in their right mind would defend this kind of waste, fraud, corruption, and utter misuse of resources. No one.
“Honestly Haha, you certainly don’t pay a dime in taxes and you certainly don’t work for a living.”
I work 2-3 jobs a week and own multiple properties in the city. Never received government assistance unless you count the small grant I got back in my college days. But I know you won’t take my word for it, so we can move on.
“You know, the so-called Middle Class/Blue Collars which you hypocritically claim to care for.”
Care to show where I claimed that? Let me save you the trouble, I didn’t.
“Yeah, just look the other way while Mosaic (doesn’t) check blood pressures, doesn’t pay its employees, fraudulently uses front organizations to scam tax-exempt status, and on and on and on and on. My God, what the hell is wrong with you? No one in their right mind would defend this kind of waste, fraud, corruption, and utter misuse of resources. No one.”
So, because I said something negative about the ladies over at TBS, that means I an instantly a Mosaic supporter? Nope, that is not how the real world works. There is no “us vs them” that everyone fits into. Mosaic are a bunch of frauds that have finally been shown for what they are. TBS are also a bunch of frauds that at some point will be shown for the frauds they are too. They claim to care about the city, but you won’t see them at city council meetings, or volunteering at schools, or anything that actually help people. They sit behind a computer and make wild claims about this and that. But, maybe I missed something. What did TBS do to help the community besides writing click-bait?
Remember when we filed a Freedom of Information Request and found out all about their shady dealings? Remember when we discovered that they weren’t in good standing as a 501(c)3? I do.
Sure do, I remember. It was on 8/3 that you wrote that blog. So, what was the first line of the post?
“A while back we had someone file a Freedom of Information Act request on Mosaic Cultural Complex”
So, no, you didn’t request anything, you had someone else did it. Probably cause you are scared of people finding out who you are, but that’s neither here nor there. What matters is you lied yet again, you have not done a single thing. Everyone around you has.
You own three properties in worcester, ok, great. No problem there. You accuse TBS of never giving out their real name. Please give us yours..
I might have accused her of not identifying herself, but I never once asked her to give out her name. When she’s ready to man-up, she’ll let us know.
Mosaic is a joke, everyone realizes this(even them deep down), so it’s time to rid Worcester of this den of thieves. Again, great job TB in seeking out the truth.
Sadly this where we came from and here we are now. One step forward, 1 million steps back:
What comes around goes around. A very old saying that fittingly directly applies here.
The NAACP has never commented on how racist this blog is, but gave a big STFU to Mosaic.
That’s gotta be quite a kick in the grill to Spanky’s Mercedes.
Boom! Roasted!
WOW! Good for you, Turtleboy.