Mainstream Media Fails

NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny, Who Shamed PopSquad And Defended Child Rapist, Emails Turtleboy To Explain Why She Isn’t Pro-Pedophile, Fails Miserably

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Last week we published a blog on NBC’s shameful attempt to portray a man who was trying to solicit sex from a 14 year old, as some sort of virtuous, good person. Their one-sided, extremely lazy article heralded the kiddie diddler, and painted his suicide as the fault of the online “vigilante” group known as Pop Squad. It vilified Pop Squad by suggesting that they are dangerous and should be deplatformed because they make sexual predators commit suicide.

The article went over like a fart in church, even amongst NBC’s mostly left-leaning audience. I’ve yet to see a single commenter agree that Pop Squad was at all in the wrong here. This is simply an example of the mainstream media feeling threatened by an independent website who does their job much, much better than NBC could ever dream of.

Yet despite the negative blowback NBC has been sharing links to this “story” non-stop. They’ve posted it at least a dozen times this week, including again today.

And they got the same reaction that they have on all the others.

It’s amazing they keep trying.

The pro-pedophile article was written by this woman.

Brandy Zadrozny, a freelancing Brooklyn resident who evidently wants children to be raped. If Malcolm were talking to a real 14 year old child he would have sexually assaulted them. Luckily he was being set up by Pop Squad, so no children were raped. Brandy Zadrozny wants Pop Squad to no longer exist, which would mean that people like Malcolm Allain would contact real 14 year old children, who they would then proceed to rape. If you want to get rid of Pop Squad then you are pro-child rape. Brandy Zadrozny is pro child rape. There’s really no other way to interpret this.

I reached out to her for comment and here’s what she emailed back to me today.

“Unfortunately I don’t have the time to be interviewed for a blog.”

“Good luck with the blog.”

Be a more condescending twatwaffle. You can’t. But what you can do by seeing that is understand the level of hatred she has for independent media.

“Silly bloggers! I work for a real media outlet that pays me to defend pedophiles. You have a silly little blog that single handedly brought down the Massachusetts State Police. I have a blue checkmark and 7,000 Twitter followers. Sorry, I can’t be doing interviews with blogs, I’m way, way more important than that. Obviously you are not on my level.”

Everything else she wrote in there is obviously bullshit.

Though your request seems to be in bad faith, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and quickly respond to your inquiry.

It’s not “in bad faith” to want to know why you would lionize a sexual predator.

I have no interest in “taking down” POPsquad.

Yes you do. Just look at your tweets.

“Facebook has helped them reach a growing and rabid audience and tap into a hunger for vengeance.”

Translation – Facebook shouldn’t be allowing pages like this to exist because they make people cyberbully child rapists. You spent more time whining about Facebook allowing them to have a page than you did glossing over the fact that the guy you were exposing likes to rape kids. But OK.

It’s one of dozens of vigilante groups operating with no training or ethical oversight and against the expressed wishes of every law enforcement agency I could find.

Except law enforcement frequently uses their videos to arrest sexual predators, like the Westfield janitor.

Reporting what people look like and descriptions of their activities (in Malcolm’s case, local business activity and sexuality; in Erdmann’s “hustling” and tattoos) is part of my job.

No, your job is to report the news. Obviously mentioning his tattoos while emphasizing nothing but positive things about the kiddie diddler shows that you had an obvious bias when writing this clickbait garbage.

The suggestion that it somehow translates to the support of child rape is so strange and inflammatory that there’s little to respond to. 

You literally support child rape. You are actively defending a sexual predator, while attempting to shame Facebook into taking down the group of people who prevented him from raping a 14 year old child. If Pop Squad didn’t exist then all of the people they exposed would contact and rape real children. This is what you want. You want kids to get raped. You don’t get hide from that. You support child rape.

She does have some supporters though at NBC. Like this chud.

Blue checkmark Ben Collins actually put “predators” in quotations. Because it’s debatable whether or not adults trying to fuck little boys are in fact predators. I guess we all know where NBC’s employees stand on the issue of pedophilia.

Now Ben and Brandy are trying desperately to smear people who find support for pedophiles to be objectionable.

Feel free to tag or reach out to Ben (@oneunderscore_) and Brandy (@BrandyZarodny) on Twitter. We would, but we’re permanently banned from Twitter because of people like them who urge social media companies to ban people who “bully” child rapists.

21 Comment(s)
  • Jay
    January 19, 2019 at 11:53 pm

    This bitch needs to be taken off the air she for child molesters then that shit is crazy pop squad is out here trying to keep our kids safe they have allot of good reviews from there followers and they are just doing what any parent would do but they do it the right way for this bitch to blame them for some gay religious guy hanging him self that’s ridiculous think she needs to get a life an the media needs to think about what they are doing they are making them self’s look dumb and like a bunch of didler SMH #popsquadsupporter

  • Captain Trips
    January 8, 2019 at 11:11 am

    ‘I don’t use shampoo or soap because they are, you know, chemicals’

    ‘And the glasses I bought in 1986 still work fine, so why get new ones?’

  • Turdchomper
    January 8, 2019 at 10:27 am

    Ben Collins says pop squad is in it for clicks…haha “freelance” hipster glasses chick seems to be tbe thirsty one here.
    These dumbasses’ egos (Ben and hipster) won’t let them shut up and it always blows up in their SJW faces. Hilarious.

  • Independent Thinker
    January 8, 2019 at 9:43 am

    If you rape someone, they should cut your dick off. That’s how the problem will be solved. As for pedophiles and sex offenders in general, they cannot be rehabilitated. They have a genetic defect which causes them to behave this way, and they will do so repeatedly.

  • Villagers of Frankenstein
    January 8, 2019 at 6:26 am

    It’s not like a mob with pitchforks and torches did him in.
    That would be awesome.

  • Wwy
    January 8, 2019 at 2:00 am

    A Jew owns nbc they love to diddle and rape,they love bill clinton dont they. Weinstein,Weiner,every Jew in Hollywood par for the course for the kike owned American media. The jewnited states.

  • The Common Man
    January 7, 2019 at 9:10 pm

    Remember when Dan Shaughnessy had a problem with Jerry Thorton on Dale and Holly?

    See how Brandy has a problem with Blogs?

    What’s the common denominator? The legacy media hates the independent media because the independent media does their job better. The legacy media also hates it because now they can’t control the narrative.

    Here’s the bottom line,
    Shaughnessy and Brandy are Shooter McGavin and Thorton and Turtleboy are Happy Gilmore. The Shooters hate the happys because they don’twant amatures on the tour.

  • Lloyd Braun
    January 7, 2019 at 8:48 pm

    So if every pedophile miraculously committed suicide overnight tonight these two morons would be sad?

    • Sir Wilfred Death
      January 7, 2019 at 9:48 pm

      This broad is a freelancer. She’s lucky if she grosses 10 grand a year. Her next story (probably in a few months) will pay her $200 and will be titled “10 Ways to Clean Your Taint”. She’s not exactly Jimmy Breslin. She doesn’t even have a job for fuck’s sake. Our uncle owns a prominent and profitable media company. She wishes she had a blog.

  • Wade Boggs-Taint
    January 7, 2019 at 7:46 pm

    Commissioner Gordon thought Batman was a vigilante too. But now bad guys are getting ass kicked all over the place. Plus this chick is a cunt. Her pandering reminds me of the Mayor that won’t close the beach in Jaws

  • Meh
    January 7, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    No different from NBC Catch a Predator series with Chris Hansen.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Brandy Zadrozny
    January 7, 2019 at 6:45 pm

    I want children to be raped.

  • hipster cvnt
    January 7, 2019 at 6:19 pm

    I bet her hairy vag smells like sour milk and rotten cheese.

  • Bush and Cheney did it
    January 7, 2019 at 5:17 pm

    (reality) He wanted to rape children and teens.

    (low IQ Zad) But he’s black and an immigrant, therefore he’s good.

    (reality) No he was a pedophile, he’s bad.

    (low IQ Zad) It can’t be, immigrants are all good, blacks are all good.. it’s Trumps fault, your a racist!!

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    January 7, 2019 at 5:17 pm

    ugh, guaranteed everything on her is unshaved….blech

    • one exception
      January 8, 2019 at 11:47 pm

      Around the buttknot.
      That spot has not one curly squirrely and a fair bet it’s bleached.

  • screilly
    January 7, 2019 at 5:14 pm

    Uhm nbc did this on dateline w Chris Hansen
    Wildly popular 

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    January 7, 2019 at 3:20 pm

    How dare she insult your blog by calling it a blog.

    • Y
      January 7, 2019 at 4:10 pm

      Randalllllll, when does your POPsquad video come out?

    • Estelle Costanza
      January 8, 2019 at 7:55 pm

      Why can’t you be more like Lloyd Braun?

  • Giles Gilbert
    January 7, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    When did Brad…sorry, name shaming…Brandy…start the transition?

    They has a chin like an NHL goalie’s neck protector.

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