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Tony Romo was assassinated on live television today as the the Cowboys were emasculated by the Panthers. Just another day in the life of a Cowboys fan. I actually like Tony Romo and I’d take him any day of the week over some unproven chump like Andrew Luck. Tough season for Dallas though. Good thing they sold their soul to add a woman-beating piece of human garbage in the offseason though. Greg Hardy is clearly paying dividends for this 3-8 pile of poo.
Anyway, the media loves a good drama and CBS showed Romo’s wife in Jerry Jones’ box seats, sulking. It was great theater. But apparently it was also controversial? At least according to NESN:
Do they not see the irony here? They’re crapping on CBS for showing a picture, which they then showed. It’s OK though, because they prefaced it with a question about the morality of showing the picture. So yea, that makes perfect sense.
Oh yea, and did I mention that NESN is the same network that refused to show the Don Orsillo tribute video after they fired him for no reason? Yup, NESN is totally qualified to lecture everyone about what networks should and should not show.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure this isn’t an issue at all. NESN literally just made it up. We could only find one guy in the comment section who was as mad at CBS as NESN was:
LOL. Travis is the face of the everyone gets a trophy generation. This is what was actually written in the NESN article. Try not to laugh too hard…
These are just fantasy football players to most fans, but to their families, they’re husbands, fathers, brothers, cousins, loved ones. Tony Romo’s second major injury of the season had to be heartbreaking for his family, especially his wife, who explained before the game that the family planned to order pizza for Thanksgiving dinner.
Oh really? I never realized that these guys actually had souls. Thanks NESN!!! Newsflash – I care about as much for Tony Romo’s well being as he cares for mine. Tony Romo’s wife lives a lifestyle that I never will. Her tears taste delicious. But please, tell me more why I should feel bad for her because she’s temporarily sad and has to order pizza for Thanksgiving dinner. You know who I actually feel bad for? The minimum wage worker who has to make her pizza on Thanksgiving.
Showing fans and family’s reactions to horrific injuries is probably one of the most common things every network does when they cover a game. And at the end of the day Romo will be fine. He’s a millionaire who gets to play a game for a living. The real tragedy here is the 2015 Cowboys. That’s why Tony Romo’s wife has her face buried in her hands. She could’ve married any quarterback in the NFL and she chose Tony Romo. Fail.
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4 Comment(s)
If I was married to Tony Romo, I’d cry everyday.
I thought u said u liked him LMAO I guess I gotta read it again but more importantly couldn’t she of stayed home and cooked a turkey dinner it’s not like Dallas was on the road they were home so I think she don’t even fuckin knows how to cook and is a sloshbag drinking for free in the owners box Romo been hurt how many times over his career she should be used to it in the words of Brett CUNT
So….. I’m working on my first cup of coffee this morning after my Turkey hangover.
I had to look at that picture a few times
It sorta looks like a little hairy dog curled up taking a nap.
Fuck him and his wife.