New Bedford Hoodrat Who Got Prison Love Letters From Aaron Hernandez And Exploited It For Free Gear Is Threatening Any Skank Who Badmouths His Boy

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A few years ago, right after Aaron Hernandez was first arrested for murdering Odin Lloyd, TMZ reported about a letter Hernandez sent to a Patriot fan named Karl, proclaiming his innocence:
Aaron Hernandez wrote a pen pal a letter from inside his jail cell, declaring his innocence, saying his murder charges are God’s plan, and vowing to return to the NFL … and TMZ has a copy.We have verified with law enforcement the letter is the real deal. You can read it yourself … among the highlights:
— “The world just makes things out of false accusations … and it will all die down, especially when they say NOT GUILTY”
— “All the people who turned on me will feel like crap.”
— “God put me in this situation for a reason.”
— “Can’t wait to sign [autographs] again when I’m playing again an [sic] prove all the haters WRONG.”
As for the fan who received the letter, Karl … he just called in to “TMZ Live” and told us he wrote Hernandez first. Karl says he sent the letter because he was in the same jail 15 years ago, and wanted to reach out to Hernandez to give him some encouragement. Karl also says he would like to visit Aaron in jail — if Aaron will let him.
Aaron Hernandez really was a completely delusional psychopath. Like, he convinced himself he didn’t murder all those people. He believed that God was challenging him, and that he would one day be suiting up in the NFL and signing autographs. Insane.
The best part is the end where Aaron Hernandez asks him not to put it on social media, and the first thing this nudnik does is call up TMZ and blasts it all over social media.
Anyway, Karl the Aaron Hernandez free my fanboi has been apparently lost his mind now that Hernandez hung himself:
“So a guy I know is one of the biggest Aaron Hernandez supporters alive. When Hernandez went to jail he randomly sent him a letter…. Hernandez actually wrote him back. He ended up selling the letter to some news organization after Hernandez asked him to keep it off social media. Through the whole court process he would go to court and see the Hernandez family. They even gave him gifts like jerseys and what not. All of this most likely because he wanted to be friends with him. After today he’s all up in his feels. And threatening people. I think he should become Turtleboy famous. The secondary story will 100% be gold because he will be all up on desk girl.”
So this creature of New Bedford’s Facebook page was everything you imagined it would be and more. For starters, guess who his favorite NBA team is?
Ding, ding, ding!! Flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat man who did a couple stints in the can and pretended to be friends with Hernandez so he could exploit his prison love letters for cash? Never saw that one coming!! The best part was this numbnuts sold the letter to a memorabilia shop in Saugus, who then sold it to TMZ for four times what they paid him:
“Castinetti says he paid $4,500 for the letter, which he turned around and sold it to TMZ for $18,000.”
In other words, he blew his fifteen minutes of Internet fame, and his only real opportunity to ever make any money legitimately.
Anyway, the whole story checks out. Here he is showing off the love letter he received from Hernandez:
Showing off the free gear the Hernandez family threw at their only supporter:
Sharing Christmas cards from Shayanna:
Unsurprisingly today was a rough day for poor Karl Lamas. He’s been sharing all sorts of conspiracy theories from the guy who got Casey Anthony off a murder rap:
And basically declaring war on anyone who dares to shit on this great mass murderer who wrote him a love letter one time:
And be warned – if you have a problem with Aaron Hernandez then he’s gonna call out all your skeletons:
And possibly merc you. Or at least hit you so hard you’ll have to have your jaws wired shut.
Oh, and he also blames the Patriots for “turning their backs” on this convicted murderer:
In fairness, if Aaron Hernandez played for the Ravens, they probably would’ve kept him on the payroll and just restructured his contract.
Oh, and in one of the least surprising developments ever, he’s also one of those:
Yea, the whiny little boogerface who calls everyone he disagrees with a klansman.
Anyway, safe to say that the Christmas gift packages won’t be coming for Karl Lamas anymore now that his hero decided to take the coward’s way out. Free my boi!!
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8 Comment(s)
Hey Karlie you are a fucking moron doozlesack.
When will the procreation of these fucking dopes stop? I can’t believe that in 2017 ewe can be that fucking stupid.
I’m sure Hernandez got a kick out of this idiot’s illiterate ramblings. Ha, ha. This guy thinks Hernandez really cared about him because his BM tossed some defunct jerseys his way. What a sad, unfulfilling life this poor wannabe must have.
On top of everything else, this asshat can’t spell a simple word like “friend”?
The only thing the deadbeat has in his life. To show a letter from a dead murderer and to use it for his own agenda. Sad but true, pitiful.
That’s right, everything is racist. Anybody that disagrees, Klan
Anybody that reports, Hitler
YT is the devil.
It’s too bad all these worthless shitbags that boohoo about pandemic racism can’t go ahead follow the last page out of the Hernandez diary and end their misery.
Shayanna has beautiful handwriting…I would like to touch her bum too….
Shay Shay has had more balls bouncing off her chin than the Punk had bounce off his hands.