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I meant to bring this up the other day because I saw so many people shitting on this guy on social media. So during Game 7 of the New York Rangers – Tampa Bay Lightning Eastern Conference Finals they interviewed this Rangers fan named Will Rouse, who had front row seats, in regards to how much he paid for the tickets. The interview was nothing less than interwebs gold!! Watch.
How can anyone hate that man? He is magnificent. The misplaced sense of self-confidence is a work of art. I have to tip my hat to NBC on this one. They could’ve interviewed any fan from the front row that they wanted to and asked them how much they paid for their seats. But they did their homework and they found one of the most amazing human beings on earth. Well done NBC.
My man, I paid 45…hunnit dollars.
You could’ve gotten a lot more money than that if you sold them on the free market.
Yea I know, that would’ve been cool. I could’ve blown all that money on water. I don’t really drink alcohol. It’s cool.
Tell me how much you paid again.
Forty five hunnit dollars. Hundreds only. Benjamin Franklin is killing the game!!
I’ve never even contemplated not drinking at a sporting event. But I’m gonna be honest, this guy makes it look like a lot of fun.
Every time I see something like this it makes me realize how awesome America is. Somehow this mental midget has enough capital at his disposal to be be able to spend $4,500 on a leisurely activity. Hundreds only too. You think he’d ever touch a 20? LOL. Be serious bro.
The fact that this guy, who is a recreation of every New York fan I’ve ever met ever, can make a killing in America proves once again that the Occupy Wall Street morons are the biggest losers on the planet. If you can’t make it in America and this poopsmooch can, then you need to seriously reevaluate your life choices.
The ironic part about this whole thing is that he said, “Benjamin Franklin is killing the game.” That comment right there most likely jinxed the Rangers and is probably the reason they lost. After all, Benjamin Franklin has preferred the Lightning since the 1750’s.
At the end of the day this guys could’ve made an easy $10K profit off of those seats. But when you’re killing the game like Will Rouse you can afford to blow a measly $4,500 to watch your favorite hockey team get shutout and continue their Stanley Cup draught. Keep doing you Will Rouse.
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4 Comment(s)
well put, this man knows what he is doing.
LOL Benjamin Franklin has preferred the Lighting since 1750. Fucking gold.
LOL @ the couple sitting next to him scoffing down ice cream lookin like they couldn’t care less what dumbass spent.
Willy boy probably sings “I touch myself” while staring at himself in the mirror. What a snappa head!