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The Internet is on fire with this video of a news anchor who used pretty much the worst racial slur you could use when referring to Lady Gaga’s performance at the Oscars. From Rawstory: Kristi Capel, an anchor for Cleveland’s Fox 8, complained about “jigaboo music” during Monday morning coverage of the Academy Awards.iWJW New in the Morning anchor Wayne Dawson reported on Monday that singer Lady Gaga had performed a tribute for the 50th anniversary of the Sound of Music at Sunday night’s Oscars.“Lady Gaga, surprising a lot of people last night with this tribute to Sound of Music,” Dawson said, adding that actress Julie Andrews called it “wonderful.”
“Capel remarked that she had also been surprised by Lady Gaga’s performance. “It’s hard to really hear her voice with all the jigaboo music — whatever you want to call it — jigaboo!” Capel opined.”
According to Dictionary.com, “Jigaboo” is an “extremely disparaging and offensive” term for black people. Culture blogger Rafael Otto writes that the term was coined as description of dancing black slaves in the 1800s. After several people complained to Capel on Twitter, she cut and pasted the same explanation to each of them.“I apologize if I offended you, I had no idea it was a word or what it meant. Thank you for watching,” Capel wrote.
I think we can all agree that the least surprising aspect of all of this, is that it happened in Ohio. The Florida of the North. That and the fact that it’s Fox. There’s no way this would happen to any station except for Fox.
Well it was nice knowing you Kristi Capel, but you my dear are officially fucked. Better pick a new line of work because whenever someone Googles your name this story is gonna come up. No big deal though. It’s only going to last for the rest of your life because the Internet is forever.
But seriously, how can you not feel for this girl? I mean, it’s 2015. Do you honestly think she could become a news anchor is she was openly racist? News anchors are the pinnacle of political correctness. She has that job because she is, a) well spoken, b) un-opinionated, and c) hot. There’s no possible way in hell that she could possibly think jigaboo was a racial slur. If anything it shows her innocence and naivety because she’s never even been around that word in that context.
But the fact is she said it, and you definitely cannot say that on TV. So why did she say it? Well, I’m willing to bet “jigaboo” is a normal part of her vocabulary and she thinks it means something else. I never said she had to be smart to get to where she is now. She’s basically a brunette barbie doll with good diction. Doesn’t mean she has common sense. I will bet you anything people have been saying this word around her for years in a different context because they knew they could get her to repeat it in social situations. It’s like when you were in school and you got the Russian foreign exchange student to say bad words. It’s funny because they don’t understand what it means.
I know for a fact my theory is right because I’ve been on the other end of that before. With Momma Turtleboy. We used to love the word “nani” back in the day. As in “pu-nani.” Couldn’t stop saying it. Then Momma Turtleboy started overhearing us saying it and she started saying to us, “calm your nani” when we were out of control 14 year old boys. Obviously this led to us inventing a variety of words including, “naniburger” that we got her to start saying on the regular. It was hilarious each and every time she said it, and I still use that word frequently in blogs because it’s just such a great word.
But that didn’t make Momma Turtleboy a trailer park Mom anymore than it makes Kristi Capel a racist for dropping a racial slur repeatedly on television. For Christ’s sake she said it DIRECTLY in front of her black cohost. Do you honestly think she has the minerals to be dropping racial slurs in front of a person of color like that? I bet you a million bucks she makes sure to say “African-American” each and every time she refers to a black person on the air, even though African-American is seven syllables, and black is one.
But like I said before, it’s 2015, so every wannabe activist is gonna do what they think Martin Luther King Jr. would’ve done in this situation – call her racist.
Yea that makes TONS of sense. She was raised to be a racist from day one. Because people who go around dropping racial slurs like it’s going out of style always go places in life.
I write for Turtleboy Sports Phyllis Jackson. Trust me. People are THAT stupid ALL of the time.
But the person who seems to be most pissed off about this on the Internet is this girl on Twitter who goes by the name “Sunshine Sullivan,” which is the perfect name because let me tell ya, she is a ray of sunshine if I’ve ever seen it. The lovely woman of peace read this token apology tweet from my girl Kristi and lost her shit:
I deeply regret my insensitive comment. I didn't know the meaning and would never intentionally use hurtful language. I sincerely apologize
— Kristi Capel (@Kristi_Capel) February 23, 2015
Then my girl Sunshine unleashed the beast:
She seems lovely. Apparently she wasn’t buying the apology:
Ummm, I’m pretty sure the laugh that “Amerikkka” had wasn’t at the expense of black people. It appears as if it was at the expense of Kristi Capel, who as we pointed out earlier, is completely fucked at this point. Sunshine wasn’t even close to done though:
And just think, Sunshine calls herself a “leader” in the “black lives matter” “movement.” With leaders like this people are sure to take your “movement” seriously. Some people would choose to be diplomatic, polite, and engaging. Fuck that. Let’s call white people “mayo pale face” and point out that all white people are the devil. That seems like a more reasonable approach to race relations.
Here’s the thing about my girl Sunshine though….she comes off as a tad……racist. Some people pointed this out to her so she had to clarify a couple things:
According to my girl Sunshine, black people apparently have super human powers to not harbor racial animosity. Well I learned something today didn’t I?
She’s also an expert in anthropology.
Oh, so I guess suicide is a white thing now. Gotcha. The next time you see someone take their own life make sure you go on Twitter to point out how white they’re being. I guess when you’re not physically capable of being racist you can pretty much say racial slurs to Asian people until the cows come home!!
But here’s the thing – I have nothing against people of color. So why is she so mad at me for being a mayo face?
Oh right. My slave-owning confederate ancestors. I forgot about them. Ireland was quite famous for it’s vast slave plantations. And everyone knows that the people who got on boats to come to America were the rich slave owners who couldn’t catch a break in Europe. Can’t she show a little empathy for Kristi Capel though? I mean, how would you like to be in her shoes right now?
Mayonaise tears. Those actually sound delicious. But seriously though Sunshine, I’m not racist and I don’t think Kristi Capel is either:
Oh, I forgot about that. Duh. Kristi Capel and Turtleboy are like, the definition of oppressors. I totally forgot how me and her beat the shit out those Freedom Riders back in 61. Because accidentally saying a word that you don’t know the meaning of is clearly a fair comparison to make with slavery and Jim Crow.
And Sunshine Sullivan is basically the definition of oppressed. A person who seemingly has the financial ability to sit at home all day and post on Twitter about racism while everyone else works. Being oppressed like that sounds terrible.
The bottom line here is that people like Sunshine are frauds. This is what the protesters have been about from the beginning – hate. They pretend to be about love, but at the end of the day they just hate everyone. They can’t live without hating something. Instead of doing things that can actually bring positive social, economic, and political change for black people, they go on Twitter and call other people racist. It makes them feel better about themselves and then they compare their hateful “movement” to Martin Luther King Jr. and Selma. They’re frauds and they can’t help but prove that time and time again.
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19 Comment(s)
She’s the “sunny day” from The Town
I think Sunshine is using the SJW logic that because “white people have all the power” that means that black people can’t be racist, because you have to be “in power” to be racist. Same as how women can’t be sexist because of “the patriarchy.”
Except, that’s not what racist is. If you hate someone because of the color of their skin (as Miss Mayo tears clearly does), then you’re a racist.
It’s like Chris Rock said – there’s nobody more racist than old black people. Even old Willy the doorman hates your fucking guts. He’s like, “Howdy sir! Beautiful day! Fucking cracker… Cracker motherfucker… Fucking saltine-ass motherfu… Hey there, sir! Great day, ain’t it?”
You are incorrect. Hating someone because of the color of their skin is bigotry, not racism. Racism is either the belief that one’s race is superior to others (something of which any race is capable), or a policy that favors one race over another (which I suppose is possible at any business or organization with a single race as a majority). Now institutional racism is a different story. The power structure is pretty white so there is an argument that other races would be incapable of this type of racism, but it is hardly a fact.
The first thing you learn when you’re a print or on-air personality is that words have meanings and if you don’t know them, don’t use them. Being stupid is no defense.
Surely must get Baldino and Sunshine together so they can spew their hatred for whitey. Their heads might explode in the process.
“Sunshine” Sullivan? “SUNSHINE”?? She’s more like a permanent solar eclipse. She’s not MY sunshine.
She is hot. Are you Worcesterians OK looking at someone like that? You wont freeze up? I know you’re used to Worcester women, who typically only need hair and more than 5 teeth and less than 3 facial warts to be considered attractive in your vile, repugnant white trash town.
How’s it feel to have exactly one joke in your repertoire?
Keep beating that dead horse, man.
I’m not sure what you’re talking about. It’s not a joke. It’s a fact. You live in an awful place. If I were you I’d be ashamed of myself for not leaving as soon as I had the chance. It’s not laughing matter. It’s actually quite disturbing how much of a shithole Worcester is.
How’s it feel to know I got under your skin enough where you took the time to respond to me?
Says the person who’s so butthurt that he comments multiple times on every article.
Lol you just responded again into what I thought was an obvious trap. You proved me wrong- even dumber than I thought.
Who says I’m butthurt? I’m just being an asshole fishing for people like you who respond- then respond again! Bills mafia the other day, he didn’t fall into the trap but you- you walked right into it. Congrats on being idiot of the day!
Or I was just bored since it’s my day off. People have those when they have these things called “a job.” I doubt you know about that since you’re always commenting on the middle of the day.
Or do you have some half-assed reason why I’m wrong that involves calling me stupid?
Right- because, making 5 or 6 3-4 sentence comments during the middle of the day surely means one doesn’t have a job. Surely it doesn’t mean they do have a job and aren’t just, I don’t know, bored at work. I mean, cause obviously, writing a few short comments as everyone knows takes up 8 hours of your day (you know, the amount of time a job would take) and not just 2 mins. But nice try with your cliché, tired and oh-so-overused-and-rarely-accurate “Get a job” insult. Boy, did you show me!
And you responded again- seriously, dude. Every time you feed into me by dignifying me with a response you prove my point 10 fold. Keep telling yourself you wont this one, though.
PS who the fuck likes cats?
Oh yeah and- I see your commenting at 330 in the morning- using your flawless, original, rock hard logic of “go get a job”- shouldn’t people with jobs be sleeping at that time?
My God do you make this easy.
Two days off in a row, smart guy. And even if I had to work today, I usually only sleep for five or six hours.
Hopefully your supposed boss finds out you’re trolling blogs instead of working. See, most people work when they’re at work.
And, lastly, using your idiotic logic, I win because you responded to me twice.
LOLOLOLOLOL I cant believe you responded again you are a gold mine boy! My goodness- I mean the instant you suggested you are not amused by my constant onslaught of anti-Worcester comments you opened up a gold mine for me! I love it! Keep responding, go ahead! Do it! Of course I’m responding to you. Im a TROLL you fool, it’s what I do!!! You have fed into me so much I think you’ve polished off a rib! My god, what a sucker you are!
Again though- to counter your horrible argumentative skills (the fact you’re arguing with me makes laugh, laugh laugh) – it’s taken me a grand total of 90 seconds to troll this post and go back and forth with you. I’m pretty sure my boss wouldn’t care either way. You act like it’s taking up an entire work week to back and forth with some rapey cat lover on the internet.
The state of America.
it seemed to em she was looking for the word, hullabaloo and and found something kinds close…
Think about it, she said “with all that…. jigaboo going on or what ever you call it…” replace Hullabaloo with jigaboo and its fine…
BTW, all races are perfectly capable of racism. To suggest other wise is ignorant, hypocritical and regressive.
In the same way that not all muslims are extreme, I think there are definitely people who think the system is not set up in the favor of POC, but align their enemies more properly, not compete for who can find the next offensive thing in the world.