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NESN: The league tested the PSI of the New England Patriots and Tennessee Titans’ footballs before, at halftime and after the two teams’ Week 15 matchup Sunday, a league source told NFL Media’s Lisa Kraus Edwards. This is the first time the Patriots’ footballs have been part of the NFL’s random PSI testing since last season’s Deflategate scandal, according to Edwards. The NFL wouldn’t confirm the report to The Washington Post. It was 40 degrees in Foxboro, Mass., during the Titans-Patriots matchup, so the footballs likely lost considerable air pressure when measured at halftime and after the game because of the ideal gas law.
LOL. The best part about this is that Roger Goodell says that they won’t say if they will be releasing the test results. Why would they? Gotta cover your bases. If the Patriots balls come back outside the acceptable range, then they’ll make an announcement. If they come back legit we won’t hear a peep. It’s like they’re not even trying to hide it either. They could’ve measured balls in any games they wanted to, but they waited for the first cold game of the year, against a team they were literally gonna murder in cold blood.
And I thought they were gonna do this for every game. I just assumed they’d been doing it all year and not saying anything. This just proves that no one gives a shit about PSI. If they did then they’d be measuring them every single game. But they didn’t, because PSI doesn’t matter.
Here’s another thing. Cam Newton is going to win the MVP this year, and he deserves it. But he gives away every ball he uses to score a touchdown.
He’s scored 40 times this year!!! That’s 40 balls that were NEVER tested for PSI, thrown by the quarterback for the only undefeated team in the league. And everyone’s just COOL with it, as they should be. I don’t give a shit that Cam Newton does that, because he seems like a genuinely good person. I’m just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of a league that pretends to care about the integrity of game balls, and lets their MVP give them all away during games.
The funniest part about this is that we all knew it was bullshit from day one. The entire witch hunt was done to appeal to people like this:
Yea, if it weren’t for a legitimate rule, and three Brady game winning drives to set up two Adam Vinatieri field goals, then he’d only have 1 Super Bowl ring. Oh yea, and “PEDSgate,” because the Patriots are the team that has half their legion of boom defense suspended four games at a time for PED’s. Roger Goodell looked at comments like this and thought to himself, “That’s a pretty good point. Better spend a billion dollars investigating.”
Keep in mind, this is what we’re dealing with:
A goober kid with a Voke-stache who supports Bernie Sanders. This is the face of the Brady butthurt patrol. This is who the NFL rallied behind and continues to rally behind while we win football games. I can’t wait to watch Brady pull down his pants and take a shit on Roger when he goes up to accept the Super Bowl 50 MVP trophy.
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4 Comment(s)
How does everyone not understand by now that literally every professionale athlete uses PEDs.
There are many baseballs players even that admit to shooting up Test right in the clubhouse or even the dugout before getting ready to be on deck, and they’ve never been caught. The whole PEDsgate thing is a sham.
All of the top athletes in any sport, be it lifting, football, or baseball, use some form of PED. Period.
Brady illegally works out in the off season…He has mutant like strength thanks to wearing all those rings on one hand!! Only going to get worse after he adds another this year
The stadium employees will come over and take that ball and replace it with a new one. Sometimes signed by the team or player.
The game operates on a certain number of balls so they all need to be prepped and such. cant just be giving them away. They must be monitored at all times in case BrAdY iz ChE3tZoooRRzzzzZZzz trolls/haters start crying those sweet sweet ears of jealousy.
They hate cause they ain’t us. And I thought the world was way more grown up than that. How stupid of me. I know 12 year olds with more dignity and respect.