No One Has Ever Been As Hatable As This Reporter Who Told A Cop To Lick Her Asshole And Said, “No Wonder Everyone Wants To Blow Cop’s Heads Off”
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Heavy: A Philly-based TV reporter is making news for the wrong reasons after a video showing her abusing one of the city’s finest went viral. On June 4, Colleen Campbell, 28, was removed from the Helium comedy club in Philadelphia during a showcase featuring The Office’s Craig Robinson. Campbell’s “loud whispering” was disrupting patrons, according to comedian Wil Sylvince, who recorded Campbell’s interaction with the police. Since the video went viral, Campbell has been fired from PHL 17 and her profile has been scrubbed from the station’s website.
If you wanna hate someone today, we suggest you take five minutes out of your day to watch this troglodyte in action:
So many memorable quotes:
“You’re fucking cock suckers. I did not do shit, I stood there and laughed like the rest of the audience like I should. I did not disrupt anybody.”
Yea, except everyone else says you weren’t just obnoxious, you were legendarily obnoxious:
One of the servers at the Helium club, Alexander Jusino, told the New York Post, “I’ve never seen anyone like that before and I’ve been watching people get kicked out of comedy clubs for five years.” Jusino added that he thought Campbell could have been on “some other level.”
And the comedian filming the encounter, who she thought would be on her side, says she wasn’t even drunk:
Cut the shit with the white privilege though asshole. This isn’t white privilege. Incidents like this happen all over the country on a daily basis, and people of all colors and creeds basically get away with acting like she did. It’s not a race thing, it’s anti-cop cultural thing. I guess he would prefer if the cop just shot her to prove a point.
This was a nice touch too:
“Or what? Or what, motherfcuker? Lick my asshole. How about that? Fucking piece of shit. That’s why nobody likes fucking police… idiots in this fucking town. No wonder everyone wants to blow [cops’] fucking heads off.”
LOL. That poor cop. This is what they have to put up with all day. This uppity white chick who more than likely has shared the #BLM hashtag to prove to the world that she’s one of the good ones, is telling them that nobody likes the police. Oh, and please lick her asshole. Because I know a chick who likes to get their asshole licked when I see one, and THIS is definitely a chick who likes to get her asshole licked:
That’s just science.
Now she’s blaming it on being roofied:
In a now-deleted Facebook post, Campbell says that she only had one drink and that she may have been drugged. According to Philadelphia Magazine, Campbell wrote:
I had one drink… and since have been fired from my job. I have never acted like this and asked to go to the hospital last night to find out if anything was slipped into my drink.
Campbell later told Philadelphia Magazine that she had a margarita and two shots prior to going to Helium and had two drinks there, not one.
So first it was one drink, then it was five, then she was drugged. Yup, welcome to every chick I ever dated before Mrs. Turtleboy came along. No one believes you were drugged Colleen. Kathy Griffin has better PR than you do.
I know a skanktank when I see one too. And this chick has skanktank written all over her. I could tell from her trashtacular Philly accent and the condescending way she let the cop know that she was better than him. Even though she’s a news chick who somehow only had 38 followers and wasn’t blue check verified.
This chick had her job for one reason and one reason alone – she was pleasant on the eyes.
For some reason feministos are silent on the fact that every chick on TV has to be hot, but guys can get away with being fat bastards. And these chicks who end up on TV think their shit doesn’t stink, hence why they like to get their assholes licked by strangers. When you’re the hot girl for too long and no one puts you in check, this is what happens.
As much as this chick sucks, the biggest loser in that video was the guy she was with:
God I wanted to punch this guy right at that part. I truly despise these people who try to kiss the cop’s ass all the time. Newsflash – the cops don’t wanna shake your hand. They don’t appreciate you thanking them. If you wanna make yourself useful, take that gravy train you’re with, put her in the trunk of your car, and bring her home for the ass licking of a lifetime. Then give it a month or two and you’ll realize that despite the fact that this chick is wild in the sack, she’s just not worth it if she’s always finding herself in situations like this and blaming everyone but herself. Don’t worry, you’ll see her on Redtube in a couple years and the spankbank memories will last a lifetime!!
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21 Comment(s)
Hey Colleen,
Seeing how you are out of a job, and probably desperate for cash, I have a proposition for you:
1) Do you like corn on the cob?
2) HOT, BUTTERED, corn on the cob?
3) HOT, BUTTERED, corn on the cob, shoved up your ass?
4) So, an ear of corn + melted butter + ur ass getting fucked by said corn then you eat it. Name ur price. Got a stack of waynos with ur name all over it… I’ll personally shuck that bad larry and cook it too!
Message me on FB.
— Shaun
I’d give her a rimjob. Why the hell not?
Look at her complexion, if she and beardo have children there would be a few gingers mixed in. She’d be better-off dying her hair full ginger, admit it, we would all be more understanding and more forgiving, this outburst would be somewhat expected. Even the cop would probably just smile and say crazy ginger lady.
Beardo ignored the hot/crazy female matrix and now he suffers as he should.
Naturally her family and her”Representitve” have issued a statement saying that it wasn’t her fault and that “Someone” slipped something in her drink. It was also the police’s fault that she wasn’t IMMEDIATELY taken to a hospital to be tested for a drug that she had no idea was slipped in her drink until her representative advised her about it the next day. Now she is trying to kiss the cops ass instead of telling him to lick hers. What do skanks like her do when their career goes off the rails? Two choices, paper or plastic, or would you like fries with that?
I’m confused. Are you talking about Colleen Michelle or Michelle McPhee?
$10 HJs in the car is always a possibility.
Her “boyfriend” can turn $50 BJs. He seems like the type.
She spit in someone’s face? They should have knocked her teeth out. POS!
Hell yes! Lick anything she wants licked. Social media destroyer of careers/lives etc.
Her man was too much of a hipster tool to get her out of there in time, if he had been more forceful he probably would of been arrested for domestic and she’d be doing a 3 part “exclusive” on what it’s like to be the victim of domestic abuse.
Society gives so many passes to attractive women, kinda funny to see this.
TB can you run a photo montage of all the spicy hoodwinks? Mandy, Milla, this chick etc?
In her defense somebody who looks like Bill Cosby was seen slipping out the the back.
That bitch was clearly drunk, she prob skipped dinner, had a few drinks and her inner cuntasaurus Rex showed itself.
She was swaying all over the place. I think it just wasn’t late enough for her to be ham sandwich (hammered) so she’s rounding down to one drink. (Yeah right bitch) I also Noticed she had quite the little gut flopping around in her vintage tee/low rise hipster “don’t give a fuck” uniform she had on.
BUT…I digress,
This fucking chick is the most entitled piece of shit I have ever seen act like that KNOWINGLY on camera. It’s amazing bc the cop was super patient and I def would have slipped, fell, andddd accidentally punched her in the face. Oh & If that were my husband he would have left my ass before the camera even started rolling for acting like that. WHAT a pusssy!
‘ I also Noticed she had quite the little gut flopping around in her vintage tee/low rise hipster “don’t give a fuck” uniform she had on.’
Huge ass too, from the pic of her being led away in handcuffs. She’s one kid away from becoming a full-fledged beach-ball. Genetics are an amazing thing. Pretty face and eyes though.
Why didn’t dik-lik get her the frick outa there?!
Broad was in the zone for some of the sloppy- sloppy.
As a journalist/reporter and female an attractive one (so I have been told ) coleen Campbell is nothing short of disgraceful in every aspect of her behavior This seems to be an epidemic amongst 16-30 year olds a Me first, I am special and oh so great, etiquette and manners be Damnd attitude. I believe it can be attributed to how they were raised,every thing they do is praised resulting in overly bloated ego’s and an unearned sense of superiority and self worth all of this results in people like Campbell wandering the earth acting as though can do and say what ever they desire but lacking the moral fortitude to take responsibility for their bad behavior much easier to blame it on alcohol or blame a phantom for drugging her drink rather than admit it was actually her asinine, over privileged, my shit doesn’t stink attention seeking attitude. I would have had the bitchiness beaten out of me by my mother regardless of what age I was if I had ever dared too behave in such a manner. I hope Collen Campbell learns from this and becomes a worthwhile human being, but sadly I have my doubt’s.
“a journalist/reporter and female an attractive one (so I have been told )”
We’ll be the judge of that. Link to your instagram account, please?
She looks like she is a job for… Semen Cannon
My thought….Morris Wanchuck watching a soap opera
Kathy Griffin’s sister?
Redtube presents Colleen Campbell in “Lick My Ass Blue”
She wouldn’t have to ask me twice to lick her asshole.
Sorry Gabbi….looks like I have a new #1
goodbye budding TV journalist career