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Boston.com: A man on a bicycle was spotted in the middle of one of Boston’s busiest interstates during rush hour Wednesday evening. He wore shorts, flip-flops, and headphones, but decided against a helmet.
Sharing the road can be tricky enough for cars and bikes, but on a four-lane highway, it gets even more complicated.
“Everyone was keeping a pretty good distance,” Melanie Toomey, a commuter who spotted the man on her way home from work around 5:30 p.m., told Boston.com.
The biker seemed calm, Toomey said. He merged from Storrow Drive onto I-93 North before crossing over the lanes with ease in the end-of-day traffic while drivers tried to give him some space.
First of all, I’m pro biker. I know a lot of people hate bikers by nature, but I respect anyone who chooses to exercise over being a fat ass. With that said, this idiot doesn’t deserve to live. Dont’ get me wrong, I don’t WANT anyone to die. But anyone who thinks it’s wise to ride their bike on I-93 during rush hour WITHOUT A HELMET, clearly wasn’t meant to survive. Dariwnism 101.
Look, bikers have a right to do their thing, but they have to decide if they are pedestrians or motorists. You can’t have it both ways when it suits you. If you’re a car then you can ride in the road, stop at red lights, and drive the same speed as the rest of us. But if you’re a pedestrian then you have to ride on the sidewalk like the rest of the serfs.
What pissed me off most about this person is that they’re not doing this for the exercise or because it’s the fastest way home. They’re doing it to make a statement. “I live life unconventionally, look at me!!” Ultimately they’re just an attention whore. And do you know how I can tell this person is an asshole? Because he’s wearing pink shorts and flip flops while riding a second hand back.
Most likely this nudnik is some hipster from Cambridge who shops at Whole Foods and thinks they’re saving the planet by not driving a car like a normal person. She (or he) got home after this, ate a granola bar, read a couple articles on Gawker, and patted herself on the back for having yet another successful day of being an independent free spirit.
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10 Comment(s)
Rather light rush hour probably threw him off. Normal rush hour he would have been maneuvering a parking lot instead of impeding traffic on a highway.
#bicycle lives matter.
I think drivers should honk when driving by assholes in the road. Its called insurance do you have it on your bike or self? No then stay out of the rd you c**k s**king morons. Why do are roadways need to be these folks gyms. I hope I hit you one morning.
Last I checked, there were signs at each high way entrance stating “Pedestrians, Bicycles, Motorized Bicycles, Non-Motorized Traffic Prohibited.”
So, where is this guy’s citation?
Missing the point. Example: If you are correcting a person’s word terminology, you are completely missing the point of the article.
I wonder if I could make it from kelley sq to hope ave on a bike?
At least the cyclist wasn’t riding side by side with another cyclist and shutting down two lanes.
TB, get the terminology right: Biker = rides a motorcycle. Cyclist = rides a bicycle. Example: The bikers gathered for the Laconia rally. A group of cyclists were riding in the PanMass. The term cyclist should not be used to describe those individuals we all see wearing jorts riding stolen KMart bikes around the city. That’s called a bum. The guy riding on I93 is called an idiot.
You should get the terminology right. Motorcyclist: rides motorcycles…Cyclists:rides bicycles… Biker: parks his Harley and is old and fat.
Filios…. Example: Shut the fuck up you pompous asshat….
Definitely an attention seeker that didn’t get enough hugs growing up and is feeling irrelevant. His stunt did make traffic worse for many others,………. but self centered, self absorbed jerks don’t care about others.