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Roanoke News Herald: A town council in North Carolina rejected plans to rezone land for a solar farm after residents voiced fears it would cause cancer, stop plants from growing and suck up all the energy from the sun. Two citizens reportedly made the allegations at a Woodland Town Council meeting in Northampton County, northeastern North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Bobby Mann said the farm would “suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not come to Woodland,” the Roanoke-Chowan Herald-News reports. Retired science teacher Jane Mann is concerned that photosynthesis, which depends upon sunlight, would not happen and would keep the plants from growing. She said she has observed areas near solar panels where the plants are brown and dead because they did not get enough sunlight. She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her that solar panels didn’t cause cancer.
Councilors were voting on whether to redefine agriculturally designated land off U.S. Highway 258 for manufacturing. Strata Solar Company representative Brent Niemann told the meeting the only sunlight used would be that which fell on the panels directly. “The panels don’t draw additional sunlight,” he said.
He told councilors that the farm would have no effect on property prices and promised that no toxic substances would be kept on site. But Woodland Town Council turned down the proposal, effectively stopping the company from building the planned renewable energy ranch. The council later voted to put a moratorium on future solar farms in the area, the Herald-News reports.
This is why the South lost the Civil War. Science? That’s just a fancy yankee word for liberal conspiracy!! The best part about it is that this woman is a retired science teacher. Ya got that? A woman who has probably been tasked with educating thousands upon thousands of North Carolinian children, believes that the sun, which is 109 times the size of the earth, and can fit over 1 million earths inside of it, can be all dried up by a single random town in North Carolina. The only surprising thing here is that this woman has survived past infancy.
How’d you like to be Brent Niemenn? Here he is trying to make sure his company can keep the solar farm up in town, and the two people he needs the approval of just so happen to brain dead. Must be like watching your kid major in women’s studies at a private liberal arts university. Nothing you can do but watch morons burn your money.
It’s probably the same way it feels to be a taxpayer in Spencer who asks their local school committee why their kid doesn’t have school books or clubs but there seems to be a never ending supply of cash to investigate teachers for imaginary missing money, and to be told that they can’t discuss it. Congratulations North Carolina, you’re officially the Spencer of the South.
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8 Comment(s)
Funny thing is a similar situation is unfolding right now in Worcester. Millbury is trying to install a solar farm near the Creeper Hill area and some residents from Worcester are claiming pretty much the same reasons trying to prevent it. Well, not the sucking up of sunlight part, but all the rest of the craziness about cancer and electromagnetic waves.
Hey. I resemble that. Spencer ain’t got no solar panels.
Where are they were they hauling the sunlight to?
Did they use special trucks?
Too many solar panels, and they won’t be the Land of Cotton no more!!
She saw dead plants around solar panels…
Yeah, probably UNDER them. Since, you know – shade.
Though I love how she said that the company can’t prove that the panels don’t cause cancer. Does this lunatic not understand how the concept of “burden of proof” works?
I read stuff like this and sometimes wish the earth would be struck by a meteor or maybe nuclear war would break out and plunge us back into the stone age if we survived just so humanity could reset.
Chris from Georgia must be relieved
ROFLMAO!!!! That’s in the same league as Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson’s concern over the island of Guam tipping over because of the number of marines deployed there!