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Masslive: A total of nine people, eight of which were charged with being “johns,” were arrested during a two-day prostitution sting in Worcester’s Main South.
Members of the Worcester Police Department’s Vice Squad conducted an undercover prostitution sting in the area after “numerous complaints” of drug dealing and prostitution, police said.
The sting began around 5 p.m. Tuesday evening and was repeated in the same area on Wednesday evening.
The following arrests were made:
- Roberto Cotto, 29, of 5 Lowell St., Worcester, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Kenneth Mutera, 28, of 192 Svenson Ave., Worcester, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Omar Akkad, 39, of 48 Barnes Ave., Worcester, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Jamie Francis, 39, was charged with being a common nightwalker.
- Patrick Anaya, 24, of 126 Canterbury St., Worcester was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Victor Stuhr, 47, of 111 Brigham Road, Hudson, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Raymond Hardy, 30, of 34 Shattuck St., Worcester, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Paul Schlickmann, 79, of 2321 Botany Bay Road, Worcester was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
- Joseph Choiniere, 79 of 188 Vernon St., Worcester, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. Am I reading that right? Not one, but TWO 79 year old men nabbed for getting hookers? These guys were freshmen in high school when Old Balls was a senior. I’m not even mad. That’s amazing. And the sting happened at 5 PM? That sounds like age discrimination to me. These guys probably just got the early bird special at Val’s and wanted a nightcap before hitting the hay. There’s no way they would’ve got busted if they did this operation at midnight like they’re supposed to.
Seriously though, was this like, bring your grandpa to Main South day? How did this happen? Do they get a discount with their AARP card? And why is there only one hooker? Did the cops bust her and then repeatedly use her as bait? Also, why is she called a “common night walker?” If I’m this girl I’m almost insulted by that. Common? Come on now. How’d you like to be known as a “common pizza shop owner?” That’s insulting to the profession.
You know those Cialis commercials where there’s always some Richard Gere looking dude and his Goldie Hawn looking wife holding hands in a bath tub? Yea, that’s not real. If your wife still looks like that when she’s 50 you’re not gonna need Cialis.
They need to hire Joseph Choiniere and Paul Schlickmann. I mean, these dudes were locked and loaded and ready to go for a romp in the Worcester Motel on Route 9 in Shrewsubury with some of Worcester’s finest ladies of the night. And you know this wasn’t there first rodeo either. I assume when you’re a licensed prostitute in Worcester it’s the same thing as owning a corner store. You see the same people over and over again.
Seriously though, I feel bad for all parties involved here. I mean, this whole thing is humiliating. First of all, you gotta be pretty down on your luck to get a Worcester prostitute. Doesn’t get much more rock bottom than that. I mean, we’ve all had some low points in our life where we went to the Blarney, had a few too many, and made some poor decisions. And we’ve all been through ruts too. I don’t care how cool you are – there isn’t a person in America who hasn’t gone through a cold streak.
But if you’ve reached the point in your life where your only option is a Main South hooker, I can’t help but feel bad for you. Trying to get some smush-smush is a basic human instinct. These guys reached the point where they were willing to pay for it. They watched an episode of MASH, took their Cialis pills, got in the 92 Sentras and drove down to Crystal Park for some lovin. Next thing you know they’re sitting in a jail cell with blue balls. Hopefully they had some privacy.
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2 Comment(s)
Hope the cops show up at Fenway Park on Monday. If they do, they will find several dozen men selling their bodies for cash too.
Paul Schlickmann 79
Joseph Choiniere 79
Remember these, just in case Baldino shows up on the T&G forum with another screen name.