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Everyone’s been buzzing about this girl from Foxboro who appears to be standing on an American flag in a picture that was rejected by her principal for the yearbook. We’ve seen a lot of dumb commentary like this:
Id rather show respect for vets than worry about some blogger from Worcester getting on my ass.
First of all, get over yourself. Don’t try to act like you respect veterans and Turtleboy doesn’t. Getting outraged about some girl from Foxboro doesn’t make you more American than anyone else, despite the pat on the back you’re giving yourself.
Most importantly, veterans are unique human beings with their own opinions. We were told point blank by many people, that the flag is offensive to veterans. This is a dumb thing to say because not all veterans think alike, and many have zero problem with it. Mainly because it’s not really a flag. For starters, it’s got seven stripes. Ya got that? Seven. Flags with seven stripes aren’t real American flags. But it’s also not a real thing you could hold. When the weather man shows you where it’s raining, there isn’t really a map behind him. Same thing here. She couldn’t see this “flag” and she certainly couldn’t see that she was standing on it. Because it wasn’t there.
You can bend this any which way you want, but the bottom line is that the work our veterans have done throughout history was specifically done so that this girl could pose for that picture. Because that’s what America is all about – free expression. Don’t like it? Go live in China. You can dislike it all you want if it offends you, but if you do so then you’re no different than the hippies who protest microaggressions, or Muslims who have a problem with someone drawing a cartoon of Mohammad. Go ahead, deny it. Make up an excuse about how this isn’t the same thing. It is the exact same thing. You are the PC flag etiquette police.
Anyway, a turtle riding veteran who happens to agree with Turtleboy on this issue wanted to run a poll for veteran’s on his Facebook page so he threw this out there:
Here was his rational for doing this:
What really grinds my gears is all those idiots who felt they could speak for us because their middle aged asses think having a family member serving is criteria to do so. Here is a short poll of my fellow vets. Most of them Paratroopers and real deal Infantrymen who actually deployed and fought to Iraq and Afghanistan. Not a bunch of fat national guardsmen who cleaned up last winter and spent 2 weeks training in Alabama last year so they think they know what its like. (I love my NG friends despite this)
As you can see, there’s a lot of differing opinions. The overriding feeling is, “meh.” My point is this – veterans don’t necessarily feel a certain way simply because they’re veterans. Of course we should listen extra carefully to a veteran’s opinion about this flag, the same way we should we should listen extra carefully to a black person’s take on racial relations with the police. But it doesn’t mean you always have to agree with them. Because the most important thing they fought for were our personal freedoms, which includes the freedom to disagree.
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9 Comment(s)
She shouldn’t be standing on the flag. Several comments have nailed it as while her intent may have been good, her ignorance failed her. It is an indictment of how few people have actually served. I have. Most haven’t.
Where is the outrage about the victoria’s secret model flopping around a giant flag that is submersed in a pool?
What a slutty little, attention-seeking cunt this Morgan Truax is. Get off our flag, you cheap whore.
How mature.
But then again, we have all learned to expect this level of immaturity from TurtleBoySpurts.
Girls like her turned you down in high school and you’re still bitter
I want to know if the background WAS an official flag, a photographers backdrop, or digital add in.
When TB digs himself into a hole, he just keeps on digging.
That’s what morons do.
I try to guess now what’ll bring you back from your spurts of hiatus.
You’ll be hanging for the next week or so then?