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So the new college playoff picture was set yesterday, and it’s one of the most hilarious, outrageous things you will ever see:
As you can see, Ohio State and Notre Dame are no longer in the playoff after being replaced by Oklahoma and Iowa. Ohio State was obviously out after losing to Michigan State. Iowa being in is inconsequential and meaningless because if they beat Michigan State in the Big 10 Championship they’re in, and if they don’t, then Michigan State gets in.
Clemson will stay in so long as they beat North Carolina in the ACC Championship. If for some unknown reason UNC wins, the ACC probably won’t have a team in the playoff.
Alabama is in, despite beating only 2 currently ranked teams, neither of which is in the top 15. Unlike other conferences the SEC also stacks up on joke teams that no one outside of Dixie has ever heard of. They will play and beat a shitbag Florida team in the SEC Championship, so long as they beat a shitbag Auburn team this weekend.
So more than likely the final four will consist of these three: 1) Clemson, 2) Alabama, 3) MSU/Iowa winner.
Which leaves one spot – Oklahoma or Notre Dame. Both teams sit at 10-1 and play their final games of the season on the road against top 10 ranked teams. Notre Dame travels to Stanford and OU goes to Stillwater to play Oklahoma State.
The only thing that really matters when looking at these two teams is the common opponent they’ve both played – Texas. Let’s start by pointing out that Texas blows. They’re a garbage 4-6 football team that Notre Dame beat 38-3. How’d Oklahoma do against Texas? Oh yea, they lost 24-17 at a neutral site. These things happened:
End of story.
So what the hell happened to put Oklahoma in front of the Irish? Well, Notre Dame looked like shit run over twice at Fenway Park, barley eeking out a 19-16 win over Boston College, which just so happens to have the best defense in the country. But what the hell did Oklahoma do? They beat a clearly demoralized TCU team by one point at home. Regardless, a win is a win. Notre Dame was in the playoff. Then they won. Now they’re out of it in favor of a team who lost to a team that they facialized.
Makes sense.
Then there’s this fact:
Who's hot? ND, OU both 6-0 since Ls: OU 6 foes are combined 31-33. ND 6 foes combined 39-26. ND has wins over 3 teams w/ 8+ wins, OU has 2
— Michael Bertsch (@NDsidBertschy) November 25, 2015
Stupid facts!!! The Big 12 is a shell of what it used to be. Since losing to Texas, the Sooners have beaten up on one crapbag Big 12 team after another. Very impressive.
Meanwhile, who was Notre Dame’s only loss to? Oh yea, Clemson. Ever heard of them? They’re only ranked #1 in the country. The Irish lost to them by 2 points, after missing 2 point conversions twice. On the road. In a hurricane. With a backup freshman quarterback making his second career start. Since the loss to Clemson, Notre Dame has beaten Navy, at Temple, at Pittsburgh, and USC, all of which are currently ranked or were ranked at various points this season.
Here’s the thing though – I’m not even worried. This new top 4 was just a cheap gimmick for page views and it worked perfectly. Think about it – they can’t keep putting the same teams in the playoff every week because people will stop clicking on the articles. But last night I probably clicked on 10 different links just to prove how right I am. Their plan worked perfectly. All they’re trying to do is get people to tune into football this weekend and go to ESPN.com. Then they’ll create some more theatrics championship week when they announce who is actually getting in.
But in the back of their heads they know that they can’t in good faith put Oklahoma in ahead of Notre Dame because OU lost to Texas, Notre Dame facialized Texas, and ND’s only loss was on the road against the best team in the country.
Perhaps most importantly we’re forgetting this – college football is a business. And businesses exist to make money. Who do you think is going to bring the NCAA more revenue? Who do you think is going to attract higher TV ratings? Oklahoma or Notre Dame? LOL.
Because at the end of the day you either love or hate Notre Dame, so you have a reason to be interested. But Oklahoma you probably have no opinion on because they’re an irrelevant team from an irrelevant state that no one cares about. So long as Notre Dame beats Stanford this weekend they will be in. End of discussion.
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2 Comment(s)
ND is a joke. The committee learned its lesson to only let them in if absolutely necessary after that utter embarrassment against Alabama in the national championship game. Also, Brian Kelly has sleep apnea.
You’re mostly right, but wrong about Alabama. They’re beastly. Best of the bunch. Course, I thought that last year too. But know they have Richard Mullaney.