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I’m seeing a lot of Patriots fans who have no business rooting for the greatest franchise in the history of the NFL. We are supposed to be more knowledgeable, less petty, and more distinguished than the rest of the savages. That’s why when I hear Patriots fans whining about how the NFL screwed us by moving the extra point back this year, I am embarrassed. Please, go find a new team. First of all, it’s still an easy chip shot for Gostkowski to make that. The dude makes em from 50+ routinely.
But more importantly, you’re ignoring the fact that the reason the extra point was pushed back was BECAUSE OF BILL BELICHICK!! And you know what? It was a GREAT rule change. One of the fun parts of high school football is that they almost always go for 2 because it’s hard to find a 16 year old who can kick. But in the pros a PAT is such a gimme that there’s almost no point kicking it. If anything they should move it back for a 40-45 yard try.
The rule change made the NFL so much better this year. Kickers missed an insane 6% of PAT’s this year. It’s still a gimme, but at least if your kicker is suckbag city, you have to at least THINK ABOUT going for 2.
So yea, we’re supposed to be smarter than everyone else. If your knee jerk reaction was to complain about the rule change, then you need to sit out a few plays on social media. Every real Patriots fan who follows the NFL understands that this was ironic because we were the ones who wanted the rule change.
Oh yea, and don’t do this:
No. Just no. Just please, think before you post things on Facebook.
Anyway, Stephen Gostkowski is still the greatest kicker in the NFL and we’re lucky to have him. His missed extra point was certainly a factor in why we lost, but there were a million other reasons as well. But asshole pretending to be real Patriots fans couldn’t resist pinning this one completely on him:
All these people probably like Nickelback. They probably have Tracy Novick signs in their yard. They are the lowest of the low.
Another tweet was written by some shit for brains kid masquerading as a Patriots fan while living in Sewell, NJ. Sewell is right outside of Philly, so logically you would think he would be an Eagles fan. But since the Eagles suck he pretends to be one of us. He’s not:
It’s cool though, because according to him, he’s the fourth best kicker in New Jersey:
We’re real proud of ya!!! Since the kid thinks he’s going to play professional baseball someday, he should probably understand how blatantly unfair it is to pin this all on one guy:
You’re a team player? Sorry kid, I wouldn’t want you on my team. You’re the type of whining naniburger who would give a grand slam and blame the catcher. Oh, and you like constructive criticism? Well, your fastball sucks and I don’t think you understand the purpose of a changeup either:
Oh yea, and Eric, your potential colleges will all be looking at your social media, so you should probably avoid being a dooshnozzle as much as possible:
People around the country are already hopping on the “Patriots fans are savages for what they’re doing to Gostkowski” bandwagon. But we just wanted to clear the air, because none of these people are really Patriots fans. Real Pats fans are men and women of honor. These are just fake, bandwagon “fans” who saw a winning team and pretended to like them. But they’ll never, ever be one of us, because God loves us more and hates them with a passion.
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18 Comment(s)
Way to call out a kid there TurtleBoy. Btw didn’t you sexually harass female Bills fans and post the video only for Bills fans to call you out which resulted in you taking it down and trying to “turtle” your way out of the mess there Aidan? How’s that lawsuit going against you?
Love when other teams fans do things like this they’re labeled “savages” and “classless” but when Pats fans do it their labeled as “not real Patriot fans”.
Wabbitt – that was awesome.
Great analogy wabbitt,your showing your age.
Our O-line was circus clown scary yesterday. Brady was getting hit harder than Tina Turner when she was still married to Ike, and the ground game was non-existent. No way you can pin this all on Gostkowski.
Ehhh… Sure Gostkowski missed the kick… But we also had an offensive line that let Wade run through like he was the Waterboy. Brady threw away the ball it seemed every 3rd play for risk of getting sacked. He was hurried an absurd amount of times and we couldn’t do a thing about it.
I think the o line was the bigger issue… Gostkowski has done incredible work in his career here.
Talked to a few dozen fans today on top of the small crowd while watching the game, maybe they don’t like Nickleback but not one, not a single, not one blamed Gostkowski. In fact most are taking in stride.
DEP – It is nice to re-live past accomplishments and historical relevance but I believe this piece was about the here and the now. And with that it is undisputed that since Robert Kraft purchased the Patriot franchise that they are in fact the best NFL franchise in the league currently – period. What other owner does more to improve the game than Bob Kraft? Answer: Nobody not even Jerry Jones.
Nuff said my man. Nuff said.
Really people??? It’s a F*****G game. Lighten up and go have your heads examined. Morons.
All due respect to the Patriots, however look at the history you are referring to and numbers don’t lie. They are not the greatest team in NFL history by a long shot. When you start having more than one Hall of Famer in your entire history, you have only a small piece of greatness. The Steelers had seven players from one draft, one year, all go in to the HOF, 23 players total, 9 coaches and owners, all who spent their entire career with one team.
The Patriots have 1. John Hannah. Tom Brady isn’t in, the coach probably will not go in (see his history of ‘infractions’ dating back to coaching at West Point.
Hey I’m all for a discussion, but when you go the debate route, you can only use facts. The Steelers are far and away, historically the best team in history, players in the HOF, and Super Bowl appearances (tied with Patriots, Cowboys, Bills). Facts Turtleboy, not opinions are the only way to discern.
Did you really just say Belichik and Brady are not going into the HOF? There is no way anyone can possibly take anything you say about any sport on earth seriously after a comment like that.
Steelers Fans…..they are the Yankee fans of the NFL….How about you get your facts straight…
John Hannah, Andre Tippett, and Micheal Haynes are Patriot players who are in the HOF.
and you need to put the Crack pipe down if you don’t really think that Brady and Belichick aren’t going to wind up in the HOF.
you can add Adam Vinitieri and Willie McGinest to the list of future inductees as well….
Jonathan Kraft will also be inducted as well as an owner
You are not a New England Patriots fan if you trash talk like that,
The people that take to social media with threats like this are dolts. It’s like the savage “fans” who riot after a team loses or even wins. It’s…. only… a…. game. In the big picture, fun to watch, but pretty inconsequential in life. Speaking of life, these internet tough guys need to get one if a loss upsets them to the point of spewing such garbage.
I’m grateful we have Steven on our team. Pats fans have gotten spoiled with his talent.
Absolutely no doubt.
On the totem pole of blame for yesterday’s lost Gostkowski is way down. I would put play calling, the O line, Brady and the secondary way further up than our kicker who is near perfect but only human.