Social Justice Warriors

Pelham Mom Blames Racism For Her Being Banned From Kid’s Elementary School

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MassliveAbout two dozen parents attended Wednesday night’s School Committee meeting at the Pelham Library to ask committee members to address what the parents say are instances of racism and bullying of children of color at Pelham Elementary School. They are also seeking to have lifted a stay-away order imposed on Aisha Hiza, the parent of a Pelham Elementary School student.

Five parents spoke during public comment, including Whitney Battle-Baptiste, whose husband, Trevor Baptiste, is a member of both the Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional school committees. Battle-Baptiste said she has three children in Pelham Elementary School.

“When people that look like me speak up for their children, we’re seen as aggressive,” said Battle-Baptiste, who is black. “We’re seen as a threat. I no longer know what to do except to pull my children out of this school.”

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Battle-Baptiste addressed concerns she has for herself and children of color at the school.

“I ask the community to think twice about attacking particular school board members when they have children in this district. This is painful as a mother, as a wife, and as a member of the Pelham community,” she said.

“This is not just about one person. This is about several children of color feeling isolated, marginalized, bullied,” Battle-Baptiste said in impassioned remarks before the board. “I’ve been dealing with this for five years.”

Hiza, a resident of Chicopee, said she had been trying to get the district to address her claims of bullying issues that she did not believe were being addressed, but on March 15, she was told by Maria Geryk, superintendent of the Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional school districts, via email to stay away from Amherst-Pelham schools. Hiza initially was banned from picking up her first grade daughter from Pelham Elementary School, but now is allowed to pick up her child. However, she is not allowed to speak to school officials nor enter the school.

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Peter Blackmer, a friend of Hiza’s, read a letter stating Hiza’s daughter “along with several other students has been the victim of countless acts of racially charged bullying that been negligently handled by the school administration.

“Instead of dealing swiftly, effectively and proactively with these continuous acts of bullying, the administration has pursued a course of action to publicly ostracize, vilify and defame the mother of a bullying victim who has sought to advocate for the protection of her daughter’s education, emotional and psychological well-being,” Blackmer wrote.

Everything west of the Quabbin Reservoir is like a haven for upper middle class social justice warriors who have it made but still want to make up stories about racism and other nonsense so they can make themselves feel like victims. That’s what is going on here.

In case you haven’t figured out yet, there is a lot missing from this story. Awesome reporting by Masslive. For instance, why is this mother, Aisha Hiza, banned from her kid’s elementary school? That kind of matters. You would think that Masslive would report on why, but that would require actual research. Instead they’re trying to paint a picture that this poor helpless mother is being banned from the school because the principal and teachers are all racist.

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Newsflash – Pelham and Amherst might be the two most progressive and liberal towns in the country. You’d have to be a complete moron to believe that they would single out a parent like this and ban them from the school simply because they are black.

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Do you realize what it would take to get banned from your kid’s elementary school in a progressive PC community like Pelham? The principal and teachers in the school OBVIOUSLY had reached their breaking point with this woman, since she was constantly up their ass about her kid being mistreated. Teachers have to deal with psycho Moms like this all the time, and they all insist that their kid is being victimized and the school isn’t doing enough to stop it.

Here’s what most likely happened. The girl came home to Mom and said she was being picked on for a variety of reasons. Mom immediately calls the school and they said they’d look into it and handle it. She was unhappy with the result so she kept acting like a psycho Mom. Finally she crossed a line with a teacher who was made to feel unsafe so they got the no trespass order in place. That’s when the race card came out. Here’s the email she sent to the school, which seems to confirm our suspicions. The first sentence for #10 says it all:

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I am quite sure that if I was a white mother this would not be happening.”

Oh shut up already. Hey Aisha, you got yourself into this mess because you are clearly unable to handle yourself civilly. Instead of owning up to your destructive behavior which got you banned from your kid’s school, you instead blame it on racism. You apply imaginary hypotheticals about what would happen if you were white, and then draw conclusions to fit your agenda. Congratulations, you have taught your child that it is OK to blame everything on race and never hold yourself accountable for your actions.

So basically the woman is going through a messy divorce. Her ex-husband lives in Pelham and she lives in Chicopee. Instead of sending her kid to the Chicopee public schools she kept her in Pelham because the schools there are better. She could EASILY just send her kid to the Chicopee public schools since she apparently thinks Pelham is too racist, but she’s not doing that. Because at the end of the day she knows that they’re not racist.

The real reason she is banned has something to do with what the ex-husband told the principal and superintendent. Since we don’t know what that was we can’t comment. But they wouldn’t ban a mother from a school if it wasn’t both credible and serious.

Gotta love how at the end there she says that if the situation is not “resolved” there will be protests at Pelham Elementary School. What a bunch of self-centered narcissists.

Oh yea, and the woman who spoke on her behalf in the video is a radical professor at UMass. Need I say more? She also led the movement to put up a “Black Lives Matter” sign at Northampton City Hall, and she doesn’t like microagressions

“When people who look like me stand up for our children, we are seen as a threat.”

No Whitney. No one views you or anyone else as a threat because of the color of their skin. People just understand that there is a line that people of all colors are not allowed to cross, and clearly your friend crossed that line if she’s banned from the school. The fact that you have enlisted the help of the NAACP and ACLU tells me exactly what your motives are. You don’t care about the truth or facts. You just care about making yourself a perpetual victim of racism, and no one is buying it anymore.


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22 Comment(s)
  • Cocomom
    May 8, 2016 at 4:32 am

    “Racist,” perpetual “victims” & chronically “offended” ((yawn)). Getting old.

  • Tax payer in pelham
    May 7, 2016 at 10:24 pm

    Turtle Boy Sports I usually an avid fan. Love your patriot blogs…but I know because I live in pelham and am very informed a few of your assumptions are false. Respectfully I am filling you in. The father lives in Easthampton he is a schrizo bi polar guy. Who has an agenda and reason to liie.. His wife has lost jer children to Dcf and doesn’t even know where they are. He is far from a credible source. The pareants don’t talk except through family wizrd due to his aggresiveness in court in front of the judge. Whitney and Aisha arent friends. There are so many issues here.. Lije her asking for help for 18 mos before she began to get frustrated. The aclu of vt and wa states have won cases against school didtrixts for violating a parents civil rights. Meaning banning them from school with due process. Meaning in front of a judge. The superintendent ignoring a court order by not talking to the custodial parent and tLkung to the non custidial parent inatead. Not allowing the little girl to call her mom when she was sick read baNned in pelham only in the republic of amherst. Post all the documents shared in 4.15… Not just Aishas email. Whitneys husband is now being theeatened by the superintendent. On same blog. The whole situation is frustrating as a tax payer in this town. We now have two black families in pur small town being tortured. Running away and pulling daughter to chicopee would be the easiest choice. Instead she decided enough is enough there are multiple families this adminstration has pushed out of district.

  • MommaH
    May 6, 2016 at 6:00 am

    How can people pull out a race card when we live in a diverse community is beyond me…get over this racial BS.

  • Reddog
    May 5, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Notice she capitalized black in her e mails where she didn’t need to. She’s just a black trigglypuff.

  • GoogleThomasSowell
    May 5, 2016 at 10:16 pm

    or…Shucking Jiving Weido

  • whatevuh
    May 5, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    SJW = Social Juicebox Whiners . . . . . .

  • Worc Taxpayer
    May 5, 2016 at 6:11 pm

    As soon as I saw she hyphenated her name I knew she was a moonbat. Battle-Baptiste said “I ask the community to think twice about attacking particular school board members when they have children in this district. This is painful as a mother, as a wife, and as a member of the Pelham community,” I imagine that she is talking about her husband. So because her and her SC husband have children going to school in that town it is verboten for the citizens to criticize the job hubby is doing b/c it is “painful” for her and the children. Always remember it “is for the children”.

    Think this may have something to do with why she is banned? Did another parent “attack” hubby at a SC meeting and the next day she went all SJW on the other parent?

    I don’t think the racisss tag works anymore, except against fellow SJW’s trying to keep their SJW credentials, b/c it has been overused so much for non-racisss actions or words.

  • #WhiteyDidntMakeDaddySellCrack
    May 5, 2016 at 4:12 pm


    • Lulzebub
      May 5, 2016 at 4:30 pm

      Someone doesn’t know where the caps lock is.

  • kingsraisins
    May 5, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    Reading through the email that this woman had sent, there appears to be much more going on behind the scenes regarding custody issues. For example, the nurse, as referenced in the email, may have called her ex husband rather than her. In this instance, this would not be a school nurse ‘disallowing’ the child to call the mother, but rather following instructions left on an emergency contact form, etc. Second, under no circumstances would any school official respond to reports of physical abuse of a child by saying it was ‘on a list of things to do.’ That’s just simply unbelievable. My guess would be the ex-husband may be privy to some of this information, and that this woman may have some sort of custody issue that she wishes to play out in public.

    I would also guess that something behind the scenes involving this woman’s domestic issues is what caused the order keeping her away from the school.

    It’s just sad that our society has devolved to the point where allegations can be used as a weapon and to intimidate. Besides, where does this woman get her authority to make demands of the Pelham school system? She doesn’t pay taxes there, and thus doesn’t support any of the public infrastructure. If she wants to make demands, she should send her child to Chicopee, or home-school the kid. I love the entitlement culture that we foster.

  • Wabbitt
    May 5, 2016 at 3:50 pm

    At least the NAACP is fairly reasonable. They called out Mosaic for being completely full of shit, after all.

  • Jay
    May 5, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    “Please do not discuss problems in the black community unless you use the most flowery, softest, and inoffensive sentences possible. My feelings might be hurt.”
    -Turtleboy censoring Tommy Sotomayor

    • May 5, 2016 at 3:50 pm

      There is no “black community.” This is a PC buzzword we’ve been fighting from day one. To suggest that all black people have some sort of shared experience because of their skin color is a tactic used by black lives matter and other social justice warriors. Black people are unique individuals who see the world independently.

      • Jay
        May 5, 2016 at 3:56 pm

        Okay Turtleboy let me try to rephrase things for your sensitive feelings.

        “Issues that are prevalent in many african american majority communities in the USA, that obviously don’t apply to all African Americans, and are also the fault of poverty. ”

        Wow. What a tedious way to communicate. Insisting on this flowery language just ensures no solution discussing will actually be done because nobody wants to play this game.

        • Jay
          May 5, 2016 at 4:25 pm

          What I’m saying is that policing language and shutting discussion down due to semantics is one of the most popular tactics of social justice warriors. Here we are, stuck in an argument about my words instead of my meaning or intentions.

          • BobnMic
            May 5, 2016 at 4:34 pm

            Jay – My comment was for Turtleboy dude. Sorry if it was unclear where that was directed to.

      • BobnMic
        May 5, 2016 at 4:07 pm

        If black Americans are not community based then why are they unique? If you left the word unique out it would have made a little more sense. Unique compared to what? Everyone else? I thought that is what black Americans do not want. I’m talking about those not associated with the BLM false bravado.

      • Turtleboy is as soft as baby shit
        May 5, 2016 at 4:25 pm

        You’re right there is no black community…. Anymore…a community takes families. And there is no such thing to blacks..most the blacks kids I grew up with had zero parental structure at home.. The ones who did turned out OK..for as big a dick as Clive is , he raised a damn good daughter because he was involved. If people would stop being coddling vaginas and called them out for what is really going on we (white people) wouldn’t be on the wrong end of life altering allegations…you Turtleboy are soft…either speak the whole truth or nothing at all you pussy

      • GoogleThomasSowell
        May 5, 2016 at 10:13 pm

        Thomas Sowell and I approve of this TB explanation about “black community.”

  • BlackandWhite
    May 5, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    I think what matters the most about this whole situation is the children and how comfortable the children actually are going to this school. And what is being done about bullying? The mother’s letter noted that 3 meetings had been cancelled?? If the school administration did in fact set up definitive times/meetings with this Mother and her advocates, then why were the 3 meetings cancelled?? Something is fishy about the meetings being cancelled.

    Need more information. Not enough facts have been presented. And how do we know if they are true facts or speculation??

  • blacks are aggressive by nature
    May 5, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    So this person is leaving really racist comments. We see that everyone is bitching and whining about their comments being censored. So literally 30 minutes ago we took off all censored words, and within minutes we have assholes writing racist shit. Can’t have it both ways people.

    Turtleboy Management

  • blacks are aggressive by nature
    May 5, 2016 at 2:52 pm

    My name is Carlo Baldino. I leave incendiary and racist comments on here to make it seem like Turtle Riders are racist.

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