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ESPN.com — Penn State will be eligible for the postseason this year and will have all its scholarships returned next year, after the NCAA agreed Monday afternoon to again reduce sanctions stemming from the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.
Penn State’s athletics integrity monitor, former Sen. George Mitchell, recommended both actions in his second annual report that gauges progress made by the university. Minutes after the report was announced, the NCAA said it would follow both recommendations immediately.
“Penn State has made remarkable progress over the past year,” said South Carolina president Harris Pastides, a member of the NCAA’s board of directors. “The board members and I believe the executive committee’s decision is the right one. It allows both the university and the association to continue to move toward a common goal of ensuring that educating, nurturing and protecting young people is a top priority.”
Scott Paterno, a son of Paterno’s and a spokesman for the family, said a lawsuit brought against the NCAA and Penn State will continue despite the most recent reduction in sanctions.
“Finding out the full truth is the first priority and focus,” Paterno said. “I am also hopeful and certain that at some time his victories will be restored.”
The reduction comes one season after the NCAA scaled back the scholarships penalty following a glowing review by Mitchell in his first annual report. Originally, Penn State would have been able to field only 65 scholarship players this season; now that number is at 75.
NCAA president Mark Emmert announced the major sanctions in July 2012, penalties that some experts heralded as “worse than the death penalty,” of shutting the program down entirely for a brief period. Originally, Penn State faced a four-year postseason ban in addition to reduced scholarship numbers, the $60 million fine and the ability for players to transfer elsewhere without penalty for one year.
“This is deserved because those penalties were never deserved,” said Jay Paterno, former Penn State assistant under his father. “I am happy for the university and the team. This is a great thing for the university and the football program but there is still a lot to be done and a lot to be corrected. I think the NCAA saying this relief is because of the Mitchell report process is a cover for the fact that there was a faulty Freeh report.”
It’s been so long since the Penn State thing went down that I almost forgot how much I despise these delusional MORONS. There are a lot of idiots out there, but simply NO ONE – not St. Bonaventue fans, not Vernon Hill parents, not even the Boston Globe – can come close to the idiocy of Penn State fans. It’s like a rule that if you attend school there then you are brainwashed to think that the world revolves around Penn State football.
First of all, how the hell do you make “progress” if you’re Penn State? Go five years without letting your coaches rape a bunch of boys? Really setting the bar high there in State College. This is a school where Joe Paterno KNEW that he was not only employing a child molester, but letting him use Penn State facilities as BAIT to lure troubled young boys into the showers to be violated. And Penn State fans like this will tell you the following:
He fulfilled his “legal obligations.” Ya got that? He told the mailman that a bunch of kids were being molested by Jerry Sandusky. Nothing happened. He gave up and went back to FOOTBALL!!! Therefore all is well.
And what is the first thing that the vile spawn of Joe Paterno does when it’s announced that the NCAA said “fuck it” to the punishment they handed down? They say that they’re “hopeful and certain that at some time his victories will be restored.” I’ve seen Massachusetts judges with more balls than the NCAA just showed. The comments of the Paterno clan and their fans are all the proof you need that the culture of dooshnozzlery never died during the “sanctions” from the NCAA.
Fuck all of these people. Hopeful that wins are restored? What the fuck is wrong with these people? This is what matters to you? A bunch of wins that your creepy, child molester enabling father got while he was the coach at your school for five million years? This is why everyone hates you people.
Yea, I know that the students at Penn State had nothing to do with all those kids getting raped. But what they fail to understand is that all that shit went down because football became bigger than everything, and the students were a large part of that. Football became SO BIG that old man Paterno couldn’t be bothered with his serial rapist buddy who was diddling kids ON PENN STATE PROPERTY!! You people needed a ten year breather. We needed a new generation of Penn State students who weren’t completely brainwashed by the Paterno crowd. We all needed a fresh start…..years down the line.
Instead the NCAA caved because they’re run by a bunch of corrupt idiot politicians from the South. And nothing good EVER comes from the South. Instead of getting a new Penn State, we got the old one. And the “Penn State is the victim crowd” is still alive and well at State College PA. If they had waited seven or eight more years they’d all be gone. But instead they released the beast. And right on cue guess what are the Penn State students doing?
Busting out their JoePa cardboard cutouts:
A Joe Paterno cutout makes its appearance at an Old Main rally celebrating the end of the bowl ban. (photo: @rysChen) pic.twitter.com/xpnMsbcFlB
— Onward State (@OnwardState) September 9, 2014
Applauding themselves for forcing the NCAA to give them back what is rightfully their’s in their diluted minds:
Nittanyville president @Vido27 is speaking: "We've all been angry, but we kept on going. And it's worked! The sanctions are gone!"
— Onward State (@OnwardState) September 9, 2014
Chanting, “where’s the statue,” as in “where is the statue of Joe Paterno which the school took down on account of him letting his buddy Jerry diddle kids while he game planned for Nebraska. (click on the X on the top left to hear the Vine audio):
"Where's the statue?" https://t.co/0qg6qVwzOv
— Onward State (@OnwardState) September 9, 2014
Chanting “409,” as in give JoePa 409 wins in the record books instead of 298, because that’s what REALLY matters:
It's obvious which sanction the students want the @NCAA to repeal next. #409. https://t.co/nGfgZSAQlV
— Onward State (@OnwardState) September 9, 2014
and chanting “Joe Paterno” just for the fuck of it:
Upwards of a thousand people have gathered outside Old Main, and "Joe Paterno!" chants echo throughout the campus. https://t.co/pWcWUnpgyq
— Onward State (@OnwardState) September 9, 2014
See Penn State, this is why you can’t have nice things like football. Because football is an extra bone we throw to state funded colleges like yours who don’t let kids get diddled. Sure, you could’ve just celebrated the fact that you are “bowl eligible” by chanting “we are Penn State” or “beat Rutgers” or something related to your actual current football team.
But nope, you couldn’t do that could you? You just instinctively start whining about a decrepit old man who is burning in hell for letting kids get molested for ten straight years. And make no doubt about it. The proof is undeniable – he knew about it and reported it to the people immediately above him. They did nothing about it and instead of, I dunno, calling the cops, your hero JoePa said “fuck it, I tried” and went back to game planning for Ohio State. Because that’s all that EVER mattered to him. Winning football games so that you idiots would put a statue up of him and look past all the other shit.
You know what makes these dooshnozzles even more idiotic? None of them were alive when Penn State won their last National Championship. However, every single one of them was a child while kids were getting molested at Penn State, and Penn State football was the bait that got those kids in the facility.
Oh yea, and one last thing – how stupid are all these fucktards for caring about BOWL GAMES???!!! Like, how much of a dumbass do you have to be to give a flying fuck if your college football team makes the Insight.com Bowl? I love Notre Dame football, but if they’re not playing in the National Championship game, then I’m not watching their bowl game. Because it’s irrelevant who wins bowl games. They’re nothing more than exhibition games. The winners don’t matter. Both team’s seasons are over and neither is the champion. That’s all you need to know about how stupid and pointless bowl games are.
So nice going NCAA. You just gave the worst people on earth the feeling of vindication. Now they’re never gonna shut up about how they’re the victims who overcame the oppression and conspiracies against them and their child molester enabling coach. Pennsylvania – the Florida of the North.
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8 Comment(s)
wow this is so Penn State it hurts.
$500,000 what’s that like $5 bucks from every kid in your giant cult?
About the response I was expecting…
A little story for you. Back in 2001 I was a sophomore at Penn State. I was a decent student at the time but my then girlfriend was a 4.0 student. I attended her induction into an honors fraternity one evening. Jerry Sandusky happened to be the guest speaker. Now this was obviously a decade before the horrible revelations came to light, so he was revered as a legend at the time. I still remember being honored to shake his hand after his speech. We spoke of life at Penn State, and football, and his work with the Second Mile. I went back to my dorm that evening with a smile on my face and a pretty cool story to tell my roommates.
Exactly ten years later I was in Florida celebrating my honeymoon with my wife when news of the Penn State scandal broke. I almost threw up listening to the allegations, and I’m man enough to admit I shed a few tears. I had met this “man”, spoke with him, shook his hand not knowing the evil he may have committed earlier that same day or week. I felt dirty. I felt deceived. I felt disgusted.
Let me start by saying you’re a witty writer and I’m happy to see your blog doing so well. However, you are better than this article. This post was opportunistic, predictable, and dare I say “Barstool-light”. If you want an interesting angle talk to some of us Penn Staters who lived through this storm.
We are ashamed by what happened. It’s a stain that our University can never wash completely clean. However, we can, and we are, doing everything in our power to show what We Are Penn State TRULY means. In the weeks following the scandal news breaking in 2011 we raised over $500,000 as a Penn State community to fight sexual abuse. This was barely mentioned in the media because it didn’t support the “cult” story they wanted to push. Furthermore, my greatest moments at Penn State did not come at football games. They came in mid-February of each year at an event called THON. This is a 48 hour dance marathon to raise money for pediatric cancer. We raised over $13 million last year alone and over $114 million all-time. THON is the largest student run philanthropy in the world and represents what it truly means when we say We Are Penn State.
To label an entire University and alumni base of over 400,000 people based on the actions of a handful of men and the words of a vocal minority is beyond foolish. As a community we will never forget those horrible acts, and we will never forget the victims. However, we refuse to hang our heads in shame forever. We will continue to excel in the classroom. We will continue to help children through THON. And yes we will even continue cheering on our football team.
How do you explain the thousands of people chanting “joe paterno” and “where’s the statue”? There were THOUSANDS!!!
I’m assuming you’ve read the entire grand jury testimony transcript? The entire Freeh Report? The entire third party critique of the Freeh Report? The entire Mitchell Report?
…or are you just basing your opinion on what the mass media told you?
I’ve read every piece of it thoroughly. It’s disgusting. If you support joe pas statue coming back then you are proving my point for me.
I don’t care about a statue. What part of my comment made me seem that petty??? Joe himself wouldn’t care about the statue or the win record either. If you’re being honest about reading all the above material you would know there was no evidence of Joe being involved in a cover-up. In hindsight did he wish he had done more? Absolutely! Did the media focus on his failings because it would get them the highest ratings? Of course! Did the authorities know about Sandusky before Joe did? Yes they did! Did the District Attorney refuse to press charges even after being presented evidence? Yup, that happened too! Did the then attorney general devote most of his resources to investigate political rivals and only put one investigator on the Sandusky case? Yeah, also sadly true. MANY people failed these children.