Play The Ware Mugshot Matching Game

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Turtleboy would be lost without the Ware PD Facebook page. It’s the greatest form of people watching that has ever existed. So we’re going to introduce a new game called “Ware rap sheet matching.” We show you a bunch of mugshots from the Ware PD page, you have to match them up with their crime. Here are today’s cast of characters:






C.  13700226_987638454688700_34013989341063595_n


D.  13620921_981959745256571_344204554417733030_n



E.  13726794_985501691569043_5181907394524722334_n


F.  13707679_985509018234977_4130746416738863170_n



And here are the crimes they were arrested for:

1. A&B with a Dangerous Weapon and Disorderly Conduct

2. Three Counts of Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) subsequent offense and two Counts of Distribution of a Class B Substance (Crack Cocaine) subsequent offense

3. DUI

4. Driving stolen car.

5. Organized family drug dealing organization. Arrested for distribution of Class A, C, and D substances, as well as possession of a firearm in commission of a felony.

6. Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, A&B on a Police Officer

Now match them up….


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Here’s your answers…..

A. 5. Organized family drug dealing organization. Arrested for distribution of Class A, C, and D substances, as well as possession of a firearm in commission of a felony. 




This is what we call a Warren family reunion. Although the father still faces potential charges of possession of narcotics without a chin.


B. 4. Driving stolen car.


Kind of surprised by this one. I would’ve personally bet on DUI or heroin possession. The best part was the explanation in one of the comments:

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When you can’t get your hands on a tent, you might as well take someone else’s car.


C. 2. Three Counts of Distribution of a Class A Substance (Heroin) subsequent offense and two Counts of Distribution of a Class B Substance (Crack Cocaine) subsequent offense

What a fantastic mugshot. This man is as Ware as it gets. Wife beater? Check. Five o’clock shadow? Check. Looks like he just got out of bed? Check. Refuses to even look at the camera? Check. There were some other guys who got arrested for the same crime this week who we considered putting into the quiz, but ultimately this guy had it all. These were our runner ups:





D. 6. Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, A&B on a Police Officer


This was the easiest one. That man right there has no problem hitting a cop. He will never leave town and he will always be the crazy drunk guy on Main Street who yells at schoolchildren.


E. 1. A&B with a Dangerous Weapon and Disorderly Conduct


This Ware legend got in a fight in the CVS parking lot, because apparently the Walmart parking lot was booked on that day. From the sound of it, you don’t mess with Tommy’s family when you’re in the mean streets of Ware!!
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I know, I know. We all thought this was the guy with the DUI didn’t we?


But it was the angry chick the whole time. Would’ve sworn she was Assault and Battery with dangerous weapon. I wouldn’t mess with that chick.



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Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Bennie’s Cafe,  JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban BarbecueSmitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors,, The Gun Parlor Range, Attorney Anthony Salerno, Harris Auto Body, Rotti Power Equipment in West Boylston

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8 Comment(s)
  • bigdaddy
    July 22, 2016 at 12:47 pm

    C looks like Tim Robbins after Susan Sarnadon left him

  • Love, Me
    July 22, 2016 at 10:11 am

    My favorite is B – caught driving a stolen car. Gives zero fucks.

  • bb
    July 22, 2016 at 9:49 am

    Sal you uninformed ass, we have a large share of trash (white and other colors) to say this is all that is left, still many solid hard working people here (including this Polack) . Where is all that trash on Upper Church.

    • Sal Monella
      July 22, 2016 at 4:56 pm

      The homes used to be nicely kept, yards beautiful. Took a drive up there Wednesday, through the Park where I played as a kid. It’s gone way, way downhill in 50 years. Up and down Church I saw the same Uniform: stained shorts and wife beater t shirts. That used to be only on Otis Ave and Vigeant Street.

      The old Walker Funeral home on the corner of Pleasant and Church looks like the Bates Motel. Rich and Dot Walker would be horrified at its condition.

      The Polish immigrants used to come over with nothing in their pockets, work 16 hours a day, 6 days a week until they could buy a house. Then they’d keep it up, proud of what they earned as what they left in Poland was terrible, wrecked by Germany then The Soviets.

      Ware used to be a town with lots of people who never had much but what they had they kept it in good shape. Now the place is starting to look like Detroit.

      Yes, there are pockets in the town that don’t look too bad but with the burned out tooth gaps on Main Street and opioid addicts smoking pills in front of the Rite Aid ( saw that too ) it’s a place to remember as it was not as it is.

      Perhaps you are the uniformed one. You look but you don’t see.

  • Sal Monella
    July 21, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    Ahh, Ware, gateway to Gilbertville! When the shoe mill burned back about 1979 or 1980 lots of the hard working Polacks moved out and what’s left is white trash. Even upper Church Street: rich people used to live there. Rich in Ware means you get WIC and EBT now. Sad, drug addled sewer.

    When something falls off a cliff there’s no climbing back up. Need proof? Look at the pictures again.

    • Sterling Turtle Rider
      July 23, 2016 at 12:43 am

      Shoe factory fire? I bet some heel started it…

      How many soles were lost?

  • BB
    July 21, 2016 at 4:09 pm


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